
I almost forgot that I had hurt my knee. So when I got up, an extreme pain and discomfort shot through my leg and then I remembered what had happened. Everything.

I checked my phone and saw that I had some missed calls from Stevie Auntie Esther and Auntie Marley, and even from Taylor.

I read through Taylor's texts first.

Hey, I'm out of surgery. I'm all good now.


I'm sorry for everything, come see me when you can?

How's your leg?

Bennie, please answer me.

I rolled my eyes and checked Stevie's texts.

Hey, big cuz. Missed you at the ball last night. Taylor was there but no sign of you.

You should've seen Charlotte and I, we make such a cute couple.

You okay? It's not like you to not answer.

Okay, this is weird. Both of my parents called and texted you and you didn't answer.

Bennie, please answer me. I need to know that you're okay.


Then the group chat I'm in with my Aunties.

MARLEY: Hey, kiddo. I didn't get to see you at the ball. You should've seen my outfit.

ESTHER: Yeah, I dressed her so niiice. She looked so handsome.

MARLEY: Bennie? You okay? Stevie said you aren't answering her, what's going on, kid?

ESTHER: Come on, Benster. I know you wanna talk to your favourite Aunties!

Seriously though, are you okay?

MARLEY: Bennie. I'm worried.

Please pick up the phone.

I be sure to text them back, I told them that I wanted them to come over and they said that they'd be here in an hour or so. Which I'm happy about. Jordyn must be awake because she's not in my bed anymore.

I hobble my way out to the living room and carefully set myself down on the sofa. Billie and Danny were there also and they looked at me with caution.

"Are you mad at us?" Billie spoke, shyly. She always was the timid one of the two.

"No. Thank you for getting the truth out."

"Jordyn had told us what she said and called you both. We were mad. We camped out in her room and waited for her to come back from the ball. We got her after a while, we asked if there was anything she'd like to tell us." Danny explained.

"Then she spilled the beans about her unfaithfulness and we lost it." Billie finished. They didn't need to say anymore, I know how it played out.

"I'm not too fond of you two putting yourselves at risk of being thrown into jail though." I told them.

"We know. We were so mad though. We love you guys too much to let anyone hurt you." Danny confessed.

"Come here." I told them, and they both moved closer to me. Billie moved from the other side of Danny to sit on my left side whole Danny remained on my right. They both cwtched in and I kissed both of their heads. Telling them I loved them. My little mafia sisters.

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