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She sat in only her shorts and a vest,  a paint brush in hand. Over the past days she had experienced so many different emotions she didn't know how to release, so she resorted to the one thing that allowed her to release.

Each stroke, each swirl, each splatter, each colour, they all represented something  to her. She had shocked herself with how she had been towards him. She wasn't one to open easily but she found everything came naturally when she was around him.

She wouldn't have believed it if someone had told her she had agreed to dinner with someone. Let alone someone she had known for two and a half weeks.

But he made her feel safe, he made the room feel so open. 

Meredith was away for the night attending an art event, one of her pieces was being displayed, Addison being the only one who knew that.

Addison sat on the sofa, a glass of wine at hand in her lounge clothes, finally she had finished for the day when the door knocked. With a light eye roll she walked to it, of course stood the two police officers that she called her best friends, She stood aside allowing them inside.

"Feel free to sit down. Mer isn't here tonight she has a work thing"Addison slumped back. "Where are you guys going Friday night anyway"Addison wiggled her brows.

"Tomorrow night, an Italian place that overlooks the water. Does the best pasta" He smiled before turning serious "Your house insurance would like you to look over everything, make sure the inventory is up to date then they'll process it all."Addison knew they weren't on a courtesy call.

"It should be, Meredith always reminded me to add new things. She is good with all of that." Addison sighed gently. Her phone began to buzz and Meredith's name flashed her screen. "You guys shhh you aren't here"She warned Derek and Mark agreed.

"Hey"Meredith yawned.

"Hey, you outside?"Addison questioned. Derek looked up with a slight frown, it was a dark evening. He hated the late shift and hated that she was outside at this time of night alone.

"Fresh air Addie. I also feel like I am going to be sick and i was not doing that infront of people I have created work for"Addison could see the flustered look upon the blonde's face even in the dark.

"Go to your hotel room. It is 10pm Mer."Addison shook her head.

"Addie. I feel so sick."She repeated. Addison sat up. 

"Did you drink?"She questioned Meredith shook her head. 

"Orange juice, I am okay. I am just heading to my room now. I wish tomorrow would hurry up"Meredith let out unaware Derek could hear her. 

"I know so you can see me. You in the lobby"Addison could now clearly see Meredith. "You had a panic attack didn't you"She sighed. Meredith slowly nodded.

"I...it was so busy Addie. I just wanted to be with you or him"She unlocked the door to her hotel room as Derek smiled lightly.

"You can't keep him off your mind can you"Addison laughed. Derek's eyes widened, he knew he shouldn't hear her feelings but he was curious.

"Can you blame me? He is amazing. Now I need beauty sleep. I can't look like I haven't slept in days when I go out. I feel a bit better but water will help.  Are you okay though Addie?"Meredith asked.

"I miss you. It is my first night alone since the fire"She openly admitted. Meredith looked at the sad expression.

"Okay, my car is parked around this shitty corner. I am coming home. I won't leave you alone for an entire night. Just stay on the phone whilst I walk"Meredith grabbed her bag and shoved the few things she had packed inside of it.

"You don't need to Mer, honestly its so dark"Addison looked at Derek whose face showed so much care. He hadn't realised how much the girl he had become attached to cared. 

"I am, I am leaving see, key card in the slot. Ignore my outfit when I get in I look like one of those posh snobs my dad works with.  I am so fucking cold right now. I left my coat in my car. And then I left my jumper folded on my bed. I am stupid because I packed my moisturiser but not my jumper" Addison couldn't help but laugh. 

"You Meredith Grey are the light in my life."Addison laughed.

"Look here is my car. Lovely car. I will be home in 20 because I am getting a chocolate milkshake. Don't tell Derek he will probably think I am fat. Do you want one?"Meredith asked. Addison found herself holding back tears of laughter. Derek couldn't stop himself from smilng. 

"Derek wouldn't think that also yesss please strawberry please"Addison's mouth watered.

"Okay okay. I will go there now. We will drink milkshakes. And then please help me choose..." Addison cut her off 

"I will, I will. Drive" Addison hadn't wanted Derek to hear the rest, Meredith blew a kiss and ended the call.

"Bloody hell"Mark chuckled. Addison raised her middle finger.

"She is cute. Derek likes it"Addison teased.

"I mean bloody hell because he hasn't stopped talking about her. Day and night and all of each shift. I think its cute"Mark nudged Derek who swatted him.

"She is cute and yes I like it. It is nice when someone looks forward to being around you. Now come on lets roll. Addie make sure that inventory is up to date"He pointed and left.


Meredith walked in not too long after, she handed Addison a milkshake and a donut.

"Addie, what if Derek wants to have sex tomorrow"Meredith asked as she sat down. 

"He won't push it, but didn't you buy laced red underwear?" Addison questioned.

"I did but I am scared. I haven't in over a year and a half. I have only ever been with Mike"Meredith sighed gently.

"Look Mer, you will look stunning, whether anything goes further or not, The dress is a beauty just like the one who would be wearing it. Please don't panic"Addison reassured lightly. Meredith simply nodded and settled herself down.


Of course the next day Meredith was in a frenzy, panicked about the date, if Derek would want to take things further or if he even wanted anything beyond a date. 

She had paced her room over and over. 

The red dress she had chosen clung to her and highlighted the curves she proudly sported. Her hair lightly curled and her makeup light as always. She sprayed her famous lavender spray as she awaited him. 

The nerves were building,  Addison had gone out for the evening in case Meredith bought Derek home. Leaving Meredith alone. 

But 7pm soon came, she stood looking out of the window ready to leave, but as the minutes passed she still stood.

She checked her phone to see if he had texted, but he hadn't.

The minutes continued to build as light tears slipped from her eyes.

"See Meredith, you fucked it with the truth"She whispered to herself. She kicked her heels off and slouched onto the sofa half hoping he would call and there had been a misunderstanding.

Her phone did soon ring, her body jumped hoping it'd be him but it was Addison. Sadly and slowly she answered.

"Hey Mer Bear. How is it?"Addison asked 

"He didn't show Addie. He said he would pick me up at 7. Its 9. He isn't coming now.I scared him away clearly. Enjoy your night. I love you "  Meredith ended the call with tears flooding her face.

Don't hateee meeee guyssss better things coming.

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