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Y/N stands back up as Plunger Cameraman flies from above with his plungers forming an X, quickly reacting to this, Y/N throws himself onto the side to dodge the Plunger Cameraman. He gets up and tries to blast the Plunger Cameraman but he misses as he is going way too fast for him to handle.

Y/N looks around him to figure out what to do and he spots an open door leading to the parking lot. He uses his jetpack to quickly run to the parking lot and hides behind a car as Plunger Cameraman looks for him, but is quickly spotted and Plunger Cameraman dashes towards him and elbows him into a car, destroying it in the process. Y/N tumbles back and pants, Plunger Cameraman dashes towards him but Y/N jumps over him, grabbing onto his jetpack and stabbing him.

Gas starts to leak out as Plunger Cameraman gets punched by Y/N, but catches the other hand, managing to snap it into two. He stands up and readies his Plungers before grabbing Y/N by the tie and throwing him into a wall, destroying it as it leaves a huge hole, revealing the outside. He grabs Y/N by his camerahead but is stabbed in the chest as our hero cries out in pain. Plunger Cameraman backs off a bit as he catches his breath. Y/N notices this and quickly grabs Plunger Cameraman, ramming him into a car.
He repeatedly punches him angrily before blasting his camerahead.
Wait what?

Plunger Cameraman was unfazed

Time to show you my actual abilities ;)
Plunger Cameraman does a backflip as he uses the power of Glitch Toilet to speedily grab Y/N and yeet him outside. Y/N rolls on the hill as our really fast cameraman grabs him by the neck, slamming him onto a nearby tree. Y/N helplessly tries to hit him but Plunger Cameraman easily catches all of the punches, as he grabs Y/N by the neck and tries to rip off the parasite.
Y/N quickly stabs him and pushes him onto the ground. He readies his blaster and fires it 3 times, damaging Plunger Cameraman. The cameraman heroically lunges the plunger at Y/N, hitting him really hard in the stomach which causes him to back off.

Y/N tries to shoot the blaster at Plunger Cameraman but he notices it and rips off his blaster, causing alot of sparks and electricity. Plunger Cameraman grabs the blaster and tries to wack him with it, but Y/N blocks it with the knife. Y/N backs up a bit and then charges in with the knife.
Plunger Cameraman easily teleports behind him as he tries to rip off the parasite, but he cant without breaking his camerahead as Y/N is twitching violently. Y/N pushes the cameraman off of him and attempts to stab him, but Plunger Cameraman dodges and covers his head with a plunger, kicking him back as he restrains Y/N. He takes a deep breath before yanking off the parasite. Plunger Cameraman drops to his knees then onto the hard cement as he tries catching his breath as he holds the parasite in his hand.

He crushes the parasite with anger as he gets back up to check on Y/N but he isnt concious. He quickly carries him onto his back and runs back to the Speakerman base, in hopes of repairing him. He finally gets to the room and lays Y/N on the bed for them to repair, as he sighs.

Y/N heard voices in his head, repeating one phrase


As his head stops generating thoughts in hopes of reserving energy to be repaired, as he was almost beyond repair.

Plunger Cameraman walks out of his room, and sits on the chair to read a book, until an explosion was heard, and a faint Skibidi noise was echoing.
He runs outside to see whats going on and he sees a skull toilet that shot acid and a bunch of flying toilets.
He looks to see Titan Speakerman and Titan Cinemaman arrive, both upgraded, as Titan Cinemaman tackles the acid toilet, completely destroying it, as Plunger Cameraman looks to the side to see Titan Speakerman shooting all the flying toilets with ease. Another toilet comes from the sky, it was the quad blade toilet, but with 10 blades instead of two, and has a bunch of lasers now.
He tries to fly towards the toilet but was knocked back down by another toilet, the UFO toilet. A bunch of glasses toilet appear and attack Cinemaman as Titan Speakerman blasts the UFO toilet, killing it in the process. Cinemaman easily destroys the glasses toilets and looks to tackle the 10 blade toilet, getting stabbed in the process.

The cinemaman said as he blasts them with 4 other tv heads that were attached like the Large TV Man. The toilet was shaking as Cinemaman removes his eye protection and punches him, killing it in the process, before being blasted by lasers.
Cinemaman and Titan Speakerman looked back to see GMan, much larger and has 20 lasers and could fly much faster. Cinemaman tackles GMan as Titan Speakerman blasts from afar.
Cinemaman repeatedly punches Gman before blasting him with the THX. as he shakes uncontrollably aswell. Titan Speakerman looks to see 5 octopus toilets, the ones that Titan Cameraman lost to. He runs towards one of them and manages to tackle it, but his jetpack gets ripped off by an octopus toilet. Plunger Cameraman zooms to tackle the octopus toilet, but was easily stopped by the others.
Plunger Cameraman initiates a retreat, alerting all of the cameramen, speakermen, and tv men. They all run out to evacuate.

Y/N, you're finally awake. You must.. fight.
A mysterious voice called to him.

Y/N wakes up and runs out of the room to check all the chaos, he looks to see a bunch of people evacuating. Suddenly, a part of the roof collapses as a weird toilet with spears attacks the evacuating cameramen, he tries to stop them with success but a cameraman is left behind

The cameraman screams, his name.. Cameraman Z.

Y/N was too focused on running and sadly the Cameraman Z couldn't make it. They finally exit the building as he sees a very destroyed Cinemaman fighting an upgraded GMan 4.0.
A bunch of helicopter parasites fall from the sky as Y/N could only run.

TV Woman x Y/N (Male POV)Where stories live. Discover now