Chapter 40

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San turned his attention to the bed as he heard the soft rustling of the covers. He adjusted his shirt before looking out the door to see if the younger had woken up or just moved in his sleep. After confirming that Wooyoung had just moved, he returned to the sink to brush his teeth. Once finished, he exited the bathroom, turning off the light behind him.

He headed back to the bed where the younger still slept, picking up his phone to read the time. It was still early in the morning, so he carefully lifted the covers before lying next to the sleeping male. They stayed that way for what felt like thirty minutes before Wooyoung slightly opened his eyes, glancing up at San. He proceeded to move closer to the male, burying his head into the older's chest. San chuckled before speaking, "Good morning to you too."

Wooyoung hummed in response. It was obvious that he was still tired. San stroked the younger's head with one hand, the other being wrapped around Wooyoung's waist. They stayed like that for a while, both being too comfortable to want to get up. Yet they were eventually forced to as more time passed. As much as they would have liked to stay in each other's arms the entire day, they simply couldn't.

As Wooyoung was getting up, he hissed as he felt a sharp pain spread through the lower half of his body. It was slightly similar to the soreness he used to get after a long and intense workout, but at the same time very different. "You alright, love?" San quickly questioned the male. Wooyoung nodded as he tried to get up again but failed. San softly patted the younger lower back with a worried expression.

"You asshole," Wooyoung wailed. San's eyes widened at the sudden exclamation. "What did I do?" The older worriedly questioned. He worried as he wondered if he possibly pushed the younger too far the previous night. "Because of you, I can't even get up," The younger said as he once again tried sitting up. "What kind of monster are you? It can't be physically possible to have that much stamina along with-" Wooyoung cut himself off as he looked down at the older male's crotch. His cheeks turned a slight pink before he quickly looked away. "Screw you!" Wooyoung stammered as he hid under the covers.

San sat there, slightly dumbfounded at the words that came out of the younger's mouth. "Really?" The older said as he got closer to Wooyoung. "Are you really mad at me because you're sore from last night?" San questioned, slightly chuckling as he did so. San went from chuckling to full-blown laughing within a few seconds. "Don't laugh!" A muffled voice came from under the covers. This just prompted San to laugh even harder.

Wooyoung threw the covers off of him, revealing his flushed face. "Don't laugh! If it wasn't for your- genes? And the fact that you started to get rough, then I wouldn't be this sore!" Wooyoung continued. San tried to stop laughing but couldn't contain himself. "Alright, I'm sorry. Don't be upset, okay?" The older said, still chuckling.

This made the Wooyoung feel even more embarrassed, forcing him to retreat under the covers again. Finally calming down, San reached over and lightly patted the male who hid under the covers. "I'm sorry, love. Next time I'll be gentle, alright? I promise. So please come out from under the covers," San pleaded with the younger. "Promise?" Wooyoung's muffled voice asked. "Promise," San said as he watched the younger move the duvet, revealing his face.

Using one hand, he cupped one side of the younger's cheek placing a delicate kiss on it. "I'll help you get ready, alright?" San said with a smile on his face. Wooyoung nodded in response and let the older help him get ready.

"Take it easy today. Don't strain yourself alright?" San said as he brushed Wooyoung's hair. "Mhm," Wooyoung mumbled as he brushed his teeth. San smiled for what seemed to be the twentieth time that day. He loved the thought of being able to do this for the rest of his life. His heart had never felt so satisfied until this very day. He finally had the love of his life by his side, and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure he wouldn't lose Wooyoung again.

After finishing that, he made a brief visit to Wooyoung's room to pick out an outfit for him. Once he picked out an outfit that he knew the younger would like, he quickly returned to his room. As he entered the room, he immediately noticed Wooyoung lying on top of San's now-made bed. "Love, did you make the bed?" San questioned as he laid the younger's outfit on the bed.

Wooyoung, who was previously just staring at the ceiling, turned his head toward San and nodded. "Mhm. It was a lot harder than I anticipated, but in the end, I still managed to do it," He said as he sat up. San scoffed before helping the younger change out of his pajamas and into a comfortable set of clothes. Wooyoung happily let the older help him, playing around with the soft material of his sweatshirt. He watched as San opened one of the drawers on his nightstand, pulling out a small black velvet box. Curious, Wooyoung slightly scooted closer.

"When you left you dropped something," San spoke, handing him the small box. "I couldn't find the right time to give it to you, and when I did, I would forget," San said as he walked over to his closet so that he could change. Wooyoung carefully opened the box, eyes widening as he looked down at the second necklace San had given him all those years ago.

Wooyoung remembered how much he cried when he realized he was missing one of his necklaces. He thought that he wouldn't see this necklace again. "Did you buy me another one?" Wooyoung questioned the older who was changing. "No, I'm pretty sure it near your windowsill," San said as he buttoned his shirt. "I thought I would never see this exact one again..." Wooyoung smiled before taking the necklace out of the box. He attempted to put it on but struggled.

San finished changing, examining his outfit before he walked toward the bed. He sat down next to the younger, reaching for the necklace and helping him clip it. "Thank you," Wooyoung said as he turned around to face San. San placed a small kiss on Wooyoung's forehead. "Now let me help you get up," San spoke while helping the younger up.

Throughout the entire day, Wooyoung couldn't stop staring at the necklace. No matter what he did, his attention always managed to return to the necklace. Almost every single time, San would manage to catch the younger staring down at the necklace.

"Do you like the necklace that much?" San questioned the younger, who sat in his lap. "Of course I do. I thought I would never see it again. Besides, it was a gift from you. How could I not love it," Wooyoung spoke as he rested his head on San's shoulder. "Well, I'm glad you love it, but I'm starting to think you love it more than you love me," San said as he looked at the younger.

With a dramatic gasp Wooyoung spoke, "Not true."
"I love you way more than a necklace," Wooyoung declared, taking his attention off the necklace and focusing it on San. "Are you sure?" San spoke, playfully tilting his head. Wooyoung smiled before moving his position on the older's lap. "I'm sure," Wooyoung said before placing a small kiss on the older's cheek. A wide smile formed on San's face as he wrapped his arms around Wooyoung's waist, pulling him into a warm hug.

San proceeded to bury his face into the crook of Wooyoung's neck. Wooyoung, on the other hand, placed a small kiss on the older's head before embracing the hug. Whenever the two males were in situations like these, it felt as if time would freeze. They couldn't help it. They had spent so many years apart that they were now cherishing every single moment they had together. In the back of their mind was the gnawing doubt that there would be some type of circumstance that would cause the two males to have to separate once again, but they always pushed it back. They didn't need to fill their minds with the possibilities when they should be focusing on the present, on each other. No matter what that future might have in store for them they would always have each other. And that's all that mattered to them.

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