♡ saved - jisung

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requested by anonymous

you and jisung were both idols, and you'd both been dating for around 4 months now.

you were in a group in jyp called "stardust" whilst jisung was in stray kids.

this upcoming stage was going to be your way of announcing your relationship to everyone.

"jisung you look nervous, everything's going to be okay," you said, kissing him on the cheek before sitting next to him.

it was a few days before said stage and you could tell he was overthinking.

he nodded but still, he was frowning. "i dunno. i just- im just worried about the reaction from fans."

"im sure they'll be supportive," you smiled once again, which finally made jisung smile.

"you're always so positive, i don't know how you do that."

"trust me, i don't either."


it was the day of jisung and your's combined stage, and everything was bound to go exactly as planned considering how relentlessly you'd both been practicing.

you two had on matching makeup and matching outfits and honestly you both looked adorable together.

after getting your makeup done and thanking the artist, you ran over to your boyfriend to rehearse one last time.

"you alright?" you breathed out after warming up your voice.

"yeah, i think i'll be good-"

just as jisung was about to finish his sentence, he was cut off by a staff yelling, "han and y/n, stage time!"

"shit." you both said at the same time.

honestly you were just as nervous - if not more - as jisung, but you didn't want him to worry.

walking onto the stage was always the most nerve wrecking part for you, but hearing the cheers and the excitement of your fans when you started performing always killed your nerves.

as you waited for the song to start, you let out a breath. you knew everything was going to go fine.

well you thought it was.

you and jisung had nailed the choreo and singing so far and you both were almost halfway done. unfortunately, your in-ear had started to slip, so you went to fix it.

until you heard someone shout, "watch out!"

you immediately looked all around you, which caused you to stop your singing and dancing.

you saw a pretty big piece of what looked like stage equipment swing from the ceiling and it was coming straight at jisung.

you didn't think he could fully hear you telling him to move, so you ran to push him out of the way.

sadly, you didn't have enough time to dodge the equipment yourself and slowly everything went black and quiet.


"baby?...they're not dead right?"

"no, sir. i believe theyre waking up."

you heard two primary voices, one of which was obviously your boyfriend.

your body felt numb, but your senses started coming to you all at once.

you opened your eyes to see jisung and what looked like a doctor above you.

"baby, are you okay-"

"i- what happened?"

"you were hit by a big piece of stage equipment," the doctor said, "a light apparently. sounds like a big lawsuit to me."

"you're right, jyp's getting sued today-"

"so whats wrong with me? am i gonna be okay?"

"you're suffering from brain trauma. im gonna need you to rest for a few weeks."

"weeks?" you and jisung both said at the same time.

weeks? you had a busy life, a busy schedule. you didn't have time to be resting right now.

"yes. i'll give you the medication you need and you'll get better soon."

you really hoped you would.

you and jisung.


jisung stayed in the hospital with you all night and neither of you even thought to look at the feedback of your stage.

you asked jisung to look at what stays and sunshines (your fandom) thought about the performance.

"y/n hit with a light saving her boyfriend?" one article said.

jisung began to read the comments out loud for you.

"i hope y/n gets well soon!! that was so brave of them."

"i would get hit with equipment for han jisung too, y/n. i understand." someone said, making you both giggle.

"interesting way to introduce a new relationship. they're cute together though."

"LAWSUI. LAWSUIT. " he read in the funniest voice he could.

"okay! okay! stop, ji. im gonna laugh too hard, i might hit my head again."

he got up to give you a really soft and slow kiss on the lips.

"thank you for saving me btw, you're my hero y'know?"

"oh stop," you rolled your eyes jokingly. "but if you keep kissing me like that i'd get hit again."

your boyfriend laughed, kissing you again before sitting down in the chair placed next to you.

"i feel like this is going to be longer than a few weeks," you sighed.

he grabbed your hand, "no matter how long it takes for you to recover im right here with you, okay?"

you nodded, smiling at him.

"love you, superman," he said.

"love you too, spiderman."


thank you guys for 143k reads !! <333 (why do i keep getting attracted)

if you could work with stray kids, would you be a makeup artist or stylist?

(this story was supposed to come out so long ago im sorry)

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