9: The SeaGate Pt. 2

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Athena POV

Bow struggles as I drag him down another level. I change back and Bow stares in horror as I crouch next to him. I cover his mouth and bring a finger to mine, signaling for him to be quiet. He glares and jerks away. Before he can call out, I grab him by the collar and bring my claws to his throat while flashing my eyes. Bow stops but doesn't give in. Why is he so fuckin' stubborn!!? I think as I wrestle him back to the ground. Catra chuckles from behind me, amused by the situation. Irritated by Bow, I press a point in his neck and he falls unconscious.

I set him next to the stone wall and trap him a net of his own made from my magic. I cover his mouth as well so he can't call out when he wakes up. Catra watches as Adora grimaces in pain when Scorpia shoots another cannon. I walk behind her and set me head on her shoulder.

"So?" I say and she turns her head to look at me, "Who next? Sparkly bitch or Wannabe mermaid?"

"Sparkles. I want payback."

"Payback? For what?" I ask.

"She hurt you. So I want payback," Catra says and glares at the pinky bitch whose casually chatting with Sea Horse? Sea Honk? I smirk and run a hand through my hair.

"Awww," I saw, "You totally care for me, don't you?" I smile widely when looks away. The way I affect her makes me happy.

"So what if I do? You got a problem with it?" She remarks and I chuckle.

"Naw. I ain't got no problem with that, Kitty," I say and run a hand through my hair again as it's become a habit, "What?" I ask when I see Catra staring at me confused.

"Kitty? Aren't you more of a cat than me?" Catra says.

"I suppose. But it suits you more than me," I say and smirk, "and it's in your name. Would you rather me call you Catty?"


I smile before a wave of water from nowhere waves over me, "What the hell!?" I yell and Catra quickly covers my mouth and pushes to the wall, out of view. She-ra glances over but goes back to the gate when she sees nothing out of place. I see another wave come close and move Catra out of the way since I know she hates water. I sputter and cough a bit before making eye contact with Mermista on the other side of the gate. I narrow my eyes and she glares.

"New plan?" I ask Catra and she nods.


Third POV

She-Ra cries out in pain as electricity zaps through her and she momentarily stops charging the Gate. Catra lands on the sword in metal clang. The original plan was scrapped after Mermista sighted them. Now, Catra is distracting She-ra while Athena takes out the other three nuisances.

Catra laughs, "Wow. You know, the tiara actually gets stupider the more I look at it."

She-Ra glances but continues to charge Gate, "Catra... How did you find me?" She cries out in pain again when a cannon blast hits the gate.

"Did you think it would be that easy to escape the Horde? I mean, I always knew you were kinda dumb, but..." Catra's claw tinks as she pokes She-Ra's tiara, making her grunt slightly, "come on."

"What's your plan, insult me until I decide to rejoin the Horde?"

"I don't think Shadow Weaver is planning to give you much of a choice," Catra says then laughs, "I guess I forgot. But, yeah, something like that." Catra extends her claws and swipes at She-Ra, clanging off her metal bracer. Catra leaps off the sword while She-Ra is shocked again.

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