chapter sixteen- oh my god

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*meghans pov*

I wake up to my stomach doing backflips. I run to the bathroom and vomit. I groan and lean against the wall. Fuck I better not be getting sick or my period. What a great way to start our honeymoon. Wait. Hold up, when was the last time I got my period? I pull out my phone. What. The. Fuck. Three weeks ago, I'm never late. Ever. I stand up and brush my teeth. I don't leave the bathroom right away though. I turn sideways and lift up my shirt. There is a slight bump, barely noticeable. I take a shakey breath. I pull on a pair of shoes and I scribble a short note to Charlie. I grab my purse and walk down the street to CVS. I slyly walk into the family planning isle and pluck a purple box off the shelf. It's pretty expensive, but it looks the most promising. I go to the counter to pay. The lady only looks up when she hands me the bag.

"Aren't you Meg-"

"No, no I'm not" I say and quickly exit the store. I go back into the hotel room and Charlie is reading the note.

"Hey you okay?" He hugs me. I nod.

"I need to do some, uh, stuff in bathroom" I say. I cringe at how idiotic that was.

"Okay" he laughs. I smile and turn around to go into the bathroom. I close the door and open the box. I read the instructions. After I peed on the thingys and washed my hands, I joined Charlie on the bed.

"We have to wait five minutes" I sigh. I really really really REALLY want kids, especially with the love of my life. After the longest five minutes in history of pacing, I Can see the answers. I look down and tears fill my eyes as I happily sigh. I look in the doorway and see Charlie.

"So..." he prompts.

"Charlie, we're gonna have a baby" I squeal, crying still. He picks me up and twirls me around. I laugh.

"Meghan, this is... just... wow" he says. I smile.

"Char, we are gonna be parents" I sigh. He looks at me lovingly. He passionately kisses me. Then the realization hits me. ''oh my god, so much to do, the crib, the clothes, the toys... holy shit diapers and-'' he grabs me by my shoulders and stops me.

''calm the fuck down. Meghan, everything is going to be alright, just worry about you and our baby for now. Don't you have to do some doctor crap'' he sighs and leads me back to the bed. I nod. I grab my phone and call the doctor. I make the appointment for three days later, when we return home.


''It's about goddamn time'' I say and toss my coat on the hook, dropping my suitcase on the ground and carefully flopping onto the couch.

''You can say that again'' Charlie agrees, taking the suitcase up stairs. I groan overdramatically and force myself upstairs. I pace back and forth in front of the closet for like five minutes before I finally give up. I get up again after three minutes because the appointment is in ten minutes. I FINALLY pick out a deep purple, just above the knee, dress. I pair it with black knee high socks and my ever-present black heels.

''why are you so concerned with this. It's just a doctors appointment." Charlie sighs.

"Because I don't want to look like a fucking slob for our first doctors appointment" I explain. He just shakes just head.

"Okay" he says. After I finish getting ready, we get in the car. Charlie drives and squeazes my hand. We get to the doctors and check in. There is a girl, she can't be more than sixteen, who looks about seven months pregnant. She sees me and starts crying. Charlie rubs my back. I smile at her.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry, I probably look a mess" she sniffles, wiping the mascara streaks off her face.

"It's totally fine. Your just hormonal" I say. She nods. She realizes where I am.

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