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3rd POV

The Tribe City was full of busting people and vehicles that only had arrived to enjoy their day. Popo and Lonky arrived first to explore the city since it was too early, maybe near 9 am. "Aren't we too early Lonky? The group is still getting ready.." The said giraffe looked down at his penguin friend with a smile, before picking him up and puts him on his shoulders. "Nothing's too early for hanging out with you! Hey, how about we play at the carnival over there? My treat!" Popo grinned widely like a happy child and ordered, "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

As the two best friends walked off, a luxurious car screeched as it stopped on the side walk, black heels stepping out of the vehicle, revealing Rema, who was wearing cool shades, which had been pulled up when she smiled. "This place looks beautiful! I'm so glad everyone is doing well."

The driver's seat was now vacant when Spin got out, also wearing the matching glasses with his girlfriend. "This place is too big, how are we gonna find those two airheads?"

Rema turned her head and looked at him, "Don't worry, well find them with this." She waved her occupied hand where a device was blinking to green, and a screen showing two dots, meaning it was them. "Smart thinking babe." Spin compliments as they walk inside the gates, as she flips her hair, "When did I haven't?" Not to long, Liu and Shaun finally arrived, both of them having their biggest smile yet, before looking around. "Apparently Rema and Popo are the first ones to get here, I wonder where they'll be.." His sister shook her head as she puts a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry too much Liu, we'll find them!"

As all of them arrived by partners. They were the last one to arrive, and it was time for Gai and Miyo to get on their bikes, take of and head to the entrance of the city. Gai was the first one to arrive and parked his motor, not taking of his helmet, which he almost forgot he will wear it. He was wearing something else other than their working attire, blue and black designed sweater, his usual gloves and sport tapes, and dark blue pants, with his black shoes.

He took out his phone and was about to text Miyo, but he stopped when he heard a familiar engine coming his way. He looked at his left, seeing her pink hair ponytail swaying out of the helmet (she has a hole behind her helmet for her ponytail) and her small hands gripping each side of the mirrors, she slowed her vehicle down and stopped. She took off her helmet and sighed, a small smile forming when she saw Kei.

"I see you just arrived, guess we're both late." He took in her outfit for the day, pink sleeveless shirt, strawberry themed cardigan hanging on her arms, black pants and black boots. He also noticed her cat pin beside her ear, which let out a chuckle out from him. "We'll don't you look nice, Miss Miyo."

The said nya nya blushed and tried to hide it with her parking her bike, her back facing him. "I thought I always look nice If I do say so myself?"

Kei panicked and waved his hands, "You do! I mean-..uh, it's not always you wear this kind of clothing, you know..?" Miyo laughed, "I'm just messing with you Kei, but thank you for the compliment though." Gai blushed underneath his mask as he let out an awkward laugh, looking everywhere but her gorgeous olive eyes. Then a new voice appeared behind them, "We're also here, nice to meet you guys." They jumped when they saw Alto and Kuku giving them a bored look, quickly realizing they parked beside them with their car. Kuku cackled, "The look on your faces!" And walked out with their laughs in the air, miyo and kei blushing hard as they followed behind them.

The gang finally met eachother, their emotions overflowing with happiness as they embrace each one of them. After their little moment, Liu coughed to himself and said, "Okay! First, let us thank our friend Miyo for making this time for us, what a coincidence that all of us are free, am I right?" All of them nodded in agreement, saying their thanks to the shy girl, who thought this wasn't an accident after all. Liu continued, "So, any request for today's first activity?" Lonky raised his hand, "How about playing arcade games? The winner will decide on what we will do after!"

Shaun hummed, looking at Rema suspiciously because of how she was grinning ear to ear. Gai thought about bumper cars, Lonky and Popo telepathically thought about the roller coaster, Spin, Kuga, and Makhan debated that they should watch the carnival since they knew one of them didn't get to see it. As they continued to bicker, Rema whispered something to Shaun that causes her to move her head back with a gasp, "Doesn't that seem too extreme?" Rema blew a raspberry and shook her head.

"Trust me, those two has been suspicious since they got here." "You have a point."

And so, they enter the arcade and was met with a loud music, different colored lights flashing their eyes. In a few hours, it was almost time to show off their tickets and count who has the most of them. Meanwhile Pala had enough tickets to buy some candies for his son at home, and a small stuffed animal for souvenirs, some of them shaked their heads as Liu explained the rules that they talked about earlier, and Pala explained that he was asleep in that time. "Don't worry Pala, we'll share this!"

Spin pointed out his tickets, and Pala thanking him for it. It was finally time for the main course. Kuku and Alto raised their tickets, "We got 30! Who's gonna beat that?" They said smugly, earning a few claps from the others. Makhan debated, "I got 44." The two friends immediately fell on the floor, muttering something for themselves. Spin grinned, "35! We had fun playing at the piano game." Rema and Liu nodded to eachother, "That's amazing guys!" Miyo waved her hands that contains the tickets, "I've got 56." All of them shot their head towards her, their jaw dropping. "How did you get that?!" Rema elbowed the Magician, a smirk on her face as her eyes never left her pink friend. "She has Kei remember? You didn't see them both focusing at the fishes earlier?"

Miyo's face went red as her hair frizzled, not noticing the statue of Kei beside her, also embarrassed. "Shut up Rema!" Their bickering soon ended when one of them has the most tickets, ofcourse it was Liu. His strategy and smartness can kill the manager from explaining his plans, they sighed. Well, at least they got to take a break and eat their food together.

Rema seemed to be planning something mischievous, her eyes never leaving at Miyo, who was eating her fries alone while watching the roller coaster go down. She easily glided her way out of the group and walked towards her, also eating her burger as she took a seat beside her. Miyo rolled her eyes, "I know you're not here to eat peacefully right?" Rema chuckled, "Ofcourse not! It's been months since we met, we should be having a blast right now."

It was always a suprise that Rema, who is now older than her still act like this, but she never had a trouble getting involved with it. "So what is it?" The grey cat leaned on the table as she eyed her food, "I was wondering if you knew Kei under the mask?"

Miyo choked her drink, "What?! W-Why do I need to know about his-" Rema patted her hand as she chuckles, "Don't get so worked up hun! But I know for sure that question keeps bugging you for some time now." It's true, it was her intention in the first place. "You're right..I haven't seen his face yet. I just don't know how to let him be-you know..warm up to me a little? Or something.."

Rema turned her head to the ninja, who's understandingly not eating and just holding his drink. "It takes time Miyo, and I'm sure he'll understand what you're feeling, soon enough."

Before Miyo can speak, a loud crash interrupted their talk as people starts running away from the smoke area, which revealed a lot of masked men, scaring the kids as they run towards their parents. Four of the group stood up quickly as they watched their actions from afar. Their eyes widened when they saw...

"Guns.." Kei and Miyo whispered.

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