14 : The Beacon

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Catra and I had found Entrapta in the vents a couple days ago. I thought that we should just let her wander and do what she wants since i know that Entrapta wouldn't hurt us intentionally but Catra wanted to interrogate someone so Entrapta is currently shackled to the wall.

Entrapta grunts while using her tactical hair to try and free herself. The door beeps as Catra, Scorpia and I enter.

Catra, whilst tapping the taser on her hand, says, "Prisoner."

Scorpia whispers to her, "That’s Entrapta. "

Catra, annoyed, whisper-yells at Scorpia, "I know her name, I was just— Ugh, never mind. Lord Hordak himself tasked me with your interrogation. So, there’s no use resisting." I laugh at both of them and the obvious lie. Hordak is in the cell next to us in which Entrapta takes a look in then tilts her head in confusion.

"Kitty," I say and she looks at me, "Hordaks right there, love." I point and she gets flustered in embarrassment. Entrapta smiles as she opens a shackle. Scorpia turns to Catra, who zaps the wall beside Entrapta and moves closer.

"I don’t care what it takes," she lifts Entrapta’s head up with the taser, "I’m going to drag the Rebellion’s plans out of you."

"Sorry to ruin your interrogation," I say and Catra groans, "but I can sneak into Bright Moon and get it myself."

"Can y'all please stop ruining my fun?" Catra asks irritably and I la ugh while nodding. Entrapta pushes Catra away with her hair, whilst grabbing the taser

"Ooh! What’s that?"

"What? Hey!" Entrapta fires Catra’s taser at the ceiling.

Scorpia pulls Catra closer to her and away from the laser, "Catra!" She sighs in relief, "Oh, oh, there you go." I frown slightly but Catra pushes her way out of Scorpia's grip and towards me. I put my arms around her and send a small glare to Scorpia.

"Fascinating!" Entrapta exclaims Ave Catra snatches the weapon back, "Oh, I like that thing. Can I have it?" I laugh once more.

"No! And stop, I’m interrogating you!" Catra exclaims

"Well, okay, then. What do you want to know?" Entrapta says.

Catra looks at Scorpia and me, then back at Entrapta, "Why were you hiding out in the Fright Zone?"

"I was waiting for my friends to get back. They had trouble finding me before. So, I figured I’d make it easier for them and just stay put right here." She answers and I frown slightly.

Catra softly approaches Entrapta, "They left you."

"No, no, they’re my friends, they’ll be back"
Entrapta releases herself from the shackles and goes up to Scorpia. "Say, your tail secretes some kind of paralyzing agent, right? Do you think I could have a sample, to study?"

"Hey, you can’t just touch another woman’s tail without asking!" Scorpia exclaims and I nod, agreeing. Catra strokes Entrapta’s hair.

Catra mutters to her softly, "Some friends. They left you, and they’re not coming back. Isn’t that just like Adora? She left me behind, too. Like I was nothing." I frown at her words. She has me. I didn't leave her.

"And me. I mean, I didn’t want to go, but she could’ve at least asked." Scorpia says and I frown even more. Am I the only one who doesn't care that she left!?

"Adora got her precious Bow and Glimmer back. All these princesses care about is people who are just like them. But you’re not like them, are you?" Catra asks.

Entrapta hangs her head low, "Fright Zone log, hour 45. Is that right? I don’t know if that’s right, it was hard to tell in the walls. Hour 45, that’s— That’s too many hours. This angry feline person seems to be correct. They’re not coming back for me." She says and her eyes brim with tears.

"I love you, Kitty" (Catra x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now