Chapter 4 | Chocolate

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"I wanted to ask you something," I raise my head up to look at him, and he lets me speak. "Have you stopped smoking?"

"Yeah, kinda. I just smoke one or two cigarettes every two weeks," he nods and without being aware, puts a smile on my face. "I'm proud of you. It really makes me happy."

He does not react to it as if he was hiding something, but I can tell, from the smell of his house, and his clothes lately, he is honest. "What about alcohol?" I nervously curl my toes against the cushion, fearing this could cause discomfort or bother. "Hm, I drink a lot less than before, so it's good," his voice does not reflect any type of sincerity, but instead, what sounds more like anxiety.

Maybe the extreme workout is a way to cope with the nicotine and alcohol cravings, but whether this is the case or not, tiring himself out and getting skinnier is not any healthier.

"That's great, I'm proud. I know that one day, you won't need or want any of those things anymore," I encourage him, show how much this affects me as well so that he does not feel alone in this battle. "I hope so."

I avoid the pills topic, knowing he still needs them to sleep but pretends not to. Whenever I come here, the box is always on his nightstand, and I can only see it get empty. I truly hope for him to still be mentally and physically alright, but I doubt it. Alcohol, cigarettes, and opioids cause nothing but harm to your body in every way, so I wish he could stop and not hurt himself anymore. I would never want to live without him around. Far from me or close to me, as long as he is alive, that is all that matters.

"By the way, aren't you supposed to get your braces soon?" he does not leave any silence between us and drifts away from the topic he must not have enjoyed. "Yeah, I can't wait, but I'm scared about the pain."

"Well, I got them when I was younger, and it did hurt like hell, but it only lasts around three days, so don't worry about it," he reassures me with his experience, but I cannot help imagining the worse. "Three days is a lot though."

"When will he put them on?" he asks for a date, so I raise my eyes and try to remember. "On the fifteenth of May, so soon."

"I'll take three days off then. You come here, and I'll take care of you until you don't feel no pain anymore, is that okay?" he smiles at me and triples the excitement, and I nod. "More than okay. I can't wait to have them on now."

"Of course," he shows delight and genuine emotions. I grin but inch closer to him, and I wrap my arms around him. "Are you gonna lose if I distract you?"

"Nothing can distract me when I play this game," he asserts, having no idea how determined I could be to show him otherwise. "Are you sure?" I stare at his pretty features from very close, and he stands by his statement. "Yes, more sure than ever, sweetheart."

I do not move away but fix my eyes on his lips, their fullness making me envy him. "You're gonna get annoyed if I do it," I press a kiss on his cheek. "If you do what?"

I repeat the same action but on his jawline. "If I kiss you and cling onto you," I slowly try to take him away from his game, and shakes his head. "I won't get annoyed with that."

"But what if you lose because of that?" I pass my head under his arm and push forth, forcing him to lift his arms up and let me sit on his lap without letting go of the controller. "I don't lose," he smiles and never shows any hint of lack of confidence.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pamper his face with kisses. Since he is so sure, I do not leave him alone but hold the side of his neck to rub my thumb over his skin, which is covered in ink on some parts, and hope for it to be sensitive, then I kiss my way down to it.

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