Thirty Four

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The second surgery took longer, Ellis being a surgeon herself knew that meant complications. She just hoped her daughters weak frail body could take it.  

Hour had passed, Carolyn, Charles and Amelia had left to get some sleep, Mark had decided to go to work, to help the in the man hunt for Wayne Brown, he was all over the news and a reward had been set for information that led to his imprisonment.

John had left to check on the dog as well as go to the old house and take the last boxes, with police escorts as the entire property was a crime scene ongoing investigation. 

Derek was surviving off of coffee, he had never felt such an immense emotional pain, it made him realise how strong his feelings were for her. Addison was curled on the larger sofa, her head on Ellis' lap. It was clear they both needed the comfort.

When the doors opened and Richard walked in they all jumped.

"She's going to be okay Ellis"Were the first words he let out, he almost choked on them himself. "We removed the bullet, we have given her another blood transfusion, IV morphine has been administered. The sutures on both the lung and heart are strong. She scared us at the start, her stats went low but came back up once we began the transfusion. We are hopeful, we would like to believe she has overcome the worst. She will be exhausted and sore she has had surgery on her most vital organs. It took so long because I wanted to make sure I had a full picture on how she was doing. She is in recovery, she will be awake soon. No visitors for the next hour just whilst her surgeons make sure they are happy. Take the hour to go get dressed, go get her some things. Burke and Hunt suspect she will be here for a week maybe two" Richard could see the relief on each face.

"It'll be five days then the nightmares will start. Thank you Richard, for being there with her. I can't ever thank you enough, you saved my baby girl"Ellis stood up and wrapped her arms around him as Derek lightly processed everything.

A plan was quickly made, Ellis would go home and update John, have a small nap and shower before returning. Derek and Addison were going to the house to check on Poppy and collect some of Meredith's things.

Of course the cat meowed angrily. Addison laughed lightly and fed her, changed the smelly litter and grabbed a bag.

Derek was sitting on the edge of Meredith's bed, he clutched the shirt that she used as a night shirt. It once belonged to him, it was one of the first three he had given her.  He inhaled her sweet scent, he regretted having spent so much time at work, having not seen her. He could have lost her the night before and if he had it would have been without a last kiss, a last goodbye,  a last lazy morning, a last 'I love you'. 

"She'll be okay Derek, we just need to support her. But Derek she has oppressed so much, he hurt her in other ways when she was younger, ways we don't know. If the trauma comes to surface promise you won't run."Addison sniffled.

"Addison. I don't need to make promises. She is my fucking everything. Without her I'm not sure I would still be here. She gave me life when I didn't want to be here. If that trauma comes up I will be by her side. I will hold her. Nothing can keep me from her. No one sees the real us, no one knows us except us. Addison its magic. She is just everything to me.  Last night taught me one thing, that I need to appreciate her more and the time I have with her."He stood up and opened her underwear, lightly taken back when he saw the lacey blue set on the surface.

"Oh..she planned on wearing it when you were away but then you fucked on the beach and she was sore"Addison laughed, Derek rolled his eyes.

"Mer mentioned that. Addison can you get her underwear"He moved away allowing Addison to grab the underwear that Meredith named 'Granny pants'. Derek got her hairbrush and her travel wash bag that had everything she needed inside of it including a tooth brush and paste. Addison packed two of Derek's t shirts, five pairs of shorts, five vests, two pairs of leggings and two light weight jumpers. Derek insisted on taking her favourite fluffy blanket and pillow, he knew she struggled to sleep without it.

He needed to see her, he needed to confirm for himself that she really would be okay.  Addison even requested he slowed down a few times to which he responded with "Fuck offff I do high speed chases all of the time" 

She had been moved to a room where she would recover and spend her time in whilst she was there.

Derek and Addison made sure they were quiet as they walked in. Derek placed the bag on the small black sofa that sat in the corner. He could tell Ellis and John had paid for the best room. There was a sofa that pulled out to a bed, a door that led to a shower and toilet inside of the room, a mini fridge, air conditioning, a larger tv, but of course it also came down to the fact she was family.

Of course it was hard seeing the machines that surrounded her, the multiple needles that were inside of her arm. One bag was a slow release pain killer and the other two they weren't sure about. 

They weren't aware she was awake until her little voice sounded the silent room.

"Hey"She spoke in barely a croak, her throat sore from the intubation tobe.

"Mer"Addison and Derek rushed to her side, she looked exhausted as Richard said she would.

"I held on for you"She whispered to Derek. He nodded and kisses her forehead.

"You gave us such a fright Mer, we thought we lost you"Addison weeped over her bed. Meredith groaned as a light pain washed through her.

"You okay"Derek spoke in a rushed tone.

"sore"Derek nodded in understanding. Seeing her so vulnerable killed him inside. 

"Hey guys, how is she?"Miranda asked walking in.

"Sore"Meredith spoke for herself. Miranda walked over to her.  

"Sore or in pain sweetheart. I can push morphine for you. That is just paracetemol in the IV" Miranda spoke lightly.

"It really hurts"She whimpered as tears fell from her eyes.

"I'll go and get some morphine okay"She left as Derek and Addison watched her with a worried expression. The door opened again and Ellis walked in, she wasn't expected back yet but of course it was her daughter.

"Mumma"Meredith let out as Ellis stroked her hair.

"Hey baby"Ellis pressed a kiss to her head as Derek and Addison joined. "See we were so worried. But you fought it baby"Ellis held Meredith's hand.

"I just don't understand.."It was clear that speaking was causing her pain.

"Shh shh. We can talk later. Did Miranda explain what happened, or Uncle Richard"Ellis asked. Meredith shook her head.

"You know he shot you, but what happened is the first bullet he shot split. So it hit your lung and your heart. You lost your pulse nine times, one being in my arms on the hall floor and one other when Derek was holding your hand. You had blood transfusions, they removed the second bullet from below your collar bone. Baby you had surgery on your lung and your heart. A piece of your lung was removed.  Your body was exhausted but kept fighting."Ellis could see the pain in Meredith's eyes.

"It was the second bullet that split. The first was below my collar bone because I moved...second in my chest"She breathed out.

"Miranda is getting morphine"Derek said as he noticed the worried look on Ellis' face. Ellis left to get coffee, as she left Derek with Miranda and Addison's help placed her own blanket over her with her own pillow. She seemed to calm with the familiar scent.

"I love you Ad"She let out as Addison wiped some dried blood from her head. 

" I love you, I will look after Poppy and notify clients okay. I need to make a call"She kissed her forehead and left. 

Miranda administered the morphine, within minutes Meredith's eyes became heavy.

"Derek"She called.

"I'm here princess, I'm here."He whispered, taking her hand in his.

"I love you so much"She rested her head, letting the exhaustion take over.

"I love you, more than you will ever imagine. I will protect you Mer. I will"He kissed her hand.

She fell asleep just after, with her frail hand in his larger one, feeling safe with him close to her. 

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