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He had spent that night with her on his chest, when he wasn't by her side he didn't feel right. He didn't know how to describe the connection, the attachment he had to her was one he hadn't expected.

Meredith had showed him something he hadn't experienced previously, an interest and care into the others life and personal feelings.

He had spent three years being dismissed, he wanted love yet his ex would push him back. Yes they were nineteen when they got together but it lasted three years. He wasn't sure how he had managed so long with someone like that when he looked back on it now. 

He hated to admit that he allowed himself to be a verbal and sometimes physical punch bag, he thought she loved him as he thought he loved her. At the time he strongly believed it was true love. He knows he held feelings for her but now he was experiencing this with Meredith he was sure it wasn't love.

He was insecure, he had been cheated on. He didn't want everyone to see the side of him that had been affected, how he struggled with trust and his own self image. How he second guessed every good intention or act because of his fear of being hurt. 

He believed because he was a captain although his team called him chief that he had to be bullet proof that he couldn't have emotions. His most recent and current case, the pedophile ring had been the only time he showed emotion at work, emotion that was related to sadness.

He had shown happiness, towards his family and towards her, Meredith. She was his reason to smile through his hard days. He felt lighter when she was around. She had an energy, a positive one although she had suffered.

The case was draining him, taking all of his time. He hadn't seen her since that night, the night they kissed under the stars and he ate pasta during the early hours of the morning. That had been 6 days ago now.

The arson team had been making small steps in the investigation of Addison's house fire. Petrolium had been used as the accelerant, it had been spread across the front porch, the back as well as thrown over the exterior.  A number of matches and dollar store lighters had been found around the site.

The insurance company would pay out, that was the benefit of having home insurance. She had her eye on a place that was currently being built.  She had her name at the top of the list for when the construction had been completed, which was estimated to be 4 months.

Meredith had worked each day, following the new brief she created 4 canvases, two smaller ones one larger and one medium. The medium and smaller ones were complete, all she had left to do was to add finishing details to it. 

She had spent some of her time drafting poems, she struggled to express feelings of affection about people to other people, so writing was her way. She felt something for him,at the moment she knew it was care, admiration and adoration. She hoped it would develop into something bigger.

She had missed him over the week, he had messaged her each of those days, it made her day when his name flashed across her screen. It caused a warmth she hadn't felt before.

Today was her mum's birthday, which meant dressing up and making a fuss of her. Meredith loved nothing more than to appreciate Ellis on her birthday, after all she saved her, raised her and taught her everything she knew. 

She had decided on wearing thich black tights, ankle boots with a royal blue solid runched cami dress, since her chest was lightly exposed she wore the most beautiful saphire heart pendant necklace and matching earrings.

As she was leaving she bumped into Addison, who looked at her bestfriend with a large smile.

"Date with Derek?"Addison asked. Meredith shook her head.

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