♥︎ - first anniversary

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♡ - took you to a fancy restaurant
♡ - you guys were also matching in all black
♡ - he picked you up in a limo 😭😭
♡ - "chan, how the fuck-"
♡ - "shh, don't worry about it. you look stunning, baby"
♡ - the restaurant was cold, so chan gave you his blazer
♡ - "thank you" you whispered. you didn't know why you were being so shy, you'd know him for a long time
♡ - chan talked to you about how he wanted his future with you to go until the food arrived
♡ - it was delicious
♡ - "thank you, channie"
♡ - "happy one year, baby!"
♡ - you were still wondering where tf he got that limo from though...

♡ - took you out to a candle lit dinner
♡ - "wow this shit is expensive" is what he whispered to you when he first saw the menu
♡ - "oh damn" you said as you looked at the menu and then at minho
♡ - you both giggled before ordering
♡ - minho looked so pretty in the lighting, which caused you to lose focus
♡ - "why are you looking at me like that?"
♡ - "because you're pretty"
♡ -  he blushed from your words which made you happy bc you got him all flustered
♡ - you guys had a wonderful evening even though the food was expensive af

♡ - took you to your favorite places
♡ - places such as your favorite stores and restaurant
♡ - "baby, where do you want to go next?"
♡ - "can we go home? i want to watch a movie together"
♡ - he took you home and made a bunch of popcorn and prepared all your other favorite snacks
♡ - you guys cuddled while having a movie marathon
♡ - eventually you fell asleep in his arms <3

♡ - you guys went to an art museum bc you were both fascinated by art
♡ - the art museum was conveniently by a lake which is where you two spent the rest of your date.
♡ - "maybe i should take a picture of you by the lake so i can paint it?" he offered
♡ - you complied, and posed by the lake
♡ - he made one of the the pictures his lock screen
♡ - "hey! change that!" you thought you looked stupid in the picture
♡ - "no, you look beautiful in it. i love you." he said before kissing your forehead
♡ - "i love you too"

♡ - you guys went to an arcade
♡ - jisung was determined to beat you since you beat him last time you guys came
♡ - "HAHA, BITCH, I WIN AGAIN, LOSER!" you yelled at him
♡ - you guys almost got kicked out cause y'all were so loud
♡ - but it was worth it in the end bc it was so much fun playing in the arcade
♡ - especially bc you beat him in all the games again
♡ - he was sulking, but you won him a huge plushie and that made him happier
♡ - "that was so much fun"
♡ - "yeah, easy for you to say"

♡ - you had been talking about seeing twice in concert for a while now, and that wasn't a bad idea to felix considering he was a once too
♡ - amazingly, the day they were coming was on your anniversary
♡ - felix bought the both of you tickets
♡ - you also bought tickets, but the seats felix bought were better so you sold your tickets to someone else
♡ - you guys arrived with matching outfits and your candybongs
♡ - you almost passed out when jihyo waved to you which made felix laugh
♡ - "thank you, lixie"
♡ - "no, thank you, y/n"

♡ - you thought seungmin forgot until he showed up at your house at 1:00 pm
♡ - "hey. let's go."
♡ - "go where-"
♡ - you didnt get to finish because he dragged you to his car
♡ - turned out he set up a pretty fairy light lit date in the library
♡ - he bought you a book he thought you would like as well
♡ - once you two were done with the date, he brought you to a dessert place
♡ - "happy anniversary, y/n"
♡ - "happy anniversary, seungmin"

♡ - you guys had a day at the mall, just buying things for each other
♡ - the day ended with you and jeongin stargazing together
♡ - to others it may have been boring, but you two enjoyed it which is all that mattered
♡ - occasionally, he would whisper sweet nothings in your ear
♡ - eventually he gave you a kiss on the cheek
♡ - "you know i love you so much, right, y/n?"
♡ - "i love you too, jeongin. thank you for being with me"


happy stay day everyone!

how long have you guys been stays? :)

i've been a stay for about 3 years now i think?

anyways, thank you guys for 2.44k reads !!

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