
"Bennie, come on! We're gonna be late!" Jordyn whines as she drags me by my wrist to the field. We're not even late, no one else is here.

"Jordyn, there's no one here. We are the first."

"I need to warm up. Can you kick the ball for me after I stretch?"


She throws the ball to me and I catch it. I watch her stretch her legs and her arms. She could be pro athelet someday, I swear.

"You ready?" I ask.

She nods and I take a few steps back to pelt the ball while shouting "Go long!"

Neorm, and she's gone. Catching the ball at the other end of the field. She kicks it back and I receive it again. We send it back and forth for a while until Mama turns up with a few girls from the team.

"Nice kick, Bennie. Maybe you could help me coach the team with me?" Mama suggests.

"If you're really offering, I'd be delighted." I answer honestly.


"Yeah. I'd like to be able to teach with my Mama." I say as I hug into my Mama's side.

"You're just saying that." Mama dismisses.

"No. I love spending time with you. And if this is a way that I can spend time with you then I'll happily do it." I quickly break away from Mama to catch Jordyn's ball, holding my finger up to her to wait a minute.

"Thanks, Collie. I love you so much."

"I love you more."

"I'm gonna get the kids warmed up, you can keep doing that with Jordyn if you'd like."

"Yeah, okay."

"I'll speak to later about coaching, see ya kid!" Mama shouted, jogging off. I tossed my hand up in a wave before I boot the ball back over to Jordyn.


"Come on, Chelsea! You can do this!" I literally scream as the young sprints towards the try line. She makes it over and dabs the ball down. The crowd erupts into cheers, and by crowd I mean my whole entire family who is here, supporting Jordyn's team.

It's one minute until half-time. This gives Jordyn enough time to get the ball through the post.

I watch as she sets the ball on the tee. She steps back and the crowd goes silent.

Breathe, Jordyn.

She takes a breath takes a runner and goes for it!

"Straight through the post for Rogerstone-Montgumery!" I shout and the crowd erupts again. The ref calls half-time and once Jordyn is done celebrating with her team, she comes running to me.

"Did you see my kick, Bennie?" she quizzes.

"I did!" I croak, my voice hoarse from screaming.

"Whoa, what happened to your voice?" Jordyn giggles.

"I've been encouraging you guys a little too hard." I grin.

I see Chelsea run up to her Mom and who I assume to be the rest of her family.

"Nice score, Chels!" I say to her.

"Thanks!" she chirps before conversing with her family again.

So far, Jordyn's team is winning, 21 to 0. The other team seen to be struggling a tiny bit. I think it's because they do t have an awesome coach like my Mama.


Jordyn's team won!

I'm so proud of my little sister and her massive achievement today. She's so perfect in every way. And I think that about all of my sisters. They're all unique and fucking amazing one way or another.

I walk hand in hand with Jordyn back to my car. I had promised her a McDonald's afterwards so I am following up with that promise.

We head straight to the restaurant and stand in line to order, when Jordyn pointed someone out to me.

"Is that Taylor?" she asks, pointing to two girls at a table to the far left of the building, smiling and laughing with each other. Taylor's arm is in a sling and she seems to be on crutches. I feel smug because my knee healed a lot quicker than expected.

"I'm afraid so. And oh, look! She's with Jackie Sanders. Shocker." I roll my eyes

"Do you wanna mess with her?" Jordyn questions me, a cheeky smile pulling across her face. I think about it before nodding and she whispers her plan to me. I smile back and nod.

We are finally called up to order. We get our go-to's and wait for our meals to be prepared. All the while I'm buzzing excitedly for our devious plan.

"Hey, why don't you go and get us a table, hm?" I suggest do Jordyn. She nods and gets the table directly next to Taylor's.

Once I get our food, I meet my little sister at the table and hand her scran to her. She thanks me with the cutest smile.

Once Taylor notices us, Jordyn gives me the signal that she's about to start the plan.

"How's your girlfriend, Bennie?" Jordyn asked, innocently. I hear someone clear their throat but I carry on.

"She's great. We're gonna go on a date Friday."

"Oh, that's nice. When-"

"Jordyn, you know that Bennie and I broke up, right?" Taylors stupid voice interrupts.

Jordyn turns her head to Taylor, slowly.

"I wasn't talking to you. And yes, I do know. I'm on about Bennie's girlfriend, idiot." she spits.

"Her what now?" Taylor blinks in disbelief.

"Her girlfriend. Now shut up so I can talk to my sister. Fucking hell, dickhead."

"Jordyn! Language!" I shriek in horror. I cannot believe those words just cam out of her mouth. She did not tell me what she was going to say, but she said that she was going to swear. I just wasn't expecting those words.

"Sorry." she giggles.

I look towards Taylor, "Look what you've taught the girl," I look to Jackie, "She called my sister ableist slurs, taught her some naughty words, cheated on me, with you might I add, and slut-shamed me. Rotten apple that one."

Jackie looked at Taylor who know wears the 'deer in headlights' look.

"You did all that?" she asks, her voice shaking with hurt and anxiety. That could be her. Taylor nodded, dejectedly.

"Are you cheating on me, too?"

Again, she nodded and I was dumbfounded.

"With who?"

Taylor was silent.

"With who?!"

"Kayla Cunningham." she admitted.

"Wow, you bitch. Thanks, Bennie. You really saved my ass here."

"No, problem." I smile.

Jackie left and Taylor was left, sitting like a stroppy kid. I smiled in victory as Jordyn and I ate our McDonald's in a happy silence.

"Whoa, Bennie! Look at the toy I got! It's so cute." Jordyn gasps as she admires her beanie that she got from her Happy Meal and stims.

We soon finish and because I'm not a complete asshole, I lean into Taylor for one last kiss.

"Thank you." she mumbled.

"You seemed like you needed it." I wink before leaving the building.

Way to leave her hanging...

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