♥︎ - skz as husbands

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♡ - writes little notes around the house like "have a good day today! :)"
♡ - he will always give you a kiss and say an "i love you" before he leaves the house
♡ - doesn't matter if he's mad at you, or vice versa, you're getting that kiss
♡ - "i know you're mad at me, but i love you so much"

♡- usually never crys but when he saw you walk down the aisle, he couldn't help it
♡ - he was so smiley all day
♡ - but aside from your wedding i feel like he would make you lunches in the morning for work?
♡ - and he would send you pictures of the cats all the time
♡ - "we miss you" is a text he'll send with an attachment of soonie, doongie, and dori

♡ - whenever he comes home he shouts "honey, im home!" bc he thinks it's the funniest thing ever
♡ - usually walks in to see you cooking so he'll back hug you and ask you about your day
♡ - always compliments your cooking
♡ - literally swears it's the best food on the planet
♡ - "omfg, baby this is so good!"

♡ - will randomly get you flowers
♡ - makes a new reason for it everytime
♡ - "they reminded me of you" and "they smell like you" are his usuals
♡ - and loves loves loves waking up next to you
♡ - he thinks youre so pretty even when you just woke up
♡ - (can't relate 😪)

♡ - likes flexing that he's married
♡ - and if anyone trys to hit on him?
♡ - "hey, you're cute-"
♡ - "my wife is cute too" and raises his ring finger and then he laughs after
♡ - he also likes telling you people's reactions after he tells them he's married
♡ - "and they were like 'jeez. you're so young and you're married?!' like yeah? im in love with the most beautiful and perfect person in the world, of course i couldn't wait!"

♡ - can we talk about felix waking up next to you??
♡ - imagine his morning voice bro 😵‍💫
♡ - anyways, he loves giving you a bunch of kisses and homemade desserts
♡ - texts you a bunch of random stuff throughout the day too
♡ - "omg babe, did you see that one tiktok dance? we should do it together once you get home!"

♡ - i could see him cooking for you
♡ - especially if he knows that youve had a bad day
♡ - loves when you come home and give him a hug even if he doesn't wanna admit it
♡ - and when you've had a bad day he always has a bath and stuff ready for you

♡ - sends a cute message to you before he leaves the house bc if you're sleeping he doesnt want to wake you up
♡ - when he comes home you're going to get a kiss and he's gonna tell you about all the ppl that annoyed him that day cause he knows you're a great listener
♡ - still blushes over the fact he's married
♡ - "hello my lovely husband!"
♡ - "....." (he's not talking cause he's blushing)


i started school again recently so the updates may or may not be a little shaky

anyways thanks for 8.37k reads and thanks for voting!!! <3333

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