♥︎ - first dates

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♡ - takes you out to a nice restaurant
♡ - pays for literally EVERYTHING.
♡ - still wants to take you somewhere else afterwards
♡ - you guys talk abt your jobs and hobbies you want to pick up
♡ - "don't you want to eat that?"
♡ - "chan, that's $200!"

♡ - it's a spa day!
♡ - said he wanted to relax w you
♡ - you guys have fun being pampered 👍
♡ - he askes you if you want your nails done
♡ - "they're cute."
♡ - "we should get matching ones next time"

♡ - takes you on a karaoke date
♡ - loves singing to you
♡ - y'all have so much fun dancing and messing around
♡ - "what song should we do next?"
♡ - "how abt thunderous?"

♡ - wants to do a painting class (or he'd just do it at home w you)
♡ - loves doing his favorite activity while spending time w his favorite person
♡ - he smiles so much it's adorable
♡ - "y/n, that painting is so pretty!"
♡ - "not as pretty as yours! "

♡ - movie date
♡ - the other option was staying at home but he decided he could continue the date at home once the movie was over
♡ - bought a lot of popcorn and other snacks
♡ - offered to sneak snacks into the movies, but you declined 💀
♡ - the movie was a comedy ofc
♡ - "that was so funny"
♡ - "i still make better jokes though"

♡ - y'all we're baking together, duh
♡ - showed you how to make a lot of sweets
♡ - gave you his brownie recipe too :)
♡ - you guys decorated the food together and it made you both so happy
♡ - "delicious"
♡ - "ikr"

♡ - it was a cafe date then you two went to the book store
♡ - the pastries were amazing
♡ - you got a few books you found interesting and seungmin bought you an album as well
♡ - "you should get that album too, heard it was really good"
♡ - "seungmin, that's your album"

♡ - was a picnic date
♡ - it was so cute, especially bc jeongin set it all up himself
♡ - all your favorite foods were there and you guys were unintentionally matching
♡ - it was a beautiful day too so that made it even better
♡ - "this is all so wonderful, jeongin!"
♡ - "glad you like it"

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