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y/n looks at the faint figure, the fog barely showing it, then a red glow appears.

the figure is pushed down by plunger cameraman, who managed to get ahold of a gas mask, he shoves the plunger into what y/n could faintly make up as a camerahead.

the cameraman rips it off, throwing the plunger into the wall, he tries to grab at plunger cameramans gasmask but he prevents it.

the titan tv man hears all the commotion from inside, breaking a huge hole into the laboratory, setting off a couple alarms

the cameraman charges at me, and i can clearly see that it is the cameraman from before.. cameraman Z?

y/n blocks his punch, kicking him to the side as he jumps down making his way into the 3rd floor, the two speakermen follow as tv man 3 and plunger cameramam fight cameraman Z.

the walls seem much more reinforced
then before, it has a much more redish hue to the environment, y/n looks around and sees a giant skibidi toilet statue, of a skibidi toilet he hasn't seen before. the room reeks of marble and is almost completely made reflective and it is basically pitch black, only light coming from the hole y/n broke to get in

"what the hell? guys check this out!"
y/n says as the two speakermen arrive, looking at the statue.

it seems to have giant knives attached to it, guns at the back and multiple lasers.

a loud explosion occurs as y/n and the two speakermen look back, cameraman Z holding plunger cameramans broken body. y/n uses his purple energy to punch a hole in his lens, blinding him, y/n lands a couple more punches, causing large dents in him. suddenly a weird machine from his back shoots out acid, melting y/n's arm off.

y/n uses his other arm and lands a hard punch on him, cameraman z shoots the acid but misses, y/n sees that there is a small camera attached to his back that can still see, he uses all his effort to throw his last knife at the tiny camera but his attempt grew meaningless as the acid gun shoots at the knife, melting it.

y/n lands a barrage of punches at cameraman Z, knocking him to the ground, but is stopped by something.

SKiihBiDi.. SKibiiDi.

y/n looks and sees a gl-

y/n gets himself one shot, almost destroying his camerahead in the process.





y/n runs as fast as he can from the two of them, his jetpack is completely destroyed and oil is leaking fast, he uses a last ditch effort and jumps off the building, falling into the ground.

y/n quickly gets up and runs towards the forest, but is quickly stopped.

SkhIbidi.. Skibidi.

the toilet interferes with the cameralens, shutting the recording down for all of the tv men broadcasting.

the toilet starts screaming

the toilet explodes, and the lens comes back to normal, y/n looks and sees the upgraded titan cameraman, who is finally repaired, and upgraded titan speakerman with brand new upgrades, blasting his music louder than ever.

tv man titan looks at the two, the two look back giving thumbs up,
a few toilets rise, and they look strong.

titan speakerman flies into the toilet, smashing it with his body weight, titan cameraman whips out his hammer, smashing it HARD onto the toilet, the toilet exploding in the process.

titan tv man uses his super red beam onto the other toilet, breaking his glasses and getting flushed easily.

suddenly, the gman toilet appears with new upgrades, blasting titan tv man, leaving him in flames, titan speakerman blasts the gman toilet, destroying one of it's upgrades, titan cameraman grabs him, throwing him onto the ground. the gman toilet uses its lasers to focus it onto the core of titan cameraman, but this heals him, and titan cameraman uses his core fire, burning him back heavily.

gman blasts his acid bombs onto titan cameraman, stopping him from using his core flames, he tackles titan cameraman, shoving him into the ground for a bit, titan cameraman uses his hammer and knocks the living hell out of gman, and titan speakerman flies into gman, using his speaker against him, gman screams, knocking his core speaker and breaking it, he tries throwing a parasite at titan speakerman but he crushes it and stabs him in the head doing a lot of damage, gman backs up a bit and using all his lasers, he blasts them at titan speakerman but titan cameraman grabs gman, throwing him into the ground, he has a new buzzsaw and uses it to cut gmans neck off but he destroys it with his eye lasers, he tries using all of his lasers at titan cameraman but he blocks with his all new and super powerful shield, titan tv man uses his blaster on gman, exploding one of his jetpacks making him significantly slower, titan speakerman blasts his music at gman, but gman uses his headphones and knocks titan speakerman and titan cameraman aside, he turns to titan tv man but is blasted to the floor by titan speakerman, he grabs gmans mouth, ripping it open which no longer allows him to use the damn song and he blasts gman in the mouth, exploding him, he headbutts titan speakerman, using his lasers at him which does a bit of damage to him.

titan tv man uses his shoulder tv and uses the control beam on him, but he blasts the tv in the screen, knocking it aside, gman focuses his attention on titan tv man, about to ram into him but titan cameraman slams him into the ground.

he stabs gman with his sword but gman uses his lasers, knocking his new sword away, but now the titans are serious.

titan tv man uses his red beam, looks like he didn't even get damaged by the blast, gman tries blocking with his spider arms, but titan speakerman cuts it all off.

gman toilet tries running away, but titan speakerman flies onto him, stabbing him multiple times in the eyes, crashing him into his own bunker.

gman is now heavily, heavily damaged as titan tv man uses his sword to cut off the toilet's flush so that he can suffer, titan cameraman flies into gman, punching him with his hands which are equipped with spikes for more damage, blood spills out after each punch, titan tv man uses his core laser and blasts the living hell out of gman toilet, almost killing him

titan speakerman grabs the toilet by his new feet claws and has a button with him, he quickly flies into the ocean and unhooks gman, who can no longer run away, titan speakernan flies away and presses the button, causing a huge explosion, disintegrating gman 5.0

TV Woman x Y/N (Male POV)Where stories live. Discover now