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3rd POV

It's been two days since saving the girl, leaving a curious cat standing as she leans on a wall, deep in thought. Liu came back from a meeting, and seeing his best friend thinking something he can't help it but ask in concern.

"Miyo?You alright?" Miyo snapped her head up, seeing Liu staring at her, and take her back off from the wall. "Yeah, just thinking something.."

"Is it about your mission the other day?" She nodded.

Liu walked towards his working table, fixing a damaged tracker that Miyo didn't noticed when she was laying on the ground, possibly she was laying on it, that's why her back hurts. It was her week break now, but she thought she will visit Liu and chat with him for a little bit.

"I have some..news that you might get interest in." Miyo said when she took a seat near him, her arms crossed to eachother as her other leg did the same. Liu replied, "What is it?"

"The victim said something about a masked guy after I got teleported outside when I was about to get stomped by the man."

Liu tilted his head, "What do they look like?"

Miyo looked at him, "They were wearing the same uniforms like me but they wore something like some mask, and smoke appeared when I got outside."

Liu put a finger on his chin, thinking if he knew someone like that. "They seem familiar to me.." Then it clicked him, making himself gasp at the answer. "It's Kei, isn't it?"

Her olive eyes widened at hearing those words again, she never fully thought about him, she was saved by him for God's sake!

"But..what if it's not him?" Liu shook his head, "Kei and his clones are the only people that wears mask. Do you find someone wearing a mask?" She shakes her head. As they talk about finding out it was Kei, their conversation slowly leads to another that Miyo almost forgot about it. It was nice to hang out with him, but when the sun came inside the room, she needed to leave. She bid him goodbye and after taking the elevator, she starts the bike's engine and sat there for a moment.

Meanwhile Gai was in the same parking lot, and it was full of vehicles that he didn't notice Miyo was on the other side of his bike. He was not wearing his helmet right now because it was damaged from his mission, and he sighed.

He didn't mind the engine of the other agent's bike was still running, but he needs to tell them it's gas will be empty if the person was waiting for someone.

He was about walk over to them but stopped when he heard a voice calling for him. "Ninja wait!" He turned around to see his friend who invents his gadgets for him. "Do you need anything from me buddy?"

Since the inventor was a year younger than him, he calls him that. Tom from the impa tribe, only smiled and pulled out his helmet. "I finally fixed it!"

Gai thanked him and and puts it on, not noticing a certain cat slowly revealing her head from the back side of the car between them until the inventor noticed her. "Oh! Agent Miyo, I didn't knew you were still here!"

Kei paused, and so did Miyo. Both of them were surprised and happy at the same time. Miyo seeing Kei touching his helmet and Gai hearing her name being said. She nervously laughed when Kei slowly turned around with a slight jump. "Heeey Kei, how's it going?"

She said awkwardly, she doesn't know how to speak properly for a moment. Kei gasp, she was slightly the same height as him, maybe because of her heels.

"Wow miyo, i-i didn't know you work here!" He said as he rubbed the back of his head, which the inventor snorts quietly when he tried scratching it. Miyo rubbed her arm gently as she smiled goofing-ly. "It's the same to you, when did you start working here?"

"Uhh, just not too long ago, why?" She shook her head, "Oh it's nothing, just asking that's all.." Then an awkward silence came through between the three, none of them speaking for a second. The inventor was confident to tell something, "Well, I hope you guys enjoy yourselves! I'm gonna head back, see you tomorrow!"

And with that, he left the two agents standing there, both are watching him run inside the building. Miyo licked her lips, before putting her hand away and smiled at him. "Wanna have a snack with me?"

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