chapter fifteen- once upon a time

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*charlies pov*
I am sitting in a hotel room with Meghan's brothers, dad, my brother and my best friend. I'm so glad that Meghan decided to push the wedding up, it was getting hard to stand. Meghan got dragged off with Emmy, Mikaela and Ashlee. Her mom is staying with my mom in another hotel room, preparing for tomorrow. Long story short, my dad got arrested. I don't even know what is happening right now because me and Meghan are texting. Suddenly her father, Gary, comes over to me.
"Son, I see the way you look at her. That's the way I look at her mother" he says, smiling faintly.
"I love her, sir." I smile at the next text. I respond.
"Call me Gary. You make her so happy, Charlie. I haven't seen my baby girl this happy since... Well, ever. Don't you hurt her, you hear" he warns.
"Yes, I understand. I promise I will never hurt her" I say.
"Don't make promises you can't keep" he says and walks off with Justin. I wonder what he means.

Babe! Emmy just got us kicked out of the best club. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I'm sure your vows are better than mine, I'm not as poetic.

I laugh and respond with: I'm sure yours are fine. I mean last time I checked, you were a song writer so.... She responds with a lol and then stops texting me suddenly. I have a sneaking suspicion that Emmy had something to do with this. I toss my phone on the night stand. I look at my tuxedo, hanging on the closet door. Holy fuck, I'm getting married tomorrow. I take the folded piece of paper out of my pocket and re read my vows for the millionth time. I wrote them in pen, so I couldn't second guess myself.

Dearest Meghan,
I know that you love me, I never doubted it. I am madly in love with you. We were meant to be together, I feel it. The moment our eyes met, I knew, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. So, mrs. Puth, will you accept my love for eternity and make my life complete by becoming my wife? I love you, Meghan.

With the most love,
Charles Puth.

I don't know about that. They are kind of short, but you know, I'm not the best at writing. Songs maybe, but not anything else. I sigh and fold them back up. I roll onto my back. Everyone slowly trickles out after a couple of hours, leaving me to try and fail, to fall asleep. How can anyone get any sleep like this? All I'm thinking about is my beautiful bride to be, Meghan. God I love her so much.

*meghans pov*
"Emmy Palmer, I cannot believe you" I say as I stare in disbelief at my shattered phone. Mikaela is laughing so hard, I think she's about to die. I was texting Charlie when Emmy grabbed my phone, threw it against the wall and smiled. That bitch smiled. I look at her and burst into laughter. Ugh.
"You okay over there" Emmy asks Mikaela, who is collapsed on the floor, gasping for breath. I wipe a tear from the corner of my eye. I've been laughing to hard. Emmy's shoulder length, electric purple, hair is curled. She is wearing black leggings and a gold top. I am wearing a red mini skirt, a black long-sleeved shirt and my usual shoes. I sigh and stand up. Ashlee left like twenty minutes ago and hasn't came back yet. I go into the kitchen and grab my sparkely gold cup. I open it and am about to pour water in it, when I see a folded up piece of paper inside. I read it, smiling. It is a love letter from Charlie:

Dear Meghan,
Roses are red, violets are blue, this is cliche but I love you. Cant wait to see you tomorrow.

"Where the hell is Ashlee" I ask. Emmy looks down at her phone
"Her grandma died and she had to get on a plane immediately" she says. I nod and fill my cup with water and plop back down on the couch. We kinda just talk until I start yawning. I show Emmy and Mikaela to their guest rooms and flop onto my bed. Tomorrow is my wedding, holy shit. I wake up to Emmy and Mikaela screaming in my ear.
"Girl, your getting married!!!!" Emmy screams.
"I know fucktard" I scream back at her, matching her level of enthusiasm. Emmy yanks me out of bed and pushes me into the bathroom. I turn to Mikaela and mouth 'help me' she starts laughing. Emmy rolls my hair and pins it to my scalp. She grabs my arm and yanks me out the door. She pushes me, forcefully, into the backseat of the car. She starts driving and twenty minutes later we are at the beach. There are three event tents, you know the big white ones. One for me, one for Charlie, and one for the reception, but that one is a way down the beach. Mikaela rushes me toward the tent, before Charlie can see me, but I see him peeking. I blow him a kiss and then I am on my knees in the sand. I glare at Mikaela.
"Meghan! You only have thirty minutes" Emmy says frantically.
"Holy fuck, okay go go go people" I scream. I quickly change into my dress and it still feels perfect. It is long and loose, perfect for the beach. The whole time Emmy is doing my hair and Mikaela is doing my makeup, I am thinking about Charlie. When Emmy finally pins the final piece of hair into place in my curly, half up half down ponytail. I squeal as I look in the mirror. My mom walks in holding a small box, she starts crying. I hug her, tears spilling also. Mikaela decided that waterproof mascara would be a good idea. After my tearful hug with my mom, I have to calm down so my eyes aren't puffy.
"My baby girl is getting married" she sobs once again. I smile, trying not to cry.
"Mom, stop your making me cry" I say, laughing hoarsely.
"Right. I'm sorry, this is from Charlie" she announces and hands me the box. I open it and smile. It is a locket. I open it and smile again, there is a picture of me and Charlie and a little post it in the other half that says 'reserved for our family'. I clip it around my neck and look in he mirror. Charlie's mom walks in.
"Ten minutes people. Wow, Meghan you look beautiful. Charlie is very lucky to have you, don't let him forget it" she smiles. She nods approvingly and spins to walk out. I decided everyone in the wedding party didn't need shoes because we are on the beach. Emmy and Mikaela change into their turquoise bridesmaid dresses and curl their hair. They already did their makeup so when my dad walked in, they left. I link our arms and the wedding coordinator sprints in.
"Now" she says and we begin to walk. I can hardly contain my excitement as I get closer to a smiling Charlie. His eyes light up when he flips my veil over my face. After a whole lotta boring, Charlie says his vows. I take a microphone and face Charlie.
"I would like to present my vows in the form of a song." I glance at Charlie, he looks confused, good. Then I sing 'one thing' by one direction. Charlie laughs when I finish. "Well, I do have real vows." Everyone laughs. "When I agreed to do a music video with this yahoo," laughter, "never in a million years did I think we would be standing here at the alter today, getting married. Charlie, it was hard for me to write these because no words can describe how much our love means to me. It literally hurts sometimes." He looks deep into my eyes and smiles. I smile back and then all of a sudden, I am placing a ring onto his finger and he is doing the same to me.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" Charlie kisses me passionately and tips me backwards. He pulls apart when I am standing upright again.
"Well Mrs. Puth, congratulations" he says.
"Why thank you Mr. Puth" I giggle. He leads me down the beach to the reception area. he stops me halfway there, behind everyone else. He leaned in and kissed me passionately.
"I haven't kissed you in two days" he whispers.
"I know. I missed you" I hug him. He slips his arm around my waist and we meet up with everyone else. Charlie and I are sitting at a table, socialising, well if you count talking to his sister and my best friend 'socialising'.
"Now he bride and groom will have their first dance" someone announces. Charlie takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor. We went the less traditional rout and picked 'wonderland' by Taylor Swift. We danced and I sang to him softly. I remember once upon a time three years ago, I didn't know the words. The song ends and everyone floods onto the dance floor. We laugh and dance and then I dance with my dad. Charlie dances with his mom and everyone is having a good time. After about four hours, Charlie and I are waving to everyone from the limo. We are going to San Fransisco for our honeymoon, I know not exactly the dream, but I really like it. The people there are really nice from what I remember from my four days there. Our bags are already packed and on the private jet. We get to the airport and get on the plane. It takes about an hour and a half to get there. We check into the hotel and I collapse on the bed. Charlie flops next to me and we hug.
"I love you, Mrs. Puth" he says.
"Thank you Mr. Puth" I smile. He kisses me and we fall asleep.

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