Chapter fourteen- god damn spiders

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*meghans pov*
Charlie passed out after me and Emmy talked. My poor baby, he's so tired. I grab a blanket from inside and bring it to him. I am wearing a pair of sweat pants and a tank top. I lay under the blanket with him. I brush his hair out of his face and kiss his forehead. He smiles slightly and then falls asleep again. I wake up inside. I look out the window. It is either still dark out or it is dark out again. I check my phone. 5:00 am. Definitely still dark. Charlie is fast asleep next to me. I sit up and look around, we are in the bedroom. I sneak downstairs to the music room. I pick up my ukulele and begin to play. I play about ten songs. I am right in the middle of want to want me when I see something that makes me scream bloody murder. I am still screaming when Charlie rushes in.
"What. What is it." He looks wildly around the room and then his eyes land on me, confused. I point to the wall across from me. A huge spider is on the wall. "Jesus, Meg. Seriously" he rolls his eyes and stands in the piano bench with a napkin. He looks at me and smashes the spider without looking at it.
"God damn spiders" I mumble. He laughs and throws the napkin at me. I scream and jump up, landing on top of the piano. I glare at Charlie. He laughs his ass off, once again and picks up the napkin. He tosses it in the garbage can and sits on the piano bench. I am still sitting on the piano and I grab my ukulele again. Charlie starts playing the piano and pretty soon we are having a nice jam session. Charlie picks up a guitar and sits next to me on the piano. We attempt to write a song, but fail miserably because we are sleep deprived and delirious. I laugh hysterically and collapse on the bed. Charlie couldn't even make it to the bed, I'm pretty sure he collapsed on the couch. I, currently, don't give a shit. I fall into a dreamless sleep, and wake up to loud banging noises in he kitchen. I jump up. I grab the baseball bat underneath my side of the bed. I walk slowly down the stairs, bat cocked in front of me. I hug the wall and jump out from around the kitchen corner, screaming. Charlie jumps a good two feet off the ground, dropping a bowl and breaking it in the process.
"God damn it Meghan. I'm sorry" he says and looks at the bowl. I drop the bat and wait for my heart to stop racing. Finally, when my mini heart attack subsides, I sit down on a stool at the island. Charlie hands me a cup of coffee and I accept it. He cleans the mess up while I search for food. I finally find a box of toaster waffles and strawberries. I plug in the toaster and pop the waffles in. I grab two plates and set them next to the toaster. They pop out and I catch them on the plate. I put two more in and wait. Finally they explode out of the toaster, landing gracefully on the plate. I slide Charlie his plate and he walks into the dining room.
"What are you doing, fuck face" I call out to him.
"We never use our dining room table. Why the hell did we buy it if we never use it" he calls back.
"To fill up space" I say when I plop down across from him. I am about to take a bite when he grabs both of my hands.
"Thank you for this love, Meg. Thank you so god damn much." He releases my hands and takes a huge bite of his waffles.
"Okay, Jesus" I laugh. He rolls his eyes and takes a sip of water. We finish our waffles and I head into the bedroom. I change into pajamas, I don't expect us to be going anywhere today. I flop into my desk chair and scribble down some random lyrics. Charlie hugs me from behind. I hug him back.
"We don't say this often enough, I love you" he smiles.
"Charlie God damn Puth, you are the love of my life and WE ARE FUCKING ENGAGED" I scream.
"I know, Ms. Trainor" he says and kisses my jaw. I shiver into him. His kiss trails down to my shoulder. I smile. He spins my chair around and trades spots with me. I sit on his lap. I am enjoying his tongue exploring my mouth, when there is a loud knock on the front door.
"Fuck" I say, throwing on something presentable to open the door with. Charlie follows me down the stairs. I reach the door out of breath from running. I open the door and brace myself against the door frame. My knee length skirt flowing into place around me. "Hello?" I say to the person in front of me. A man about my and Charlie's age stands in front of me.
"Hey, Meghan. Remember me, from high school?" He combs his fingers through his hair. I rack my brain and suddenly the memory surfaces. I glare at him.
"What do you want, Nathan?" I put my hand on my hip sassily. Charlie stands behind me, rubbing my shoulder.
"Everything okay, Meg" Charlie asks. I shake my head.
"Leave, now" I scream at Nathan. He turns around and marches away from our house. I turn back to Charlie. He closes he door and follows me into the kitchen. I sit on the counter, eating ice cream. Charlie hops up next to me with another spoon. I lean my head on his shoulder.
"Meg, who was that." He eats a cold spoonful.
"That douchebag from high school who said I would be real hot if I was ten pounds lighter" I shake my head. He stares at me.
"Seriously" he says. I nod. "God, he has a lot of nerve-" I don't let him finish. I cut him off by hugging his neck.
"Charlie, calm yo self." He laughs. We finish the ice cream and sit on the couch watching army wives on Netflix. It's my new obsession. I fall asleep with my head on Charlie's lap, like the first time we spent the night together.

*charlies pov*
"Charlie, calm yo self." I laugh. Meghan god damn Trainor has no idea what she does to me. We finish the ice cream and she drags me to the couch to watch some boring ass girl show that I sit through because I love her. She falls asleep with her head on my lap. I move out from under her and lay my head next to hers, stretching out the other direction. Something is preventing me from sleeping so much that I have to wake my precious Meghan up. I nudge her gently. She groans.
"I'm sorry. Meghan, did you ever want more with Nathan. Do you still think about him." I look down at my hands.
"Charlie I was heart broken. I wrote a song about it and got over it. You should too" she rolls her eyes.
"Sorry" I say and kiss her head. "Go back to sleep" I say.
"You too fuck face" she yawns. I nod and wait till she falls back asleep. I go outside and lay on my back, staring up at the stars. I want to marry this fucking girl so bad. I can wait for her to be ready though, I don't want it to break up our relationship. Pretty soon I am asleep.

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