♥︎ - protective skz

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basically here you're dating them at youre at a party and someone comes up to you (drunk) trying to flirt w u

♡ - you two were minding your own business at a new years party, sitting down and talking about whatever until someone came over to you both, stumbling
♡ - "omg, you're so fucking-"
♡ - "dude, back away," chan warned
♡ - you wanted to tell him not to engage, but you couldn't lie and say this wasn't interesting
♡ - "or w-what?"
♡ - chan simply stood up and said "let me show you"
♡ - "uh nevermind haha... " he stuttered, walking away quickly
♡ - he probably looked at how muscular (HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN'S ARMS??) chan looked and decided that a fight wasn't worth it
♡ - "thank you, chan"
♡ - "no problem, how about i become your new bodyguard, hm?"

♡ - you guys went to the club bc your friend was having a birthday party there
♡ - you were seated at the bar, when all of a sudden a man came up to you
♡ - "h-hey, you're so pretty... can i get your number?"
♡ - you hoped he saw the disturbed look on your face, but when you noticed that he in fact, did not, you opened your mouth to say something
♡ - but ofc minho did first
♡ - "they are really pretty arent they? look here's their number," minho said, dialing something on that random guy's phone
♡ - you were about to cuss him out, when the guy said "thanks!" and wobbled over somewhere else
♡ - "what the fuc-"
♡ - "chill, i gave him the number for mcdonalds. it took a lot in me not to beat him up, i would be crazy to give him your number," he smirked, and you rolled your eyes at him playfully
♡ - "wonder how he'll feel when he realizes that's not my number"

♡ - changbins friend had rented out a fancy restaurant for a "welcome back" party
♡ - you agreed to go out with changbin (ofc) but after you guys ordered you noticed a guy that kept staring at you from a few tables away
♡ - changbin noticed how uncomfortable you seemed, so he was about to request a different table but you promised that you were okay as along as that guy didn't approach you
♡ - but of course, he came up to you
♡ - "you're hot as fuck, can i-"
♡ - "get the fuck away from the table before i punch the shit outta you," changbin said very seriously, his whole face changed and he looked really intimidating, especially when he stood up (you weren't gonna lie he looked extremely hot but now wasn't the time for that)
♡ - the guy's face changed comically fast into one of fear and he immediately left the table
♡ - "thank you omg, not to use his words but you looked so hot-"
♡ - he smirked giving you a kiss and sitting back down

♡ - you both were at a get together with some old friends from school
♡ - one of the guys that used to have a crush on you apparently drank too much because he kept trying to flirt with you
♡ - no matter how uncomfortable you expressed you were, he wouldn't leave you alone
♡ - "your eyes are so pretty-"
♡ - "hey, can you go? they've asked you to leave multiple times so back the fuck off," hyunjin said
♡ - "and if i dont?"
♡ - "do you really want to find out? fuck. off."
♡ - "okay, chill, dude," the guy laughed, tripping over his own feet trying to get away from you and hyunjin
♡ - you both looked at each other, trying not to laugh
♡ - "guess he ended up falling for me"
♡ - "oh shut up," you laughed, hitting hyunjin in the arm jokingly

♡ -  jisung noticed some drunk guy was eyeing you ever since you arrived at your best friends birthday party
♡ - "do you have a staring problem?" jisung finally asked
♡ - "watch this," the guy said, walking over to you
♡ - "hell no. back up, they're mine"
♡ - "not for long-"
♡ - "you know what," jisung looked around for the nearest thing he could throw at the man
♡ - "ji, he's drunk don't-"
♡ - "can i beat him up? just a punch and i promise i won't do anymore. well unless-"
♡ - "okay, it wasn't that deep... i surrender or whatever, jeez"
♡ - "that's not fair, i never get to beat up people in your honor!"
♡ - you laughed, "maybe next time, ji"

♡ - you and felix were dressed up fancy in matching couple outfits
♡ - you went to a friends party/fashion show (that was the theme of the party)
♡ - and a lot of people were drinking
♡ - felix had left for two minutes to go wash his hands when suddenly a drunk man came up to you, asking for your number
♡ - "im taken, no thank you," you said politely
♡ - "and? i don't care-"
♡ - "can you move the fuck out of my way and leave my s/o alone?" felix said, standing behind the drunk man
♡ - his deep voice seemed to scare the guy away seeing as he gasped and ran off he screamed something out too, but his words were hard to decipher
♡ - "did he just say 'sorry, sir'" you and felix laughed
♡ - "i think so but idk really," he said, "i thought he called me batman"

♡ - your friend had rented out the club for your upcoming birthday
♡ - apparently there was a mistake and the club allowed people in that weren't invited to your party
♡ - you said that it was okay, and not a big deal. you just wanted to enjoy the night with your boyfriend and friends
♡ - you were dancing with seungmin when a drunk guy came up to you, using cringey pick up lines
♡ - "hah.. hey, are you single cause- uh cause i- you-"
♡ - "no, im not single," you said, "im dating someone so-"
♡ - "too bad they're not around, right? can i kiss-"
♡ - seungmin immediately started laughing, watching this interaction was so awkward
♡ - "alright, you've had your fun. leave." he said smirking, he looked pretty intimidating right now
♡ - "but i wanted a kiss-"
♡ - "you can kiss my ass and shut the fuck up," seungmin said, smiling tauntingly (cutest smile ever omg)
♡ - the guy quickly shook his head, walking off
♡ - seungmin scoffed, "hope he didn't ruin the night"
♡ - you kissed seungmin, "nope, i was actually trying not to laugh"

♡ - beach party!
♡ - you and jeongin and the rest of members decided to go to the beach for some fun
♡ - everything was fine until a guy pushed jeongin trying to get over to you
♡ - "can i get your number-"
♡ - "please go away. have a good day," jeongin said, at least he was trying to be nice
♡ - but he looked pissed
♡ - "but maybe-"
♡ - "go. away. or do i have to make you leave forcefully?"
♡ - the guy backed away slowly, putting his hands up
♡ - "did he push you?"
♡ - "yeah, but im fine as long as you're okay," he said wrapping his arm around your waist
♡ - "awwwww" you heard some of the members say
♡ - "shut the fuck up-"


if this needs editing pls tell me so i can fix it!! i really needed to post this cause i just kept looking it over

thank you guys for 99.1k reads!! <333

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