Chapter 42 (Final)

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The two males found dinner excellent, though they could say that about almost anything as long as they were together. San and Wooyoung were so focused on each other that they didn't notice how much time slipped away. By the time the two males were finished with dinner, it was already eight pm. They paid for their food before getting up and leaving the restaurant. Holding each other's hands, they walked outside and were greeted with the dark sky and the cold ocean breeze.

As they walked through the parking lot, San spoke, "How was it?" Wooyoung turned his head to look at San before responding with a smile. "It was amazing, Sannie. Thank you." San smiled as he used his unoccupied hand to grab the car keys and unlock the car. Once again, opening Wooyoung's door. He continued, "There is one more thing I want you to see before we go home."

As he sat down and buckled his seatbelt, San closed the door and headed to the driver's side. Wooyoung was excited as he thought that this night couldn't get better than it already was. The driver's door opened and San sat down, looking at the younger as he buckled his seatbelt. He planted a quick kiss on Wooyoung temple before starting the car. Despite him being cold, Wooyoung felt his cheeks warm up as a light blush coated his face.

As San drove the car, he had one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding Wooyoung's hand. The car ride was calm as they didn't say much. Right now, all they needed was to be by the other's side; no words needed to be exchanged for them to be satisfied. Wooyoung glanced at the time before turning his attention to look out the car window.

It was dark outside and there weren't any streetlights to illuminate the road, which Wooyoung found slightly odd. That was until they headed down a path with trees surrounding each side. Purple fairy lights were hanging from the trees that would light up as the car passed by. Wooyoung loved every second of it to the point he even pulled his phone out and recorded the moment. Small giggles escaped his mouth as they kept going until they reached the end. The car slowly came to a halt and Wooyoung stopped recording, turning his attention to the view in front of him.

He looked around at the very familiar scenery but couldn't quite tell just where they were. Wooyoung was pulled out of his thoughts as San opened the passenger door. He looked up at the older before getting out of the car and looking around. As he was looking around his eyes landed on a familiar play structure and that's when it clicked.

This was the place where San and Wooyoung first met each other. This was the place where everything started.

The two had so many fond memories of this place. It wasn't in the open, so not many people knew about it. Although they never came here again once Wooyoung moved in with them, they couldn't just forget about the place. It held a special place in their hearts as it meant a lot to them. So much of their childhood was spent here as Wooyoung's mother would take any chance to not interact with her son, so setting up a playdate for the two boys allowed her to catch up with an old friend and not have to bother taking care of Wooyoung as he would be off playing with San. And although he knew this at a young age he didn't mind.

Wooyoung stepped forward a bit as he continued looking around. The place looked better than he had remembered it. Adorable fairy lights from the surrounding bushes and trees illuminated the area, the grass was well-maintained, and the sound of flowing water from a nearby river and crickets filled the silence. Wooyoung was in awe as his eyes traveled from the play structure to fireflies before eventually landing on a blanket that was set up for stargazing.

"Sannie..." Wooyoung spoke in a quiet voice as he turned around. Just as Wooyoung was about to speak he was interrupted by a loud whistle followed by a big bang. His eyes widened as he quickly turned around once again just to see a mixture of different colored fireworks going off in the distance. Some were purple, others were a mixture of blues and teals, and there were even pink and white ones going off.

He was left speechless. At this point, he didn't even know what to say or how to act. It was all so mesmerizing that he wasn't even sure if this was real or just a dream. He was pulled out of his thoughts as he felt a pair of arms hugging his waist. Taking his attention off the fireworks and giving it to San, he turned his head just enough so he could look at the older. This didn't last long though, as he felt something being slipped onto his finger.

He looked down to see a thin diamond ring with a gold star in the middle of it placed on his ring finger. "What's this?" Wooyoung asked as he admired the ring. "A promise ring," San chuckled as he intertwined their hands revealing the ring on his finger. His ring was slightly thicker and had a small diamond in the middle with an engraved gold star next to it.

"Wooyoung-ah. You already promised you wouldn't leave me, so you're stuck with me until the day I die," San said sternly. "You know that also means you're stuck with me until I die," Wooyoung giggled as he turned around. "Perfect, because I wouldn't want it any other way," San said before placing a gentle kiss on the younger's lips while the fireworks continued in the background.

Pulling away the two looked into each other's eyes before embracing in a hug. "Sannie," Wooyoung muttered receiving a hm from the older. "Swings." He whispered as he pointed at the swing set. San chuckled before letting him go and following Wooyoung to the swing set. The two sat down on the swings, slightly swaying as they continued watching the fireworks. The two both had huge smiles on their faces as they sat there, occasionally glancing at each other.

Eventually, the fireworks came to an end, and when they stopped, the purple fairy lights changed to white. Shocked Wooyoung yelled, "They changed color! How on earth did you manage to do this, Sannie?"

"It took some time to set up since when I found this place, it was overgrown as I assume people forgot about it. But after taking care of all the weeds and vines, it wasn't that hard to set up," San explained. Tears pricked Wooyoung eyes as he looked at San.

San's eyes widened as he faced the younger, brushing the tears out of his eyes. "Why are you crying love?" He questioned. "It's just... hard to believe that someone would actually go through all that trouble for me," Wooyoung sniffled. "Oh, Wooyoung..." San whispered. Placing a kiss on the younger's cheek. He spoke again, "Please don't cry, dear."

After calming down, San carried Wooyoung over to the blanket that was laid out on the grass. The two lay down, looking up at the stars that filled the sky. Wooyoung was fighting off the tiredness he felt while lying in San's arms. San, on the other hand, knew the younger was feeling tired and was softly caressing his hair so the younger could fall asleep in peace. At this point, San had taken notes on different ways to help the younger fall asleep peacefully without him having to have dreams about the past, and caressing his hair seemed to work the best.

"It's alright, Wooyoung. You can fall asleep if you're tired," San whispered, checking his watch. It was late at night, so it made sense why the younger was tired. "I don't want to," The younger whined. San chuckled at the action as he continued to caress the younger's hair. It became harder and harder for Wooyoung to fight off the tiredness, so he eventually fell asleep.

San looked down and smiled at the sleeping younger. "I'm so glad I found you," San whispered in Wooyoung's ear, picking him up so he could place the sleeping male into the car to take him home. It may have taken years of searching and a lot of worrying, but it was all worth it. In fact, he would never have to worry again. Wooyoung was back, and this time he promised to stay.

The end.

Found You - Woosan


I just wanted to thank everyone who enjoyed this story despite it being messily written. I genuinely didn't expect anyone to read the story let alone enjoy it, so it's kind of shocking to know people actually like it. Anyways, once again thank you for reading. <3

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