Chapter 25

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Panic spread through Yeosang's body. Someone managed to get passed their security systems and delete almost everything. It couldn't be possible, Yeosang spent days working on a new more secure system when He first joined. He made sure that getting in wouldn't be easy, so how? He needed to change everything immediately.

Yeosang quickly moved the rest of the online files they had to a secure spot before immediately getting started on a new security system.

"Someone go and fill San in with what just happened. I also need someone to email the search team in Japan to see if their system was messed with as well. The rest of you continue to try and regain our documents if you are unsuccessful with that just find whatever you can on Wooyoung. We need to regain at least something..." Yeosang commanded.

Everyone nodded and immediately got to work. As Yeosang worked on the new security system he wondered just who decided to do this. Could it have been Sans's mother trying to get some last type of revenge? No, that would just make her situation worse.

They were still in the process of gathering information to ruin Ji-yoo, but maybe it could have been her. No, she wasn't smart enough to think about that. So just who could it have been?

Yeosang's train of thought stopped when he remembered something. Wooyoung might have ties with Luminous. If this was true then they would have access to hackers that could hack into their systems.

Yeosang bit the inside of his cheek. He pushed away the thoughts and just continued working on the new system. He had to make sure there were no flaws. He had to make it more complex than the last one. If the coding was too similar getting into it would be a piece of cake, and he couldn't have that happening now.

Days passed since the incident with their systems. Everyone worked day and night trying to find and restore everything they lost. Thankfully Yeosang managed to finish up their new security system, and along with that, he created a secure backup software. Just in case someone got in again they would still have their documents.

As for their documents and files on Wooyoung, they were able to recover their recent information. Things that were over two years old were gone. Well unless they decided to go back and search for them all over again, that would be a waste of time. They had all the information they needed to push through and continue. The only real setback they faced was the fact they lost valuable time.

"But why then?" Yeosang spoke to himself.

Why all of a sudden? If whoever got into their old system could do it why not do it earlier when they first found the information? Yes, they did start suspecting Luminous but would the company do something like this? Yet if it was Luminous why was only the stuff on Wooyoung deleted?

Yeosang tried to make sense of the situation but failed. He had so many questions on his mind. Did Luminous hack us? None of the files they had on the company got deleted so it couldn't be them, could it? Just what was going on?

"Yeosang, Sir we got a response from the other search team!" one of the workers informed him. Yeosang nodded as the email was sent to him. He sat up in his chair and began to read the email.

"Good evening Sir Yeosang,

We wanted to inform you that none of our information was wiped out nothing happened to us. During this time we found some information and it seems our suspicions were correct. Wooyoung is working with Luminous and we managed to spot him walking into the company. We believe that the reason your systems were hacked was so that your attention would be taken off of finding him. The fact you were occupied with getting your systems up and running again, gave Wooyoung the perfect window to return to Japan to meet with the boss. It's most likely he didn't know about our team yet he was still cautious as we only managed to spot him once.

The Japanese search team."

In the email where two images are attached, both of Wooyoung walking into the company. Now they had another lead and a few questions answered. Yeosang quickly forwarded the email to San along with adding his own personal notes and information he collected.

Yeosang knew they would be making a trip to Japan soon. After all, San preferred to confront people in person. There was no doubt San would end up pointing a gun against the forehead of the CEO.

Yeosang was correct because a few days later they were on a plane to Japan. Hongjoong, San, and Jongho were the beat when it came to getting answers out of others, they didn't care if they had to spill the blood of others. Seonghwa was there in case anyone did get hurt also because he didn't want to be left behind. Yeosang was forced to tag along so he could check to see how the other search team was doing.

They all had a special part to play in this mission. Yeosang made sure to have someone trustworthy to keep the search team back In Korea on track. No one was worried about the team possibly betraying them.

Soon they arrived at their destination, getting off the plane they immediately went to the base where their search team was located. The drive wasn't that long maybe thirty minutes or so. Once they arrived they were greeted and brought to the security room.

Everyone was working hard yet they still made sure to greet them with respect. Yeosang stayed behind while the other four males left. Seonghwa had medical stuff in the car's trunk while the others were equipped with their weapons.

The drive to the company felt longer than it was. A simple Forty-five-minute drive seemed more like an hour. San bounced his leg up and down as he felt adrenaline course throughout his body.

Soon the car came to a halt, the males looked out the window to see a tall yet beautiful normal-looking office building with the words 'Luminous' on top of the main entrance. Next the to company name was a unique crescent moon symbol.

While Seonghwa stayed behind in the car the other three males got out. They walked through the front doors and were greeted with a warm yet modern environment. A male who stood next to the door spoke, "Welcome to Luminous. Is there something I can help you gentlemen with today? Do you have an appointment or maybe an interview?"

"Where is the CEO located?" Hongjoong asked smiling at the male.

The male looked slightly confused and shocked by the sudden question. "The boss doesn't take walk-in appointments. Did you schedule one? If you did please tell me your name so I can see if you are on the list." the male spoke nervously.

"Our names? Alright then. Choi San, Kim Hongjoong, and Choi Jongho." San spoke as he glared at the male.

The male's smile dropped immediately. He visibly became panicked, his breath was shaky and his hands slightly trembled as he slowly reached for something under the desk.

Jongho pulled his gun and jabbed it at the male side making sure no one saw. "Press that emergency button and I'll pull the trigger." he softly whispered.

"I rather die than let you get any closer to finding him." the male spoke before pressing the button causing an unusual sound to play. Like Jongho said he shot the male in the side before putting another bullet through his skull. Gasps and screams could be heard but they didn't care. They quickly made their way toward the elevators once they saw security guards rushing toward them.

The alarm was blaring and the emergency light was flashing red. Some people tried to get out of the building while others fell to the ground in fear. Several bullets were shot at the three males some barely missing them. Just as they reached the elevator the doors opened and a few people rushed out as the three males entered. As the elevator doors closed a few bullets managed to be fired through the gap almost hitting Hongjoong's shoulder.

The three males caught their breaths as the elevator went up. They weren't completely sure what floor the boss was located but the search team speculated that it was the very top floor which made sense. Their hearts pounded in their chests, they were about to meet with someone who had worked with Wooyoung. They were slightly nervous after all they had no idea just what information they might be able to receive. Soon the elevator came to a halt and a small ding was heard before the doors started to open.

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