Forty Four

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17 weeks later

Derek was working a hard case, he had been utterly exhausted. He had been working evenings, nights, and ridiculous hours. He felt awful leaving Meredith so much when she was 38 weeks pregnant and ready to pop. Her stomach was absoloutely huge. She spent all of her spare time walking around in circles and bouncing on her labour ball.

He missed her when he worked these cases but even more so now knowing at any moment she could go into labour, bringing his son into this world.

He was over the moon, his first born was a boy, someone he could teach to play football, plays lego with and do all boyish things. Decorating the nursery had been one of his highlights, Meredith wearing a face mask to protect herself from the fumes although she was covered in paint.

Their carseat was fitted in the range rover, the buggy by the door, the hospital bag packed in the car. Everything was ready for the arrival of the newest Shepherd.

Meredith had painted the most beautiful set of pictures for the nursery, she had made the house more homely. Made some things simpler knowing she'd soon have a baby to look after. By the sofa she had a moses basket so he could nap in the living room too.

His bedside crib was set up on Meredith's side of the bed, his clothes put away in size order. In the time she had to spare she kept busy. Hoping to induce her labour naturally.

Meredith was bouncing on her ball, talking to Amelia and Addison about something random as always. They kept her company on the nights Derek worked incase anything happened.

They were laughing about something, Meredith stopping every few seconds as a wave of pain would shoot through her. She was still bouncing when a sudden ush of clear liquid spilling down the ball over the floor alerted all three women.

"Oh my god. Meredith girl its time, he's ready"Addison clapped.

"Take the range rover keys it has everything we need in. There is a towel on the backseat...fuck"She took deep breathes as a contraction shot through her. "Addie call my mum on the way and Derek, I need Derek"She continued breathing as the women rushed around her. Amelia fed Poppy and grabbed extra towels as Addison called Ellis to let her know.

"Derek isn't answering"Addison whispered to Amelia.

"Don't mention anything to Mer, keep trying him as we drive" The two women nodded to each other. They helped Meredith into the car, of course she sat on the towels as fluid still leaked from her. Her contractions were already five minutes apart. Her baby boy was ready.

Addison drove as fast yet safe as she could, calling Derek as she did. Meredith's heaer dropping each time it went to answer phone.

Derek had just finished a long interigation when he walked into his office, his heart thumping from his chest as he saw how many missed calls he had.

In an instant he called Addison back.

"Is everything okay, whats happening"He rushed, not letting Addison speak

"Derek its happening. Mer's waters broke twenty minutes ago they just took her to OB. Her contractions are close together he is coming fast you need to get here fast!" She exclaimed. Derek ran his hand over his face.

"I'm coming" he rushed out of his office

"Boys my baby is coming now, right now I need Mark to drive me and you to escort me with sirens, he is coming fast" His entire team were on their feet in seconds, escorting Derek to the hospital so he could be by Meredith's side throughout her labour.

They sped down the highway, nerves taking over every fibre in Derek's body, his son was coming today, tonight.

They had been waiting for this moment for so long and now here it was. He was devestated he hadn't been with Meredith when she had gone into labour but he knew he would feel better once he was by her side in that hospital.

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