♥︎ - they saw you hurting yourself

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pls do not read this if you're not comfortable

requested by s4lemst4rz

- you don't know why you did it
♡ - you just felt unloved. no one had responded to any of your texts in two days, and chan hadnt had time to see you
♡ - "what if he doesn't love me anymore?" "what if he found someone better?"
♡ - before you knew it, you cut yourself
♡ - and a few minutes after, chan walked into the room
♡ - he saw your bloody wrist and a blade with your blood on it
♡ - "baby- baby what happened?" he rushed over to you, extremely worried
♡ - "i- im sorry..."
♡ - "why are you sorry?" he looked so concerned and you felt terrible.
♡ - "i don't know, i just- i wasn't thinking, im sorry, channie"
♡ - "no, it's okay baby, come here. did i do something to make you do this? did someone say something to you? did you start overthinking again?"
♡ - "yes, i don't know why. i thought about you and my family and friends just hating me"
♡ - he took the blade away, ran to go get the first aid box, and came back
♡ - "it's okay baby, we'll fix this together, okay? do you want to talk about this? i love you so much please always remember that."

♡ - you woke up to minho bandaging your cuts
♡ - "min? what happened?"
♡ - "i came in here an hour ago and found you with these cuts all over your arms. did one of the cats do this?"
♡ - oh shit. you forgot that last night you cut yourself after your best friend who had been there for you since middle school had decided you weren't enough for them anymore
♡ - "um... no the cats didn't do it." you sighed. should you tell him what really happened? "i did."
♡ - "what?" he blinked
♡ - "i-i cut myself... on purpose."
♡ - he didn't say anything, he just hugged you until finally, he muttered, "just know i'll always be here for you, no matter what you go through, okay? i love you so much. do you feel comfortable talking about it?"

♡ - he walked into the room with a bouquet of flowers, chocolates and a cute plushie since it was valentines day
♡ - what he saw though, made him drop everything and run over to you
♡ - you were either passed out or sleeping on the couch with cuts all over your arms
♡ - he picked you up, grabbing the first aid kit and set you back down on the bed
♡ - you woke up after he finished bandaging the cuts, and explained everything to him
♡ - "i just felt so insecure about myself and i just did it." you said quietly, you felt like a kid that had been caught doing something wrong
♡ - "my love, i don't know what you're insecure about, because in my eyes you are perfect. im so sorry i failed to show you how perfect you are, but i'll try to make it up to you starting now."
♡ - "bin, it's not your fault-" he cut you off by kissing you, and after that, he ran to go get you your gifts
♡ - "i love you so fucking much, okay?"

♡ - you were taking a really long time in the bathroom and hyunjin was starting to get worried
♡ - he called you several times, and when you didn't respond to any of them, he decided to open the door himself
♡ - and what he found was you crying and bleeding on the floor
♡ - "hyunjin..." you whispered
♡ - "baby!- baby, what happened...are you okay?" he felt himself start crying just looking at you
♡ - "i wasn't thinking straight." you explained
♡ - "i- oh... okay. it's gonna be okay. im here now, alright? you can tell me what happened when you feel ready okay?" he sniffled, "please, if you're ever going through anything you can talk to me, okay? i will never leave you."

♡ - he walked in the second you were about to cut yourself
♡ - "y/n!- baby? what are you doing?"
♡ - "i- i was just.. um... " you tried to make up a lie, but you couldn't
♡ - "did you- are you trying to-" he stammered
♡ - "yes." you said without thinking, "i just- i don't know..."
♡ - "believe me i've been here before, my friend- they...nevermind. you want to talk to me about it?" he crouched down next to you, trying so hard not to cry
♡ - "um.. sure. i just- just don't feel good enough."
♡ - "oh, baby you are so more than enough. i love you more than i can say. want me to show you?" he said. kissing you all over your face

♡ - felix had been busy trying to surprise you, but you didn't know that. you thought he was avoiding you
♡ - that mixed with the sudden news of the death of your pet caused you to inflict pain on yourself so you could focus on something else
♡ - and when felix walked into the room, shouting, "surprise!" he turned out to be the surprised one
♡ - "darling? why do you- omg.." he rushed over, grabbing the blade out of your hand and looked into your eyes
♡ - "how long?" he said, he looked like he was seconds away from tears
♡ - "this is- this is the first time."
♡ - "did i say or do anything?"
♡ - "no i- it's stupid... i wasn't really thinking right, okay? just missed you and then... this."
♡ - he wiped the blood off your small cut. thankfully, he got there before you had the chance to do anymore than that
♡ - he treated the wound before kissing your bandaid, he always did that when you got hurt. "love is the best medicine," he would say
♡ - "come here, baby. if you ever feel like doing this again, please talk to me and we can find a better way to solve our problems together, yeah? like we used too."

♡ - a group of old friends had been telling you that you didn't deserve seungmin and that you weren't good enough for him
♡ - looking in the mirror you felt ugly and useless
♡ - even though seungmin would always tell you how beautiful you were, the girls' words got to you
♡  - and you cut your waist before you could stop yourself
♡ - about 10 minutes after, seungmin walked into the room and saw the cuts all over your waist
♡ - "y/n- shit- y/n!" he pulled the blade from you before you could cut yourself anymore and he felt himself start crying
♡ - "what are you- why? you are so beautiful, my love. did someone tell you something?" you shook your head yes. "you don't need to change anything about yourself. you mean the world to me and that's all that matters. i don't care what others think about you... it was those girls wasn't it? i promise i will-"
♡ - "im sorry i let what they said get to me. im so sorry."
♡ - "don't be sorry, it's okay. it happens. now let me fix this, okay?"

♡ - he noticed you being distant but didn't think that much of it until you stopped doing things you used to do normally, like showing affection
♡ - one night, he came home to you crying in pain
♡ - "y/n?" jeongin walked over to see you bleeding. "y/n? what happened?"
♡ - "i don't feel like myself anymore. i don't even know why youre still dating me-" he kissed you, and threw the blade somewhere in the room
♡ - "don't ever think bad of yourself. do you want to talk this out or do you need some time first?"
♡ - you thought for a second before opting for the first option.
♡ - "okay, just going to start this out by saying that im the one that doesn't deserve you. you give me so much joy, and i don't know what i would do without you."


please talk to someone, and don't hurt yourself, it's not worth it. life will get better! :)

thank you guys for 37.4k reads and thanks for the votes!! haven't posted angst in a while, huh?

whats your fav skz dance choreo?

and omg this story is so long

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