♥︎ - you made them cry

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requested by Minhosfiance_1

♡ - he was very stressed out, and you put a little too much attitude into something you said, which caused him to cry
♡ - he came home from the studio at 3 am, and he walked in to see you in the bed
♡ - "baby, are you sleeping?"
♡ - "does it fucking look like i'm sleeping?"
♡ - chan didn't answer, instead he let out a quiet whimper
♡ - was he crying?
♡ - you turned around and saw him crying
♡ - and you immediately felt bad
♡ - "channie? come here" you whispered
♡ - he sat down next to you and you opened your arms, giving him a hug
♡ - "i'm sorry. are you okay?" you asked, still holding him
♡ - he shook he head, "i just wanted to cuddle with you but i didn't want to wake you up so-"
♡ - "its not your fault, youre so nice to me, you know that? here we can cuddle now, okay? again, im sorry"
♡ - you both laid down, holding each other close

♡ - breakup prank
♡ - "minho come here. we need to talk" you said, patting the seat next to you
♡ - you looked very serious, which made minho a little suspicious
♡ - "i found someone else, so, im leaving you. can you help me move my stuff out of the house?"
♡ - honestly, he thought you were joking
♡ - he waited there for a few minutes, waited for you to tell him it was a joke
♡ - but you didn't
♡ - and he didn't even notice he started crying until your face dropped
♡ - "min- i was kidding im sorry omg. that- that wasn't a good joke... "
♡ - you wiped his tears off his face, and you noticed he hadnt said anything for a while
♡ - "min? im sorr-"
♡ - he hugged you tightly, cutting you off
♡ - "i hate you, don't scare me like that again"

♡ - he was being his normal energetic self
♡ - he was singing and dancing around the house and you couldn't concentrate
♡ - you were so stressed out about exams/work, so you yelled at him
♡ - "changbin shut the fuck up! im trying to work, why are you always so fucking annoying?"
♡ - "i-"
♡ - "i don't wanna hear it! you never know how to shut up! just-"
♡ - "sorry... " he mumbled with a sniffle
♡ - he walked into his room, shutting the door quietly and turning his music off
♡ - you felt bad pretty instantly, so you went to the both of yours room
♡ - he was crying a little, and you felt your heart break
♡ - "bin, im- im sorry"
♡ - "it's fine... i was being annoying and-"
♡ - you quickly kissed him, "no it's my fault, you were being yourself and i love that. i love you. im sorry"

♡ - he missed you a lot during tour
♡ - all he wanted was a hug and a kiss from you
♡ - but you pushed him away pretty harshly
♡ - "can you get the fuck off of me? why the fuck are you always so clingy? im clearly busy!"
♡ - "baby-"
♡ - "go. away."
♡ - you watched him walk off, and heard him start sniffling
♡ - it took you a few seconds to realize he was crying
♡ - "im such an asshole," you mumbled, walking over to him
♡ - "hyune? im sorry for lashing out on you like that, you didn't do anything wrong. can i make it up to you?"
♡ - he nodded, "how?
♡ - "how about we cuddle and take a much needed nap?" you smiled, and you felt him give you a kiss
♡ - "i would love that"

♡ - poor jisung had a long day at work and just wanted to spend time with you
♡ - "baby can we-"
♡ - "leave me alone jisung, get out"
♡ - "but-"
♡ - "leave, jisung! i don't want you in here being loud and obnoxious like you always are"
♡ - he didn't say anything, instead he slammed the door and let his tears fall
♡ - the words you let out replayed in your head and you realized you fucked up
♡ - you walked out of your office into the bedroom
♡ - "ji? im sorry, baby, im so sorry for yelling at you and calling you obnoxious," you said, crawling onto the bed
♡ - jisung was facing away from you, and you felt your heart shatter when you heard him crying
♡ - "hannie, im so sorry. what can i do to make it up to you?"
♡ - he sniffled quietly and turned around to face you, "cheesecake?"
♡ - "of course"

♡ - you had an argument over something dumb
♡ - "i just asked you to do one fucking thing, felix! one! ive been busy all day and you couldn't spare five minutes of your free time?"
♡ - " i told you i was-"
♡ - "i don't give a fuck about what you were doing! you clearly don't give a shit about me or you-"
♡ - he started crying, "love, i was making you a gift! i wasn't trying to ignore you or anything"
♡ - even when you two were fighting, he still called you "love"
♡ - actually, you started crying as well
♡ - "im sorry... im really sorry for yelling at you" you said, hugging him
♡ - "it's okay, im sorry for yelling too"
♡ - "how about i make you something too? i really don't deserve you"

♡ - you had both been ignoring each other over a really petty argument you had
♡ - you guys hadn't talked in two days and it was starting to get to the both of you
♡ - it was a test of time to see who would apologize first but it actually ended up being the both of you at the same time
♡ - when it was time for the two of you to go to sleep, you both said an "im sorry"
♡ - "finally," seungmin whispered
♡ - you smiled, giving him the tightest hug you could possibly give
♡ - you both started crying eventually, due to the missed feeling of each other's arms, warmth and smell
♡ - "i guess i did miss you, even though you're really annoying" he said, wiping both yours and his tears
♡ - "could say the same about you"

♡ - "jeongin could you turn down the volume!? im on a business call!"
♡ - that was the third time you'd asked him, and after he still didn't listen, you made sure your mic was muted and stormed into your bedroom
♡ - all you saw was jeongin with headphones on, minding his own business
♡ - "felix, he's right behind you! hes- y/n?"
♡ - "ive asked you multiple times to turn the fucking volume down! im trying to be productive and work here unlike you"
♡ - "y/n i was just-"
♡ - "no! you don't care about me or this house! you really don't because-"
♡ - "i do care! i was just playing games with felix and seungmin hyung for a while and then i was going to help you clean the house up! im sorry i didn't know you wanted me to turn the volume down"
♡ - he turned the volume down himself, saying a quick goodbye to his friends
♡ - all the while you didn't notice he was crying a bit
♡ - "im sorry- i didn't know you were gonna do that, and im sorry for saying that you don't care. you're a really good boyfriend and you prove that to me more and more everyday. seriously."
♡ - he smiled at the last thing you said mumbling an "i hate crying"
♡ - "you can go back and play games with felix and seungmin, ill clean up"
♡ - "um is y/n going to come back to the meeting?" you heard your boss ask
♡ - "oh shit."


thanks for 125k reads 🫶🫶

funniest skz moment?

sorry this is so late life has been so hectic recently

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