#1 ᰔᩚ𝙃𝙖𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙨ᰔᩚ

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Jungwon |

One evening, when it got all dark outside, I decided to take a walk on my own. I do that almost every time when I just want to be alone.

Being outside, away from the suffocating atmosphere at home, felt liberating. I cherished these moments, where I didn't have to face judgment. The world outside spoke to me in a language I understood—a language without harsh words or cold glances.

The darkness outside provided a different kind of solace. It's quiet, with only a few people around. This time of day became my escape, a chance to be alone without judgment.

Honestly, I hate being at home. My parents don't care about what I feel or how I am, and no matter what I do, they think it's all wrong. It feels like they don't love me at all. So, going out alone in the evening or even at night is the best choice for me.

My parents' lack of love made being at home unbearable. I yearned for warmth and understanding, but all I got was coldness. It's why I liked the night; it wrapped me in a different kind of darkness—one that didn't judge or hurt.

It's not that I loved the night, but it was the only time when I felt truly free from the suffocating weight of my home.

School is not better. The pressure of exams feels like a heavy burden, and no matter how much I study, my parents will never be proud of me. They'd already scold me for a B in a test, making me feel like I'm constantly falling short.

Socializing at school is a challenge on its own. I've never been able to connect with anyone; it's like I exist in my own isolated bubble. While I actually love being on my own, there are moments when I crave someone to understand, someone to listen to me.

I had a good friend some years ago. His name was Daniel. However, he moved after a few months, and I have never heard from him since that day. I was alone. Again.

When I walked through a dimly lit street, I suddenly heard a chilling scream sending shivers down my spine. I felt scared but curious, so I went closer to see where that scream came from.

As I turned a corner, I stumbled upon something in an alley. From afar, I could see a man biting another one's neck, and a dark liquid pooled on the ground.

Was that blood? I took my phone to record the shocking sight, my hands shaking uncontrollably. The bitten person lay lifeless on the ground. Did I just witness a murder?!

In that moment, the man turned, locking eyes with me. His eyes were hauntingly red, and fear paralyzed me. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing—was this a murderer? Panic set in as I noticed him slowly approaching me. Without thinking, I sprinted as fast as I could.

I ran until my breath burned in my lungs, and eventually, I stopped, gasping for air.

I thought I had escaped, that he couldn't see me anymore. But suddenly, I felt a force pushing me against a wall.

In front of me stood the person I had been running from. His eyes weren't red anymore, but they still looked determined, not willing to let me go that easily.

I tried to run, but he stopped me, pressing his body against mine. Fear gripped me as I struggled to find words.

"Scary, huh? You saw too much, didn't you?" He said in a mocking but cold tone, smirking.

My words were stuck in my troat, and I barely managed to say something.

"I... I didn't mean to. Please, just l-let me go. I won't tell anyone."

My heart was pounding in my chest. I stammered, trying to plead with the person pressing me against the wall.

"You didn't mean to? That's what they all say. But you saw something you shouldn't have."

I continued pleading, my voice shaky and desperate.

"I promise, I won't say anything. Just don't kill me. Please," I whispered.

His smirk widened as he continued to tease me, reveling in my fear. He inched closer, and I could feel his hot breath on my face.

"Remember, if you tell anyone about this, you'll be the next one."

The moment hung in the air, tense and terrifying. But then, unexpectedly, he let go of me. A smirk played on his lips, and before I could comprehend what just happened, he gave me one last chilling look before vanishing into the shadows.

I didn't hesitate; I immediately sprinted away, running as if my life depended on it. This time, he didn't follow. He let me go.

I ran home, my breath still uneven, and my heart pounding. As I arrived, I hurried upstairs to my room. The events replayed in my mind like a haunting movie.

Was it real? It couldn't be a dream; I was wide awake. I opened my phone and rewatched the video to confirm the reality of what I had witnessed.

There it was—the same guy biting another person, who then fell lifeless to the ground. Questions swirled in my mind.

Why was he biting him? And then, it hit me—since his face was pretty close to mine, I could see it clearly, and I saw sharp fangs. Was it possible? Did I just encounter a vampire? But that's absurd, right? Vampires aren't real.

I played the video on my phone over and over. Could it really be a vampire? The idea seemed absurd, but the evidence was right there.

Confusion and fear flooded my thoughts. What should I do now? A part of me considered going to the police, but then reality struck—Would they believe me?

The story sounded like something out of a horror movie, not my ordinary life. And what about my parents or teachers? No, that was too risky.

They'd dismiss it as a wild imagination, or worse, they'd worry about my mental state.

Then, I remembered the words of the person in the alley. "Remember, if you tell anyone about this, you'll be the next one to die."

Fear gripped me again. I couldn't risk it. The only option seemed to be keeping this secret to myself. But on the other side - How would he find out if I told anyone? Nevertheless, I didn't want to risk my life for this.

But there was one more thing which I couldn't understand. To me, it seems like killing people wasn't a big thing for him, so why did he let me live?


1150 words

The first chapter of my third book is finally up! Anyone who has read my other books probably notices that the chapter is a bit short. The other chapters will probably be just as long as this one, cuz I just think I'll be more motivated writing shorter ones..

As always, I really hope you'll enjoy reading this book, and I'm open for improvements concerning typos ot anything else. So, please tell me if I did something wrong! :)

Have fun reading!

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