
I wait around the back for Gorgeous to find me. Eventually, she rounds the building and smiles at me, immediately running into my embrace.

"Why does it feel like we've know each other for years?" she whispered.

"I don't know. But I'd like to know your name, Gorgeous."


"That's beautiful."


"I'd also like your number."

"Give me your phone." she demanded.

I've never felt like this before. Not even with Taylor. I have never had butterflies from the beginning or felt the need to see them all the time. I met Harper about ten hours ago. And I just want to take her home with me.

I watched her put her number in my phone. She handed it back to me and I pocket it. I took her back into my arms and took a deep breath in, taking her smell with it. She smells like vanilla and strawberries. It's so enticing.

"Do you wanna meet the rest of the band? Informally, that is." I offer.

"I'm sorry, I need to get back to my sister. She's with my friend and we really need to get going."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here in Chicago for another day, this was our penultimate show. Our last one is tomorrow. We should meet again before I have to leave."

I see something in her eyes shift, like she has something that she wants to say but she can't.

"Are you not free tomorrow?" I grimace.

"No, I have to work. I can't afford to miss."

"Why's that?"

"Important meeting." she lied.

"Okay. Well, I'll text you in the morning then." I smile at her.

"Yeah, I'd like that." she nodded.

"Goodnight, Harper." I smiled at the beauty, kissing her head, because why not?

"Goodnight, Bennie." she said, before giving me one last tight squeeze and departing for the night. I watched her walk away. Feeling my heart go with her.


I woke up to a bit of turbulence on the bus. We're on the road back to California. I had texted Harper as much as I could before and after the show last night.

She had saved herself as Gorgeous 😘 in my phone. I smiled as I looked at the contact, getting ready to wish her a good morning.

Hey, Gorgeous. I hope you slept well :)

She had sent me the photos we took together at the VIP meeting and I have it as my lockscreen background. So when her new message came up, paired with the back drop, my smile widened.

Hey, beautiful. I did. You on your way home now?

Yeah, just a few more hours and I'm home. I miss you.

I miss you, too.

Do you have work today?

Yeah, but it's only the one job today so not too much to do.

One job? As in, she has multiple jobs?

One job?

I have two.

Do you mind me asking what you do and why you have two jobs?

It's a long story. Maybe when you get home?

Okay. Just know, I'm always here with a ready ear.

That rhymes 😂

I'm just that awesome. I'm gonna get a coffee, I'll text you back in a minute, okay? Don't go far.

I won't, beautiful. Dw.

I grin like a fool to myself as I make my way to the tour bus kitchen. There's fresh coffee in the pot already and I pour my mug.

"What're you grinning about?" I hear my cousin tease.

"I think it's her girlfriend." Danny joins in.

"She's not my girlfriend." I defend, "Yet." but I mumble that under my breath.

"Heard that." Danny states.

"You are annoying, you know that?" I ask, sitting down at a table.

"Yup." she smirked.

I shake my head and continue to text Harper until she had to go to work. By then, my phone had almost died and I had to charge it. The day slips into night and back to morning again, but I find myself unable to sleep as we approach LA.

I watch through the window as we pass into California State lines. Because we had left late last night, we were able to travel through the night and most of the day, well, it is four AM now but that's besides the point.

The bus pulls into the drop off point and we load all of our stuff into our parents cars. Ready to go home and sleep for a little bit.

Once I'm in bed, I'm asleep for four hours. The only thing that woke me was my phone vibrating and seeing that it was text from Harper.

Hey, hope you made it home safe. Call me when you can.

I smiled as I picked up my phone and hit the call button. She picked up almost instantly.

"Hey, Gorgeous." I greet.

"Hey, beautiful. Did you make it home safe?"

"I did. I miss you."

"I miss you, too."

"You okay?" I wonder.

"Yeah, I just wanted to explain to you why I have two jobs. I trust you enough to tell you." she started.

"Okay, I'm all ears."

"When my Dad passed away, we were pretty down about it, as one would expect, and we had a funeral for him but that put us in the hole a little bit. Just after we had finished paying for Dad's funeral, Mom got sick and then any money that we had was slowly drained from us and we had to sell the house to downsize on cost. Mom passed away a month back and we had buried her the same day I met you, I wasn't as upset as I thought I'd be but I can't help my emotions. Anyways, we were already struggling financially before Mom died. But I wanted her to have a funeral, so I used up most of my savings and Dad's will money to have the funeral. Now we are struggling to make ends meet and I just don't know what to do. I'm working two jobs and getting barely anywhere. I got an eviction notice this morning. There's someone better who wants the apartment. Someone who will pay the bills on time and have enough money to keep the electric going."

I hear her sniffle on the other end. I think. I really think.

I have my own house that she wouldn't need to pay for and more than enough money. But is she willing to leave Chicago to live here, with me?

"I'm really sorry, Harper."

"Its okay. It's not your fault. There's nothing you can do about it."

"But there is, Gorgeous. I have a house. Big enough for the three of us. And I have enough money. You could move here, with me. Or I could live at my parents house for a while and you have my house. I don't mind. Whatever you're comfortable with."

"Really? So if I got everything packed away and ready to move, you'd come get us?"

"I would. Start packing, Gorgeous. I'm on my way."

"Thank you, Bennie."

"Hey, start packing!" I laugh.

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