Thirty Seven

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Laying in his arms she felt safer than she ever had. He hadn't left her side unless he had too, he had spent every night in her bed for 5 nights now. He would cook for her, clean up, help her shower, dry her hair and he would tuck her up in his arms each night.

Truth is he was scared, he nearly lost her that night. He nearly lost her before he had the chance to love her, to appreciate her, to show her true love, to worship her, to enjoy his relationship with her everytime he left her even if it was for a moment he remembered it, seeing her lifeless on the floor, Ellis drenched in her blood. 

Each time he closed his eyes the moment in the hospital room replayed, how she slipped away again clutching his hand. Now he feared to leave her, he had managed to get time away from work but he needed to go back, he had cases to deal with.  But he didn't have the emotional strength to leave her even though Wayne was behind bars he was scared she would get hurt again and he would lose her entirely.

He lightly pulled away from the embrace and sat up. His ran his hands all over his face as he thought about having to leave her for the day.  

"Derek, baby, are you okay?"Her tired voice alerted him. He turned his body from where he sat to look at her. You wouldn't believe that less than two weeks ago she nearly lost her life. She looked perfect to him. She was still very sore, she could only manage short walks but she was getting there slowly. The anxiety medication helped but the sleeping ones not so much.

"I'm okay, angel. I have to go to work today. I really don't want to leave you princess. But I am leaving Ruby here to comfort you okay"He stroked her cheek softly as he settled on one arm beside her.

"Its okay, I'll be okay with Addie and Amelia" Meredith scrunched her nose.

"I know, I just hate leaving you.  I will be back later on tonight though okay"She nodded as he placed soft kisses to her forehead.

She snuggled into the covers as the shower turned on, she wished she could join him but her nerves got the better of her. She had already started feeling insecure about the scars to her upper half.

He was quiet as he changed into his hanging work uniform, he felt an overwhelming anxiousness. 

"I'll miss you today"He spoke as he sat beside her on the bed.

"I will miss you but you are chief Der. I'll be waiting for you."Her eyes were becoming heavy as she laid looking up at him. Ruby settled beside her in Derek's space which left a smile on his face.

"Don't push yourself too much princess, I love you so much okay. If you need me please call me and I will be right here. I love you"His lips lingered on her forehead. 

"I love you handsome"She barely let out before falling back to her slumber. He walked down the hall shocked to see Addison awake.

"Why are you up its 6am?"He frowned. 

"I'll lock up behind you. I am gonna stay up incase she needs me"She looked wide awake.

" me if she needs me please" Addison promised she would. 

Walking into the office he was met with the faces of his team, he knew they would be with Meredith in seconds if anything happened. He was a captain but everyone including Meredith called him the 'chief'

Rose was sitting on Mark's lap as they laughed about something he said, it only made Derek smile. Seeing Mark happy was something that bought him his own joy.

"Shep, been a few days "Rose stood so Mark could hug Derek. "How is she?"He asked. Derek tensed lightly.

"She is doing better. Night terrors calmed but she still barely sleeps. Addison dropped a cup yesterday and she broke down into pieces having an anxiety attack. I hated leaving her but this new case needs me. Ruby is protecting her for me."Mark nodded 

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