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"Harmony, I'm home!" I call into the apartment, feeling lighter than air.

I see her in the couch, laptop open as she watches a YouTube video. I sit next to her and watch it with her.

I see who I now know to be Bennie, on the screen.

"Hey." she said.

"I have good news and amazing news, which one do you want first?" I tell her.

"The good news, I guess?" she shrugged.

"I won't have to do my night shift tonight because my boss has given me a raise and extra bonus."

She paused the video and looked at me, cracking a smile, "So we can spend time together?" she asks, hopefully.

"That's where the amazing news comes in. My friend is going to a show tonight and has invited us to come."

"What show, though?"

I gestured towards the laptop and Harmony's eyes grow three times in size.

"Where going to see them tonight?!" she squeals.

"Yeah, and we have VIP tickets."

"You are the bestest big sister anyone could ask for!" she exclaimed, setting the laptop aside and hugging me tightly.

"Thanks, Harmony. But until four fifty-five, you need to fill me about the band, because I don't have a scooby!"

We grabbed a bite and talked about the band. So I am familiar with all of the members and what instrument they play. I learnt that Bennie sings. Good to know.

Harmony doesn't know that I have met Bennie, but it doesn't matter because I'll be meeting her again soon.

Four-fifty five rolls around and I wait outaide the complex for Mia, Harmony on my right.

My friend pulls up and we both hop in. Heading for the arena they're performing at.

We're the first ones in the VIP line. So I was definitely excited and so was Harmony and Mia. We were just three teenage girls buzzing with adrenaline and excitement.

At half five, the VIP doors opened. So we were lead straight to the waiting band. My eyes found Bennie and she smiled her perfect smile, and I see the recognition in her eyes.

I let Harmony and Mia see them all first. I took photos before meeting the band myself. I shake hands and hug some and we chat for a small while, until I get to Bennie.

"Hi, gorgeous." she smiled.

"Hi." I blushed.

"Wait, wait, wait. That's the gorgeous girl you met earlier?" a band member, who I believe to be Stevie, asks, pointing at me, smirking.

"Yeah. I mean, look at her. She's so fine and beautiful. I'd take her home with me right now if I could" Bennie told her cousin.

I hear Harmony and Mia giggle and talk to themselves during this interaction.

Bennie placed her arms on me and gave me a sweet look, "I didn't know you were coming tonight."

"Neither did I." I chuckle.

"It's good to see you again, gorgeous. I missed you, believe it or not."

"I missed you, too."

"Do you mind if I catch you after the show. To exchange numbers?" she whispered in my ear. I nodded at her and she gave me a departing wink as I left with my sister and friend. The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy.

"Bennie called you gorgeous!" Harmony shouted as we made our way to the front of the arena, right in front of the stage.

"It's because I am." I say, suddenly feeling confident.

"Oh, I see how it is!" Mia said, clicking her fingers in a sassy way.

We all converse back and forth until the arena is packed and the lights go off. The crowd cheers as an intro to a song I don't know plays.

Bennie appears and they all go wild. I make eye contact with her and smiled at her. She grinned back as she started singing about driving fast in a car.

The band is awesome and Bennie's voice is the best I've ever heard.

"Thank y'all for coming out and letting us perform for you. It truly is an honour." Bennie says after the song ends. "This next song is, well, you should know it."

The next few songs fly by and considering I knew only two of them, I still find myself having fun and enjoying the music. I love watching Bennie sing and dance around the stage, making fans scream as she passes them or takes their phones to record around the stage.

"I'd like to dedicate this song to a very beautiful woman in the crowd tonight. And I'd love for her to come up onstage with me." Bennie announces, jumping off of the stage and into the space between the barriers and the stage. She helps me over the barrier and leads up some steps and onto the massive stage. The blonde woman who had shoved into me earlier sauntered over to me and leaned down to whisper in my ear,

"Bennie really likes you." she pats my shoulder as Bennie takes my hand.

"Now, I had only met this gorgeous lady this afternoon when Danny had bumped into her, running away from me because she stole my drink," she said, aiming her glare at her sister, "And learned that we both find each other very attractive."

The crowd cheered and hollered. I smiled shyly as Bennie's hand tightened around mine, she brought me closer to her.

"This girl has been driving me mad all day, so, in honour of that, I hope she appreciates this,"

A song starts to play and I know what it is, immediately. It was Beggin' by Måneskin. She dance around and on me as she sung about not wanting to lose me. I smiled and giggled as the crowd cheered when Bennie would make a very sexual move towards me, but I didn't mind. I enjoyed it.

The song ended and I was surprised when I felt a kiss on my head.

"You were just too adorable not to kiss." she shrugged.

"Stop it." I joke.

She kissed my head again and hugged me, telling me that she couldn't wait to see me later, and I told her the same. I went back to my sister and friend who both hugged and patted my back. Both completely shocked at what just happened. And to be honest...


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