Chapter 15

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This wasn't supposed to happen. Five years, I spent five whole fucking years trying to prevent San from finding Wooyoung but it was all for nothing. 

"We both know that Yeosang is going to take his job very seriously. You may have been able to pay the others on the search team to keep their mouth shut but we both know that you won't be able to do that with Yeosang. So what are you going to do?"

"Fuck I don't know!"

"EunHye you really are useless aren't you?" Ji-yoo's mother chuckled.

"Fuck you Areum, I'm trying my hardest. Do you know how hard it was to break Wooyoung's self-esteem with mere letters? Do you know how hard it was to try my hardest to cover Wooyoung's tracks? Do you know how hard it was to constantly increase San's workload to the point where he didn't have time to try and search for Wooyoung?!?" Eunhye said raising her voice, clearly becoming more agitated. 

"You don't because you just sat on your ass while leaving me to do everything!"

Areum stood up from the couch she was sitting on and slapped EunHye. "You are in no position to be talking to me like that. Let me remind you that you were the one who came to me, practically begging on your knees because you didn't want your son to be happy just because your marriage was failing." 

"You are a self-centered piece of shit EunHye, ruining your son's love life just because you're not happy. It's no wonder your husband doesn't love you! I mean the poor thing was forced into a marriage with a narcissist despite loving someone else." Areum said, her tone of voice was mocking and judgemental. 

"You have no right to judge me after all you're just as bad as me, agreeing to the deal knowing damn well that we would have hurt Wooyoung in the process," EunHye yelled back as she held her now red cheek. 

"The only reason I agreed was because my daughter loves your son. All that matters to me is the fact that she's happy! Unlike you, I care about my child more than anything in the world. Yes, I may have agreed to the deal knowing that an innocent boy would left heartbroken and alone but don't you ever try and compare the two of us!" Areum yelled back.

Eunhye huffed angrily knowing that she wouldn't win this argument. "Dammit, I don't have the time for this," she said before walking out of the room slamming the door behind her.

Today was the day Yeosang had been waiting for and he couldn't hold back his excitement. In the morning Yeosang went to San's office and found him asleep on his desk. It was obvious the boy was drained as he had bags under his eyes and was dozing off constantly. Everyone knew that since Wooyoung ran away San wasn't getting much sleep as he had been very stressed and was constantly worrying over Wooyoung. As much as he tried to contribute to the search it was almost impossible due to all the work he was having to do.

Yeosang already had told San that he could introduce himself to the team so that San could get some rest but San being the stubborn person he was refused. And that led them to where they are now, in the search room. Everyone's attention shifted from what they were doing to the two males. "Everyone, this is Kang Yeosang from today on he will be joining you all so treat him with respect."

Everyone nodded except for one person, a short male with blond fluffy hair. The short male instead looked nervous as he was fidgeting with his fingers. San then told everyone to get back to work before walking over to the blond boy. Yeosang quickly followed behind and took note of the short boy's body language. "Yeosang this is Kyung-soo, he will help you get settled in. I have to finish up some more work so I will get going but if you find any leads please... let me know." 

"Alright, thank you Sannie. And please when you get the chance rest." Yeosang said concernment lacing his tone. San paused for a moment before giving him a small smile. "Alright. Congratulations Yeosang." San said before walking away.

"Alright, then Kyung-soo! Where should I get started." Yeosang said enthusiastically. Kyung-soo's eyes widened as he looked at Yeosang. He looked nervous yet also guilty? "You're Wooyoung's friend, right?" Kyung-soo said in a hushed voice. Yeosang confused slowly nodded. "We need to talk. Now." Kyung-soo said before grabbing Yeosang's wrist and pulling him to a secluded hallway.

"Hey wait-" Yeosang said as he was getting dragged along. Once they reached the empty hallway Kyung-soo covered Yeosang's mouth with his hand. "Shh. Don't make a sound." Kyung-soo said before slowly removing his hand from Yeosang's mouth. "I just want to say that I am so so sorry. I promise we didn't have a choice." Kyung-soo said in a sort of panic. 

"Woah there calm down. Before you continue please tell me what the hell this is about?" Yeosang said. Kyung-soo bit the inside of his lip before speaking, "This whole time when we were asked if we found any leads on your Missing friend we were lying." Kyung-soo said as he looked down at the floor. Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he listened to the shorter male speak. "We did have a few leads, especially in the beginning but we covered them up."

Yeosang's eyes widened as he froze, he felt a sense of dread fill his body. "W-What did you say?" Yeosang asked. "Wooyoung, he isn't in Korea anymore but that's about all we know. The reason he left or where he is now is a mystery but that's also because no one out there is trying to look for him. In short, a day after we joined the search team all of us were approached by a strange individual. A man who wore all black and concealed his face. He told us that if we looked for Wooyoung or told San about any leads then he would anything or anyone we loved and would kill them." Kyung-soo continued as tears filled his eyes. 

"We didn't believe him at first and thought it was a joke but then the next day one of the team members family was found dead. Then we knew it wasn't a lie. After that the team stopped looking for Wooyoung entirely, whenever San would try looking for him we would cover Wooyoung's tracks in fear of our families being hurt. But now, there is no point in hiding it after all you joined our team." Kyung-soo said as the tears from his eyes fell. 

Yeosang was overwhelmed with emotion as tears streamed down his face. The pain in his heart was almost unbearable as he reflected on the difficult times they had all endured. All the times he spent wondering if Wooyoung was safe or if he was taking care of himself. All the times he caught Hongjoong staring off into space while training. All the times he comforted Seonghwa when he was having a panic attack. All the times he saw Jongho trying to put on a brave face when it was clear he was hurting inside. All the times he saw San sitting on Wooyoung's bedroom floor crying while holding the necklace he had given Wooyoung before everything...

Yeosang thought back to all the times the boys questioned why they had such a hard time finding Wooyoung. They all thought they weren't trying hard enough when in reality they were trying their hardest. The reason they couldn't find Wooyoung wasn't because they weren't trying their hardest but because they simply couldn't. 

At first, he thought this was all a sick dream but soon he realized that this was real. Yeosang was seething with anger, his eyes locked on the smaller individual standing before him. Without a moment's hesitation, he grabbed Kyung-soo's wrist and began dragging him down the hallway. Kyung-soo was bewildered and frightened, unsure of where he was being taken. "W-Where are we going?" he stammered, his voice quivering with fear. Yeosang pulled out his phone and quickly typed something before slipping it back into his pocket. "We're going to San's office," he replied curtly. "Everything you've told me, you'll need to repeat to him." Kyung-soo had always known this day might come, but the reality of it was far more terrifying than he could have ever imagined.

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