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Ninja Kei (Gai) POV

I was holding my helmet with one hand and was assisted with my side, waiting for a message from the device that the boss gave me. I was standing behind a big tree that has the darkest shadow I can hide so no one can see me.

I glared at the device and let out a groan, how long does it take to send a message? I just want to finish this and go home with my brothers.

My life has been bad lately, ever since I sacrificed myself to my friends, I meant the 'supposed to be in jail' incident. I miss everyone, I just don't know about miyo though. I started realizing that I was a lovesick for her, I was still a kid don't judge me.

Those feelings were slowly leaving me, and I was more focused more to my brothers. The device on my hand vibrated, finally.

3rd POV

The message pop up, and kei looked through it after putting his helmet on. The message was about ex couples and one of them was taken by the obsessed person.

"This is kinda risky than the other missions.."

He continued to read the message, before nodding.

"Get the guy..okay then."

He sneaked in the shadows, teleporting to the side roof and watch everything that was happening. Meanwhile, a bike parked behind a building, slightly near to the the house where the girl was held hostage. The Bar tribe left her alone and stayed away at the scene, all of them inside their houses. Miyo grabbed her multi-functional tool, that has both grappling hook and an electrical wire used for defense.

She used her hook and shot it on the tree, instantly being thrown through the leaves. As she is a cat, she jumped through each trees silently and graceful enough to make any rustling noise.

Miyo saw a door beside the garage, but before she goes in she used ears to listen to anything was going to happen if she opens the door immediately. Hearing none, she jumped off and it was surprisingly unlocked, her eyes burrowed when she starts feeling something suspicious.

She peeked her head, she was in the kitchen, she crawled towards the counter. There was a bowl of flowers and other foods that everyone wants, and nothing a note on the side. Slowly lifting herself up, she grabbed the note and read it.

"I hope you accept my gift love, I wish you a happy birthday. This are your favorites by the way, I love to see your eyes shine and that big smile of yours. 

- Your one and only

She placed the note where it was put, to avoid knowing her existence. Her heels followed her orders to keep them quietly as possible. Miyo was now in the living room, beside her was the stairs, she slowly puts her foot and continued the steps. Then she heared shuffling but her eyes can't still see what the second floor looks like, so she pressed herself against the wall and listened closely.

The big Bar tribe came out of the room, giving her 'girlfriend' a rest. Then he sniffed the air, closing his eyes and his brows were knitting. "Strawberry?" Miyo flinched, even smell? She jumped all the way down from the step she was on and hid on a storage room, slightly far away from the stairs.

The tiger named Hanso came down the stairs, making his way towards the kitchen. Miyo peeked through a hole that the door has, and watched him smiling to the fruits and chocolates he was going to gave her. "I never knew strawberries will smell this strong, I'm glad I picked the special ones."

Miyo silently opened the door and ran to the stairs, not leaving a sound. When she was there, she took our her tracker and pressed the button on the side, each button locates something else like this.

She scanned each doors, and finally saw the girl laying on something. She quietly but quickly opens the door and closes it, making her way to her and shake her slightly.

"Hey wake up!" She whispered, the girl Bar tribe waking up and instantly saw her pink hair and her outfit, making her tear up. "Thank you miss.." Miyo smiled slightly, "You're welcome, now go escape to that balcony over there, I'll help you." When those words came out, the girl immediately got off from the bed quietly as possible.

She opened the door and climbed down as Miyo was guarding the door. "Did you make it?" She said to the girl, and she nodded. The agent was already going to jump, but big hands grabbed her from her stomach and let out a painful yelp when she was thrown on the floor.

"You think I will let you escape while my girl had already escaped?" The man said with a venom tone in his voice.

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