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"I need a drink." Bennie sighs.

"Why?" I ask. She only shrugged in return. I got up and went to the kitchen. I looked through our alcohol cupboard and saw that we had drunk it all, whoops. "Babe, we're out."

I hear Bennie groan from the living room. Her footsteps echoed through the house and met me in the kitchen. She went to the fridge and got out the milk. I was confused. She saw this and shrugged.

"I never said alcoholic."

"Well, sorry." I mumble.

She sighs and pours herself a glass, "You want some?"

"No, I'm good." I dismiss.

"Okay." she said and put the milk back.

We've been... Rough, these past few days. Lots of arguments about the wedding and late nights trying to plan. That, and Bennie had been getting stuff done for work and we've been going shopping, looking for all the perfect things. Bennie sleeps on the couch. Only because she can't sleep at night and doesn't want to wake me up, so she goes to the couch and stares at the ceiling until she falls asleep.

"Why is this so stressful?" Bennie groaned as she leant against the kitchen counter.

"I don't know." I reply.

"I'm sure it'll be worth it though. When were married. We'll be so happy." Bennie flashed me the first small smile in weeks.

"God, yes."

"We really need to relax though.
It's affecting our dynamic."

"How do we do that when the wedding is a month away? Everything needs to be perfect, Bennie!" I snap.

Her smile fades and she averts her gaze from mine, "No, it doesn't. As long as I get married to you, everything is perfect."

"God, so all of this has been for nothing?" I grit.

"Of course not. But if, on the day, something does go wrong, then it'll be okay because we'll have each other. Right?"

I stare at her blankly. All of this planning, stress, sleepless nights, arguing and endless tedium has been for naught. She doesn't actually care.

Bennie rolls her eyes and leaves the kitchen. I'm left with the silence.

She doesn't care.

"Hey, Harp." Harmony chirps. I don't answer, "Still pissy?"

"Fuck off." I mumble.

"Yep. Still pissy."

"Get off my dick, Harmony."

"Stop being one then. Bennie is trying to see the brightside here. She's trying to stay positive for you. But you keep discouraging it. You're being a proper bitch." Harmony rants.

"Mo. Don't say that." Bennie's voice says.

"No, she's treating you like shit."

"We're both stressed. Just give her some space."

"For fucks sake, Bennie. Stop trying to fight my battles for me. I don't need you to do that. I can do it by myself." I snarl.

"I was trying to-"

"Fuck off."

I'm so pissed. Firstly, Bennie doesn't care. Then Harmony is rounding on me and now Bennie thinks I can't handle it. I am my own fucking woman. I don't need her to do that.

"Wow. Okay." Bennie scoffed and turned around, walking out of the kitchen. I hear the bedroom door slam and the floor shook with it.

"Well done." Harmony retorts.

"It's not my fault."

"Then who's fault is it, Harp? Who is the one being pissy? Who is the one who is giving everyone a foul attitude? Who is making everything a lot more stressful than it needs to be? Bennie didn't deserve that. She actually tried defending your shitty behaviour towards her. That's how much she fucking loves you. And instead, you pushed her away.

"She doesn't deserve you. Or at least this version of you. Whatever the fuck is up, sort it out. Make up with her before it's too fucking late. You'd be lucky if she still wants marry you by the end of this. You best hope she does-"

"Shut the fuck up, Harmony! Get off my fucking case!" I shout. Harmony sighs and leaves the kitchen. Just a little bit after, I hear the front door open and close, and a car starting. It's probably Harmony.

I go into the living room and sit on the sofa. My phone on the coffee table was lit and a message notification was there. I open my phone and it read:

Staying with my parents for a little bit. I'm sorry for what I did. I love you xx

It was from Bennie. Was I wrong? Was I being too bitchy? Have I fucked this relationship. I picked my phone up and head to Mo's room. I knock and wait for her to answer. Instead, Ashofta answers.

"Hey, is Mo okay? I need to speak to her."

"Um," she replies, looking back into the room, "She's not okay. I think you should speak to her. Where's Bennie?"

"She's gone."

"The fuck?" Mo asked. I heard her scramble to the door and she opens it wider, "Gone where?"

"Her parents."

"Harper! You dumb bitch! Look at what you have done." Mo snaps as she retreats back into the room to get her shoes on. Once they're on, she pushes past me and heads out the front door. And that is when I broke down.

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