chapter twenty three- yo, grab me some jelly beans!

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*meghans pov*

"Mommy! Daddy" Brooklyn yells. Charlie and I rush in to her room to find her tangled in her sheets on the floor. I laugh and untangle her.
"You fell" I laugh and kiss her cheek. Charlie remakes her bed.
"I sowwee" she says. Oh my God, her two year old voice kills me.
"Its okay, are you hurt honey" I ask. She shakes her head and yawns. "Oh, your sleepy. Huh" I ask.
"Uh huh" she yawns again. I am about to lay her in her bed when she stops me. "Ina sleep with you and daddy" she says, leaning her head on my shoulder and fluttering her eyes closed. Charlie comes over and kisses me and rubs my back as we walk to the bedroom. I gently lay Brooklyn in between us and Charlie gently kisses my temple.
"I'm so lucky to have you two" he whispers.
"I love you" I say and close my eyes.
"I love you too" he says and drapes his arm over me and Brooklyn. When I wake up, I am the first one awake. I decide to go downstairs and look for food. Donuts, jackpot. I set out two for Charlie, two for me and half of one for Brooklyn. She's two people, she can't eat a whole donut. Then I hear the little patter of little footsteps followed by a small 'oof'.
"You okay honey" I ask as I pour some orange juice.
"Yes, mommy" she says and hugs my leg. I ruffle her hair as I set the last cup of orange juice down at the island. I pick her up and kiss her cheek. She giggles. Tomorrow is her third birthday. I can't believe my baby girl is turning three! Suddenly my stomach flips and I set Brooklyn down and rush to the sink. After ten minutes of Brooklyn crying, I rinse my mouth out with water. I hug her.
"Shh, it's okay baby" I comfort her. The last time I felt like this I was... pregnant. Oh shit. Charlie groggily walks into the kitchen.
"Whats up" he says kissing my cheek.
"Charlie, I think I'm pregnant again" I whisper. His eyes widen and he hugs me.

"Meghan, that's great" he says and rests is hand on my stomach. I smile and lean my head on his shoulder.
"I know" I say and try not to cry. Brooklyn calls me over. " what is it baby" I ask.
"I'm gonna be a big sissy" she asks as she finishes her donut. I nod and take bite out of mine. Charlie takes a sip out of his orange juice and in this moment, everything is perfect.
"Meghan, we need to be sure. Lets drop Brooklyn off with Emmy so she and Saylor can have a play date. Then we need to figure out what gender neutral color to paint the room, I like mint green" he says. I nod. After we drop Brooklyn off at Emmys, we go to home depot and end up getting an extremely pale pastel yellow paint for the room. Our bedroom is a light mint green with a grey accent wall. Brooklyn's is a bright aqua blue, it's amazing. Throughout our entire house, it's like a light grey. Charlie FORBID from helping because I was pregnant at the time. Then my brain snaps to reality. I stop dead in my tracks in the middle of the isle, waiting for Charlie to realize I'm not following. I am seriously fighting the urge to spin him around and...
"Meg" he asks, walking towards me. "Everything okay."
"Happy anniversary" I whisper and kiss him passionately. He looks down at me with so much love I'm surprised he is acting so calm.
"I have a special surprise for you" he whispers and his hand brushes my waist as he walks past me. I shudder invoulentarily and place a hand on my stomach. I take a deep breath.
"And that, chicken nugget, is your daddy" I say and catch up to Charlie. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and I lean into him as he pays for the paint. A couple of people recognize us but we make it home relatively fast. Charlie stores the paint in the garage and leads me inside our dimly lit house. Its illuminated by some candles and pink lamps. "Wow, I can give you credit for the ambiance" I say. He rolls his eyes.
"Watch" he smirks and claps twice really loud. A scraping noise is getting louder as it approaches and before I know it, there is a tiny chocolate lab sitting in front of me, with heart melting floppy ears.
"Charlie, what the fuck is this" I ask, crouching down to pick up the puppy. I ruffle her fur and play with her ears.
"A puppy Meghan, what does it look like" he asks.
"You sneaky little shit" I say and kiss the puppy's head. "Brooklyn should name her" I say. Charlie nods.
"I'll go get her" he says. I nod and sit on the couch with the puppy. Before Brooklyn comes in I blow out the candles, I don't want my baby on fire. I turn the normal lights on as Brooklyn runs over to me.
"Mommy" she says and hugs me. Then she sees the puppy and gasps really loud. "PUPPY" She screams.
"What do you want to name her" I ask.
"Floofy" she says.
"Floofy" I ask. I will NEVER ever allow my dog to be named floofy.
She nods eagerly. "How about no" I say.
"What bout Sadie" she asks and does a little duckface, pushing the caramel curls out of her face.
"I like that very much, good job hun" I say and kiss her forehead. "Go tell daddy that baby chicken nugget wants pizza" I say to her. She eagerly runs to Charlie.
"Oh really" he says coming back into the room with Brooklyn on his shoulders. I nod. He Plops next to me. He places his hands on my stomach. "Okay then, nugget" he says. I laugh and grab Brooklyn as he walks out to the car. I call him.
"Yo, grab me some jelly beans" I say into the phone and then hang up. Wait, where is my daughter? I am looking all around for her when I suddenly hear weird, out of tune, piano music. I lean against the door way and watch her trying to play. I sit her on my lap and begin to play. I show her the easy stuff like chopsticks and stuff, she seems to be getting it. Then she wiggles off my lap and goes over to my small ukulele. We spend the rest of the time that Charlie is at the store playing with instruments. She has ukulele down really good. After we eat, I sing Brooklyn to sleep. There is gonna be a lot of prep for her party tomorrow.

*Charlie's pov*

I roll over into empty space. I groggily open my eyes to see Meghan is gone, probably pee. I mean, six month pregnant people do have to pee quite a lot. I go over to the crib and pick Brooklyn up. She kisses my cheek as we walk downstairs.
"Good evening, Charlie. Good evening Brooklyn" Kelli greets as she grabs Brooklyn from my arms.
"Meghan was talking about going to the beach with you earlier" Gary says.
"Yeah, apparently something about her and Ashlee" I say, not really sure about the details.
"For your information, dumbass, it's where Ashlee and I first met when we we're six, so back off" Meghan says as she kisses Brooklyn on the cheek and comes over to me, leaning into me.
"Hey, no swearing" Kelli scholds.
"Mom, I'm 25, I can handle myself thank you very much" Meghan says as I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer. She wraps her arms over my shoulders and tip toes to kiss me, since she is short without any shoes. We deepen the kids and then Gary clears his throat. "We should get ready" Meghan whispers. I nod and follow her upstairs. After she closes the bedroom door, I get dressed in jeans and a white tee shirt. Meghan puts on a black dress that perfectly showcases her curves. Its semi fancy, so I class it up with a black blazer.
"Meghan, are we taking Brooklyn" I ask. She shakes her head and places her hand on her stomach.
"Just Perri" she says and kisses me passionately. God, I love her so much I can't even describe it. I kneel down and place my hands on the sides of her stomach.
"Hello, baby ducktail. I'm your daddy" I whisper and look up at Meghan. After u stand up, I help her into her heels and then we are off. One of meghans hands stays under her stomach as we walk to the beach, and I'm pretty sure there is at least three hidden paparazzi following us. We walk along the beach for a while and the Meghan gasps. "What is it, are you okay. Is Perri okay" I ask. Meghan just looks down in shock at her stomach.
"She just kicked" Meghan practically whispers. She quickly grabs my hand and presses it down on the side. A powerful kick hits my hand hard. I look at Meghan and pull her in for a kiss. I kneel down and place my hands on the sides of her stomach. I kiss her stomach and Meghan places her hands over mine. I slowly get up, not breaking eye contact with her. I pull her waist as close to me as it can get, and kiss her passionately. She deepens the kiss and I run my fingers through her hair as we walk back to her house. This moment, is priceless. Id give anything for it to be this simple all the time, but it's not.

Hey y'all! I have a new story and I think you would like it it's called 'the pop stars daughter' it's basically a story about a girl named Paige and her parents are Meghan and Charlie! Thanks for sticking with this story! Luvv u all!

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