Thirty One

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Once they had arrived home it was back to how it had been, Derek working long unsociable hours and barely seeing her.

She pulled the positives from the equation, they loved each other and had openly confessed it to each other, they were happy. Meredith made sure she messaged him as he did her. 

He wasn't used to feeling such a deep connection, having a person he wanted to spend time with. 

Meredith had been working on a painting, something to give Derek. He openly shared his passion for Ferry boats, the ocean and fishing. So with her heart filled with love and kindness she went shopping, purchased a large canvas, one of the biggest she had ever worked with. 

It was a project that she knew would take her a week maybe two. She had plenty of spare time considering Derek was working an extreme case, Addison was working alot but had also starting dating, her mother was working and her father was away with the dog on a fishing trip himself.

The light hum of her speaker sounded the room, the air had the scent of paint , chalk and strawberries, that would be her smoothie. 

Poppy walked around purring not a care in the world, as long as she was in Meredith's company.

She missed Derek more than she would admit but she knew when she said yes to being his girlfriend that it would be like this.

He sat in his black leather chair, taking a large sip of his second coffee. The case was exhausting, he barely slept, barely even went home. He showered here and ate here. He missed her. The lavender scent of her hair, her smile, the sweet facial expressions she pulled.

Ruby laid next to him in her bed, she hadn't had much rest either. Multiple drug den busts, chasing people and following the scent of whatever Derek required. 

"You look done for"Mark exhaled walking into Derek's office. 

"I am. I miss her. I haven't seen her in a 9 days, Mark. Since the day after we got back.  I miss her so fucking much but I don't have time to go to her. I would get distracted  with that body of hers"He shook the thoughts from his head.

"Derek, she is your girl. You need to see her. You made time for the dinner at your parents'tonight"Mark exhaled. Derek gulped. 

"I didn't do that on purpose, she was invited but she has to meet with a client at 7"He rubbed his brow. "I'll see her soon. I just feel like I am going to fuck it all up with her" His biggest fear had once been being alone forever but now it was her, losing her. Losing the person who held him down and kept him level headed.

Meredith prepared the 5 canvases that she had worked so hard on, each had perfect detail, perfect colour, everything had been perfected. She made sure they were secure in her transport cases before sending Derek a photo.

She was wearing a check skirt, black ribbed body suit with black tights and heeled ankle boots. Of course the photo drove him crazy, she knew it would.

Derek looked at the photo for minutes, he missed having her close, hearing her laugh and watching her smile.

Walking into his childhood home the familiar scents warmed his nose, calming his tense body. In which he put his phone in his pocket without responding to her.

"Der Bear"Carolyn pinched his cheeks, the grand table filled with different foods. Addison sat, looking sluttier than usual, Pretty Derek thought for a split second before pushing anything out of his head. He missed her and his body was looking for ways to fill his light cavity. 

"Its a shame Meredith couldn't make it"Charles looked rather sad, he had grown to love Meredith, she had changed Derek. Made him happier, a better man for himself and others.

"She is meeting Thomas O'Neil, The hottest of them all. He is fire. I know I would go there with him"Addison laughed. Thomas was known for his charming smile, dreamy green eyes, olive skin and brown hair. Addison had met him on a few occasions, he owned an art gallery which Meredith often held exhibitions for. 

Derek's jaw clenched, his fist balled as his thoughts ran wild.

"Derek, are you okay?"Kathleen asked. 

"I think he is jealous that Meredith is sitting with another man even though he hasn't seen her since we got back" Addison's words seemed more of a dig, Derek stiffled his scoff.

"Derek I thought you were with her last night..."Lizzy frowned

"No, it was Derek, Rose and I last night in the office working through a case"Mark wasn't lying, Derek was with him all night. 

"She's calling give me a minute"Addison held her phone to her ear, but the call soon requested video.  "Whatsup beautiful"Addison greeted.

"Hey, I need to go to my mum, something isn't right at all. She didn't show for work, the house phone is disconnected, her mobile won't call. If I am late its because she gave herself food poisoning" Meredith had the sweetest voice. 

"Sheesh, she misses your dad. Drive safe"Addison warned.

"I am a good driver. Also tell Derek I love him. Love you Addie. I got to go i have a call coming from my dad" The line went flat.

"Meredith loves you" Addison announced.

"I know, I know. I blanked her by accident like an hour ago"He felt a twinge of guilt. Nothing like he would feel in the moments that followed. 

Meredith parked outside of her childhood home, her mothers car sat in the driveway. The entry hall light was on she could see that through the glass panel at the top of the door.

Her keys jingled in the lock, she wasn't expecting the sight she walked into. Smashed vases, shards of glass everywhere, the freshly picked tulips and their water also disregarded on the floor.

"Mum, mum are you here"She called out,her once calm body tensed. 

"MEREDITH GO"Ellis' screams hit her before anything else, she rushed into the kitchen where Ellis sat tied to a chair, her head bleeding.

"Oh cupcake you took a while" Wayne's voice cut at her ears. 

He only showed anger, he lunged forward knocking Merediith out to the hallway. Her back slammed into the thousands of pieces of glass. She barely had a chance to look up, the barrel of his gun pointed toward her.

His finger moved, the gun sounded and the bullet discharged.  

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