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What was I thinking? Was I really going to throw away everything just because Harper and I got into a small fight? I'm not thinking right. I feel stressed out of my mind and Harmony explained why Harper is agitated.

She just wants a perfect wedding.

Sure, that doesn't excuse her actions towards me or Mo, but certainly softens the blow a bit. I love Harper, I really do. And it's for this reason that I am driving back to our house to set everything right. We need to communicate and help each other through this.

I regret everything I said to Mo. Of course I want the ring, of course I'll go back to her. Hell, I'm on my way right now. Am I breaking traffic laws? Just a little but. But the road is quiet.

I see myself through the neighbourhood. I don't feel like I'm the one actually driving. It's like I'm sat in the passenger seat, watching my body on autopilot. I'm nervous, panicked out of my mind. I hope Mo didn't relay what I had said to her earlier. If so, I don't think I could handle seeing Harper so broken. She sounded like she was, on the phone.

I pull into the driveway and shut the car off. I take in a big breath before getting out of the car and up to the front door. I let myself in and Harper was just walking into the living room. Her face was miserable but when she saw me, her eyes, her whole face, lit up.

"Hey." she said, her voice was congested and it shook a little bit.

"Hi." I give her a small smile. She stared at me for a little bit before I saw something click in her head. She fished something out of her pocket and held it up to me.

"Will you put this back on?" she asked hopefully.

"Yeah, of course. But we do need to talk. Set everything on the table. Clear the air." I say.

"Yeah, I know. I got us some Chinese takeaway. It's all on the table if you're hungry." she motioned towards the dining room.

"Starving." I groan. She chuckles and I walk to her. She slips the ring on and gives me a relieved smile. "I'm sorry I walked out."

"No, baby. You needed space. I'm sorry I snapped at you. It wasn't necessary and you didn't deserve it."

"I hope you know, Harp, I'll always forgive you. Even if you murder me in my sleep. Although, that would be so hot." I joke a little. She giggles and it makes my heart flutter.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

She leans up and kisses my lips. It was short because my stomach made an embarrassingly loud grumble. Harper had gasped in shock as soon as she heard it and pulled away, "Let's get some food in you."

She took my hand and dragged me into the dining room. My eyes found all the food and my stomach made a noise again. Harper pulled a chair out for me and when I sat down, she kissed my head.

"What would you like, babe?" she asked, grabbing the plate in front of me.

"Sweetheart, I can do it myself." I try. But I'm still touched that she's doing this for me.

"Nonsense. Let me treat my girl." Harper dismissed and it made me smile.

"A bit of everything will do, I think." I wink at her.

"Sure thing, my love." she winked back. I felt a weight lift off of my shoulders, but I know we still need to talk.

She fixes my plate and a drink too, and then sorts herself out. I wait for her to fix her plate before I eat, that's just how I was raised.

She sits down and we tuck in. My stomach was thankful for it, and it just tasted so good so I was in a state of euphoria.

"So. How are you? It's been a while since I asked." Harper starts.

"I've been good. Stressed, obviously, but I'm excited for the wedding." I answer, "How about you?"

"I've been... Not as chipper. It's been really hard for me."

"What has, sweetheart?"

"Uh, just all this wedding planning. It's been hard because every so often, I'd think, 'Mom would like this,' or 'Dad could do that' but they're not here anymore. And it's really, really disorientating. I feel mentally dizzy at the absence of my parents. And it was affecting my mood. I was mad that they couldn't be here. It's stressing me out that my Mom won't be there for my big day, you know?" Harper explained.

"No, I don't know. And I don't think I ever will. But, Harp, even though they're not here with us, physically, I know that they'll be with you in spirit. Your Mom will watch from wherever she is, at the back of the room, from up in the sky or standing in your peripheral. Your dad will be right next to her. They're not missing out on you just because you're missing out on them. Okay?"

Harper looked up at me with sad eyes but she nodded. She continued to eat her food and so did I. I hear Harper take a big breath and I look back up to her, and she has a thoughtful face.

"I think she would've liked you. No, she would've loved you. And it's almost as if I can hear her telling you so." Harper said, turning around to look behind her.

"You think so?"

"Yeah. It's like I can hear her saying, 'she picked right. You're a good one. A billion times better than that Maverick.' She'd always find a away to bring up my awful and embarrassing past." Haprer shook her head.

"Maybe she did say that to you. Maybe she came with us, that day back in Chicago where you moved to LA with me." I say, "Maybe she's in the room with us."

"Bennie, please don't use this as an excuse to get the paranormal stuff out." Harper begged, with a small teasing smile on her face, "It's my mother. Let's leave her be. And besides, I almost shit myself last time."

"Okay, okay, I won't." I put my hands up in defense.

"But, in all seriousness, thank you for that. It was really assuring." Harper expressed.

"Babe, don't feel like you need to thank me everytime I assure you. It's what I'm here for. I want to make you feel sure in everything you know, and I want to keep you safe from what may come."

"Stop it. You're too cute." she turned away as I saw her blush.

"Eesh, being pale really doesn't help with the blush, does it?" I tease.

"Ben, come on! I'm already blushing enough as it is!" she whined, turning back to me.

"It's cute. I love you."

"I love you, too."

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