Chapter 12 | Unconscious

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— Next day —

Thursday, May 27th, 2021.


7:40 am.

[ Have a good day at work<3 >

I send a text to Jungkook to cheer him up for the day, and I put my phone down at the sound of Matthew pronouncing my name.

"Hey," I smile at him, and he stands by my side. "Hey, how are you?"

"I'm fine, and you? You slept well?" I move forth to lead the way inside the building, and he follows. "Yeah. I am too. I can't shut up about yesterday though," he opens the door for me and lets me pass first, and we go in. "What? What do you have to say?"

"You look so cringe with him—" he cracks up as I hit him hard. "I'm joking. You're just so obvious, it's insane."

"Why were you even looking, weirdo?" I do not say anything about what he witnessed, and we walk up the stairs. "I just saw, like, five seconds when I headed out, but those small seconds were enough to see how head over heels you are. You were looking at him like he's the most precious and beautiful man on earth."

"And? You got a problem with that? You're jealous?" I act like I do not feel ashamed or shy about it, and he softly sneers through his nose. "Yeah. I'm jealous that nobody looks at me like that."

"One day maybe, but maybe," I do not show any empathy, despite feeling some, just the same way he does it with me. "Thanks for making me feel better."

"You're welcome," I check my phone to see if Jungkook answered me, and I eagerly open his text as soon as I lay eyes on a new one from him.

< Have a good day too, and thank you for yesterday. It really made me happy<3 ]

This is not usual of him to reveal so much of his emotions, or to be honest about them, so that makes it so much more special. I love it so much when he does not keep it to himself but lets me know how he feels.

[ It made me happy too:'3 >

"His tattoos are cool though, not gonna lie," he compliments him after I exited the conversation with a smile on my face. "There are. And you only saw the ones on his neck and hands, but he's got more, and it looks so good."

"Are you tryna flex about the fact you saw him naked? Because I'm not gay, so I'm not gonna—"

"No, I wasn't!" I cut him off to not hear more. "I was just talking about his arms, and just—" I realize I meant more than that and had his torso in mind. "Just in general! You're being a weirdo again."

"I'm not. You're stuttering, what do you even mean?" he mocks the unconscious reaction I had, but I ignore him. "Whatever. You're literally the one that talked about his tattoos like you're thirsting over him so shut up."

"What?! I love tattoos, so of course I'm gonna notice them. I'm not like you when I look at him," he speaks without knowing, assuming that I am nothing but a pervert. "I'm not listening anymore."

"I'll keep talking, I don't care," he smirks and stands before me, making sure I cannot forget or ignore his presence. "Do you think tattoos would look good on me?" he slides his hands in his pockets.

"No," I look into his eyes, and his smile turns bitter. "You're a bitch."

I laugh and quickly change my mind to not be mean anymore. "I'm joking. Yes, it would. You always dress so well, it would totally fit with your style."

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