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The two looked at the dead camerawoman for a while, Finally, the person who killed her showed up.
The two looked to see a dark cameraman with jetpack upgrades similar to that of Y/N and Plunger Cameraman. The stealthy cameraman runs towards the two, and Y/N grabs TV Woman by the arm and runs out of the cinema, down the abnormally long hallway, there he sees Speakerman A waiting for the two, they quickly make
their getaway, The three come to a sudden halt, Y/N remembering the  Plunger Cameraman who helped him.
They quickly turn back to see a skibidi toilet heading toward them, Y/N aggressively elbows the toilet knocking it to the side, a sharp turn back toward the long hallways finally making it to the prison cell area. The 3 split up and searched for him, freeing the cameramen they found along the way

Plunger Cameraman, is that you?
A panicked Y/N looks at the cameraman, who has his signature dual plungers, Upon a closer look checks to see he is asleep, After a quick decision-making he kicks the poor cameraman awake

What the hell was that for?!
Plunger Cameraman yells at Y/N but eventually notices that we have to leave immediately and runs with him

Found him!!
Y/N yells at the 2, and they quickly jump out of the window as the three fall to the ground, plummeting 3 stories down to the muddy ground below.

A strider toilet stops them and screams the living shit out of them, Plunger Cameraman proceeds to knock the life out of the poor skibidi toilet, breaking its entire toilet in the process. They see the Titan Speakerman blasting the hell out of the toilets, The 4 make it out of the prison alive, and the 2 cameramen fall as if they've been shot on the hard pavement, catching their breaths.

What about the others?
The tired plunger cameraman asks

Worry bout' ourselves for now bro.
Speakerman A responds, leaning onto a concrete wall for support.

The four looks at a tired cameraman escaping, but before they can help, The dark cameraman from earlier stabs him, leaking oil everywhere.

edis rou no saw eh thguoht I ?thaw
TV woman asks confused

The 3 process it for a second, before
Y/N slaps TV woman in the face

Bro, speak normally, please.
Y/N asks politely

TV woman says, crossing her arms in a dissatisfied way

Y/N pulls TV woman into a hug, as the speakerman and cameraman look at each other in awkwardness.

TV woman teleports the other 3 to a safer place, around 400 meters away in a rather secluded area.

Stay here, I will fetch the others.
TV woman teleports into the prison and teleports multiple cameramen out, as her cuffs are destroyed.

TV woman sees TV man 4 doing the same thing, but before he can greet her.

A crazy Cameraman Z snatches the poor TV man, breaking his TV into two

TV woman tries to use her fire ability but is knocked in the head by the evil Cameraman

The crazy cameraman charges at the woman, but before reaching her, she teleports away.

TV Woman x Y/N (Male POV)Where stories live. Discover now