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Addison sat with her legs shaking, hearing that someone deliberately set your home on fire even if you suspected it isn't ideal. 

Mark had a look of sadness and Derek one of sorrow and sympathy.

Meredith had just finished placing her new paint brushes where they needed to be based on the brush sizes as well as ordering her canvases. 

It always looked neat and orderly in here even with the numerous canvases scattered but each one was beautiful and held a story.

As the sky darkened she let out a small sigh knowing it would soon become a muddy mess out there. Stepping out she locked the door and walked to her back door, half forgetting the police were sitting in there with Addison. 

Stepping in she shivered.

"Cold outside"Addison asked. Meredith jumped silently and turned. She could see the two heads of the police men.

"Yeah, it is going to piss it down. I was going to stay out and not impose. I'll just grab tinker and head to my room"Meredith searched for her kitten.

"It is your house"Addison shot a glare. "Come here let me introduce"Addison stood up as Meredith walked over. 

Once she reached Addison she turned, she didn't pay much attention to begin with.

"Meredith, meet Mark Sloan and Derek Shepherd. Police officers but also my best friends. Guys this is Mer. She is like my sister."Addison encased Meredith.

"Nice to meet you. Thanks for doing this for her"Mark held his hand out and smiled. Meredith smiled.

"I would do anything for my family. "Meredith's eyes then drifted to him. He held his hand out.

"Derek Shepherd as Addison said. It is a pleasure to meet you. Not many friends nor family would do this" His voice had a deep tone to it, his eyes were the most dreamy blue and his hair, oh his hair looks so soft, the raven coloured curls seemed to move as he spoke. A light stubble covered his jawline and chin as well as around his mouth. She shook his hand, his skin felt rough against hers. 

He fixated on the tiny blonde before him. She was honestly the most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on. Her eyes were a beautiful green, emerald some would say. He could see her freckles peaking through her makeup.

A soft meow pulled Meredith from looking into his eyes, she cleared her throat having realised the look they shared had been long and deep.

She stood back and turned, following the meow to her book shelf.

"Oh baby what are you doing in there"Meredith cooed she moved a few books so she could see the small kitten before lightly pulling her out, she held her close as the kitten purred.

"She did that last night in my room"Addison laughed. Meredith nodded poking the small kittens nose. She sat beside Addison. Opposite the dreamy man.

"She is a pretty cat"Derek smiled. 

"Derek loves animals"Mark rolled his eyes as Poppy fell asleep on Meredith's arm.

"So does Mer, she rescued Poppy from the side of the road when she was literally days old. She hand reered her and everything!"Addison exclaimed.

"Shit her milk. That is why she is so sleepy. Come on you"Meredith stood up and walked over to the corner, grabbing some milk from the tiny counter top mini fridge, it was where she kept everything poppy needed. Derek's eyes followed her.

They set on her ass, he hadn't seen as ass so tight and rounded like hers before. Addison was quick to notice.

"Derek"She hissed within a laugh. He looked at Addison, his face a light shade of red from his blush. 

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