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plunger cameraman grabs his plunger, aiming it at cameraman Z, speakerman A and y/n quickly get up to try and fight, cameraman Z quickly tackles plunger cameraman, throwing him onto the ground, as speakerman A rushes to attack cameraman Z.

but before y/n could help, simp cameraman stabs him in the neck.
then proceeds to kick y/n's stomach.

y/n blasts simp cameramans head, damaging it alot, stunning him in the process. the simp cameraman lunges in and pushes y/n to the ground.

the simp cameraman rushes in to try and kill y/n but tv woman teleports infront of him, tanking the attack, this fight was certainly no joke.

simp cameraman turns on his jetpack and flies a bit back, tv woman then teleports behind him, punching him onto the ground, making the floor crack. tv woman tries to stomp on simp cameraman, but he dodges it and tv woman breaks the floor, causing her to fall many stories down.

simp cameraman lands a barrage of punches on y/n, he catches a few punches however, kicking him in the balls.

y/n quickly gets on top of simp cameraman, charging up his core to obliderate him, but gets his camera lens cracked as simp cameraman throws a knife into him. simp cameraman takes this advantage and stomps on y/n repeatedly, to knock him unconcious, but is stopped when tv woman absolutely elbows him, breaking his lens aswell.

tv woman bends down to try and help y/n, a bunch of cuts and bruises present on his body and a few exposed wires, before attempting to teleport away, the cameraman z blasts tv woman with his speakers, also stunning speakerman A and plunger cameraman in the process.
he quickly runs towards tv woman to stop her from saving him, but is met with a right hook to the face, by tv man 3?

y/n, tv woman and speakerman A look at the tv man, clearly remembering him as one of the people that y/n first made friends with.

the tv man winks at the couple, teleporting away with cameraman Z to go fight with him elsewhere, plunger cameraman screams at him to let him fight aswell, but tv man 3 just laughs at him, knowing this will probably be his final battle.

y/n and tv woman teleport away to the nearest medic station, as speakerman A and plunger cameraman are left alone to ponder.

"hey, we need to find cameraman Z, tv man 3 is certainly not winning this fight, hes way stronger than us. but if we use our combined forces, maybe we could take him!" speakerman A says to plunger cameraman, in which he responds by taking his hand out, offering to zoom into where ever tv man 3 is.

they quickly fly out the building and spot tv man 3 and cameraman z fighting outside cameraman hq.
they fly down as plunger cameraman knocks the living shit out of cameraman Z, but it didnt seem to affect him.

the evil cameraman shouts as he rips apart plunger cameramans arm with ease, running towards the other two.

the speakerman right hooks the evil cameraman, causing him. to be much more angry, he grabs the poor speakermans head and starts shaking it agressively.

tv man 3 teleports behind cameraman Z and throws an electric baton at him, stunning him as he falls to the ground.

speakerman A stomps on cameraman Z, repeatedly throwing him onto the ground more and more, plunger cameraman restraining him from moving any farther.

suddenly simp cameraman comes flying by and takes speakerman A and tv man 3 with him, leaving plunger cameraman to fight alone with cameraman Z.

its a pretty one-sided fight as plunger cameraman has lost his left arm, and his jetpack is nearly broken. while cameraman Z is clearly barely damaged, only a few cuts on his body and a slightly broken lens.

cameraman Z uses his speakers to stun plunger cameraman, but it doesn't work as he was using headphones. he quickly uses his glitch toilet power to kick cameraman Z in the chest, breaking his most powerful ability, his chest speakers.

plunger cameraman grabs a ak47 from his back, shooting it at cameraman Z's core, but he blocks it with tree bark, he then slams the treebark onto plunger cameraman, as he quickly rips the ak47 into two with his claws, so he cant use range weapons.

plunger cameraman quickly catches him offguard, ripping one of his claws off in the process, he immediately starts speed blitzing cameraman Z, targetting his jetpack as its the only means of escape to him.

cameraman Z materializes a rocket launcher out of nowhere and aims it at plunger cameraman, he dodges the rocket and manages to deflect it towards cameraman Z, breaking both of his side speakers and further damaging him in the process.

cameraman Z tackles plunger cameraman, attempting to rip off his camerahead as plunger cameraman rapidly kicks him in the stomach, stunning him before he could do that.

cameraman Z looks very pissed, as his lower camera flashlight has gone completely red, as his camerahead glows a blood-like red.

he speedily runs towards plunger cameraman, elbowing his camerahead, severely damaging it in the process, he then walks up to the plunger cameraman, attempting to infect him, but plunger cameraman destroys the parasite with his final ounce of energy, causing him to pass out.

cameraman Z shrugs and flies towards the tv man and speakerman duo, who had finished ripping off the mechanical robot parasite thing that changed his perception of reality and made him arrogant, the 3 stare at cameraman Z, he stares back with murderous intent.

speakerman A jumps towards cameraman Z, tackling him as he rips off his jetpack, punching him until he plummets to the surface.

cameraman Z looks at speakerman A, and without a second thought, h e    r i p s    h i s    b o d y   i n t o    t w o.

simp cameraman and tv man 3 stare in shock, as their friend was just ripped into two, right infront of them, oil splattering everywhere.

tv man 3 kicks cameraman Z into the wall, causing him to lose his other hook, simp cameraman stabs his core, causing him to lose 10% of his power.

simp cameraman repeatedly punches cameraman Z, but cameraman Z quickly stands up, and punches a hole right through simp cameraman with his fists, simp cameraman staring in shock as most of his internal wires and microchips fall out of his body as oil splatters everywhere.

cameraman Z retracts his fist, allowing simp cameramans body to fall onto the ground, he looks into tv man 3's screen, his camerahead twitching violently.

cameraman Z runs towards tv man 3, but gets stabbed thrice in the process into the stomach, cameraman Z laser blasts tv man 3, but gets teleported into the sky by him.

cameraman Z falls onto the ground with a thud, tv man 3 immediately tries to rip off his last power, his blasters, but cameraman Z rips off tv man 3's arm, leaving him with no choice but to teleport away, he quickly grabs the remains of simp cameraman and speakerman and teleports away.

"cameraman y.. is next."

TV Woman x Y/N (Male POV)Where stories live. Discover now