
I had asked Harper to speak to my Mafia sisters on Monday and it has been four days, meaning it's Friday now. A whole week since its happened. The mere memory sends shivers down my spine.

I'm sat at my desk, getting some work done before my homeroom class come in.

There's a knock at my door which brings my head up to see Taylor being shoved into the classroom. My face contorted into an expression of fear, but that's relieved when Billie and Danny enter behind her. They close the door and lock it.

"What do you say?" Billie reminded her, almost like a parent.

"Daddy told me to say sorry for hurting you. I was punished because I was a bad girl and Daddy said that if I was bad again, I'll be punished more. I'm sorry, Mommy." Taylor said in a sad, baby voice.


"Who's Daddy?" I ask.

Billie came up behind Taylor and gripped her hips, roughly. As if she was told to, Taylor let out a moan and said, "Oh, Daddy."

"Billie? What the actual fuck?"

"I'll tell you all about it." she smirked.

Danny laughed and shook her head.

"This was all Billie. I didn't want to be unfaithful to Freida." Danny chuckled.

"Tell Mommy what I did to you." Billie ordered Taylor.

"Am I Mommy?" I question.

"Yes. I'm sorry for treating you like that, Mommy." Taylor whined.

"Bille, this is fucked up."

"You wanted your Mafia sister involved." Billie shrugged. "Now tell Mommy what happened."

Taylor then relayed the story of what Billie did to her. Which was a lot but not as evil and sadistic as Taylor's doings. Seeing her face, it hurts. That's the face that slut shamed me a week ago. That's the face that forced me down when I was vulnerable. That's the face that I tried so desperately to get away from me before she had her way with me.

I listen to what Taylor had to say.

"And she enjoyed very bit of it, didn't you?" Billie asked Taylor. I know she didn't.

"Yes, Daddy."

"Do you want it to happen again?"

Taylor took a shaky breath, "Yes, Daddy."

Billie turned her eyes towards me, "Her girlfriend enjoyed it too." Billie winked.

"You did her girlfriend too?"

"Yeah, but she asked me to. She thought Taylor had hired me. That embarrassed Taylor. Didn't it?" she explained, gripping Taylor's dirty blonde hair. She moaned and I'm starting to think that she's actually enjoying this.

"Yes, Daddy." she moaned.

"Billie, take your bitch somewhere else. I can't stand looking at her. Thank you for doing that, maybe she'll think next time she tries anything." I grit as the bell rang.

"Say, bye Mommy." Billie told Taylor.

"Bye, Mommy." she whined before Billie and Danny left me in my classroom, alone.

Harmony was the first one in. I fake a smile her way and she knows. Immediately. She sat down anyway and I bury my face in my hands until the rest of the class pile in. I take shaky breaths in and out, trying not to cry as flashbacks run through my head.

"Hey, Bennie. You okay?" I feel Harmony's hand on my back. I shake my head.

"Do you want me to do the register?"

I nod my head and does the register for me. What a darl.

Once she's done, she wraps me in a hug and I hold her back, still fighting tears.

"Do you want me to go and get Harper?" I nod once again and she leaves me to find my girlfriend. I don't she knows that we're together. We've kept the PDA to a minimum because Harper wanted to surprise her. She's been shipping us for the years she's known me.

About a few minutes later, I hear Harmony and Harper walk in. But I only feel once presence beside me.

"Hey, Ben. What's up? Did something happen?" I hear her soft voice speak.

I take her into my arms and sob. Harper instructs the class to go elsewhere. A group of friends to every other homeroom. I hold on tight as the pictures play through in my head. The images of her bringing various items to my legs and hurting me. Over and over. I scream into Harper's shoulder.

"I got you, Ben. I love you. I'm not gonna let go until you want me too." she assured me, stroking my hair. My hands ball fists of her shirt, bringer closer, tighter to me.

Images of her strangling me, the feeling of her hands wrapping around my throat and I couldn't breathe.

I start to gasp for air. I can't seem to get it though. It gets to a point where I collapse completely. Harper breaks my fall onto the floor as I continue to struggle with my breathing. My lungs hurt. My head feels funny and the world is fuzzy and spinning.

I can barely hear the voices that try so desperately to save me. I can't hear the rushing, the hurry. I can only hear my heartbeat and laboured breathing.

I can't feel the warm hands that should be comforting me. All I can feel is the cold floor and the hot tears that pour from my eyes.

"Bennie." I hear a voice call.

"Mama?" I cry.

"Yes, Collie. It's your Mama. Come here."

My body is lifted up and I'm in the arms of someone strong, loving and safe. I'm in the arms of my Mama.

"What happened?" her voice asked. Not me but more as an all included question.

I hear the chorus of, "I don't know." and "I'm not sure." sound.

They continue to converse back and forth over my recovering body. A soft yet firm hand ran along my shoulder Auntie Marley.

"Hey kiddo, you okay?"

"It was Taylor." I manage.

"Okay, well done. You're doing so well, Collie." I feel Mama kiss my head.

"Did Billie and Danny tell you?"

"They did. I sorry I didn't reach out you, Collie. They said that you needed space and that they had handled it."

"It's okay, Mama. I love you."

"I love you, too, Collie."

"Where's Harper?" I question.

"Right here, Ben. I'm right here. I never left." Harper voice called to me. She was right next to my Mama, still stroking my hair.

"I love you, Harper."

I hear Mama and Auntie Marley gasp.

"I love you, too." I feel her kiss my head.

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