
Harmony was confused as to why I told her to pack herself up. It's a good job we didn't have many belongings. Just our clothes, a few other things and toiletries.

I wait on the curb outside the complex because Bennie said that she was nearly here. I'm excited to see her. And I am so happy that she's offered her house to us. She's such a kind soul and she has a wonderful personality.

I watch as a black Audi Q7 pulls up and before the car stopped, Bennie jumped out and came running to me. I stood up to take her into my arms and smell her comforting scent of sweet, fresh coffee and clean linen.

"You smell like coffee." I tell her.

"Yeah, it's because I've just spent a a whole car ride from LA with my Mama. She always smells like coffee." Bennie rolls her eyes.

Harmony stood up to hug Bennie, it's good to know that they like each other. They're going to be living together soon.

"Hey, Harmony. You wanna ride shotgun?" Bennie asks.

Harmony nods enthusiastically, making me laugh.

"I'm gonna go get Mama to help with the bags, okay?" Bennie questioned.

I nod my head and watched as she retreated to the car and spoke to her Mother, who seemed familiar.

She looked like the woman who shoved me! Wow, they really look the same. Same eyes, hair, face. Only Bennie's Mama was taller. She must've been about six foot two. She's fucking massive.

I watch as she effortlessly picks up the black bags filled with our clothing and other belongings. The bags that I had so much trouble getting down here. She loads them all into the car for us and we all get in, Harmony in shotgun, of course.

"So, you must be the girl on Bennie's phone background?" Bennie's Mama asked.

"What?" I question. What background?

Bennie tilted her phone towards me and its the photo from the meet and greet. Just a few days ago. I smile at it.

"That's me, ma'am." I answer confidently.

"Don't call me ma'am. It makes me feel old. Tina or Christina will do." she assured me.

"Okay. Sorry about that."

"Don't apologise! You didn't know." she shrugged.

We spent the rest of the trip getting to know each other, the four of us. Christina was the loveliest woman I have ever met, I voiced this much to her and just replied with:

"Wait until you meet my wife."

She thinks very highly of her wife. She tells me how much she loves her and everything she loves about her. And Kate seems like a lovely woman too.

What confused me though is when Christina spoke in another language to Bennie and she replied. I didn't know she was bilingual. They converse back and forth until they find a settlement, until they find no need to speak that language anymore.

"What language was that?" I question.

"Welsh. The least romantic language out there." Bennie rolls her eyes.

"Hey, your Mom likes it when I speak Welsh to her." Christina defends.

"Mom finds anything you do attractive, though."

"Not true, she hates it when I sit on her lap while she's trying to get something done for work. I think it's hilarious."

I too chuckle at the thought of this six two woman sitting on a slightly shorter woman while she tries to work. It's funny to me.

"Bennie, will you speak Welsh to me?" I request.

"Sure. Anything in particular you want me to say?"

"Just say whatever your heart desires."

"Rwy'n falch iawn eich bod wedi penderfynu symud i mewn gyda mi. Rwyf am eich gweld yn ddiogel a'ch bod yn agosach ataf. Rwy'n meddwl eich bod chi'n giwt, yn hardd, yn hyfryd ac yn fenyw anhygoel. Ac mae gen i'r wasgfa fwyaf arnat ti. Ond mae'n iawn oherwydd dydych chi ddim yn gwybod beth rydw i'n ei ddweud."

"Awe, Collie! That's so cute." Christina whines.

"Am I allowed a translation?" I quiz.

"No." Bennie said with a smirk.

"Why not?" I pout.

"Because I said so."

"Please, Bennie?" I give her puppy eyes.

"No." she was determined, so she closed her eyes.

I shuffled across the middle seat leaned my head on her shoulder. I kiss her cheek before whispering in her ear, "Please, Bennie."

"Am I gonna have to cover my ears, too?" she laughed.

I realise now that she wasn't going to break. Bennie is stubborn, I voice this much to her and Christina laughed.

"She's just like her Mom."

We all laugh as we cross from Iowa to Nebraska. By this time, it was getting dark and we'd need to stop it's been two and a half hours already. Only nineteen more to go. We've already stopped a few times for bathroom breaks and whatnot.

"Aren't we stopping soon?" I ask Christina.

"Nah, why waste time when I could do it in a oner?" she shrugged.

I looked to Bennie, who was fast asleep and chuckled. I kissed her cheek again before going to sleep myself.


When I woke up, we were at a station and the sun was rising still. Bennie, of course, was still sleeping, slumped in her seat and Harmony isn't in the front seat. I see that Christina is filling up the gas, so I get out and walk over to her.

"Where did Harmony go?" I ask, the cold air of the morning getting to me.

"To the bathroom and I gave her some money for her breakfast. I've got some for you, too."

"No, I'm okay. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom I think." I decline. I feel bad to take her money. I mean, she's already drove a day out here to come and get me, I've put her through enough trouble.

"Harper, you need breakfast, take the money and go eat." Christina demands, shoving money from her pocket into my hands. I give her a quick hug and a thank you before going into the service station for the things I need.

I decide that I have enough to buy for Bennie too, so I get two breakfast wraps from McDonald's even go to Starbucks for coffee. I missed coffee.

Once back in the car, Bennie starts to stir, probably from the sound of Harmony's paper bag and the growing smell of the food I just bought.

"Good morning, Gorgeous." she smiled at me.

"Good morning, beautiful. I got you some breakfast."

"Thanks. How'd you sleep?"

"These car seats are surprisingly comfy. And your Mama drives so smoothly."

"Yeah, she's a good driver." Bennie chuckled as she digs through the McDonald's bag. She finds our breakfast and hands mine to me. And we just sit there in silence, enjoying our meals. Enjoying the other's company.

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