7: Reunite

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Athena POV

At the Bright Moon "dungeon"

I am lying on a very large pillow wallowing in self-pity. I couldn't do anything until Night Hope finds a way to disable the collar. It's been three days. I've had nothing to do and I'd bet my life savings that Catra is pacing holes in the floor worried. Too bad I don't have any life savings. I giggle at my thoughts. The door opens and a guard walks in with a tray of food. Just soup and a hard piece of bread. More than I got at the institute as I like to call it.

"Gee thanks," I say sarcastically, "No meds today either?"

"Meds? For what?" The guard asks.

"Yeah. I suffer from ligma."

"Ligma?" he says

"Ligma balls!!" I say and cackle. The guard huffs and quickly shuts the door in embarrassment.

You got anything Night Light? I ask

Actually yes I do

Ok. Then tell me what to do. I say

There should be a latch on the side of the collar. Carefully open it, I find it and slowly open it with the tip of my claw.

Got it, I say.

Good, now find the red wire and cut it. I get up and go over to a small mirror in the corner. I could've killed myself with glass and nobody would've known. Not that I would but like, how dumb can a person be!? I find the wire and do as Night Hope says. The light stops blinking.

Now what? I ask.

Underneath, there should be a small, green wire. Cut it as well.

Small is an understatement. It was super tiny. How am I supposed to cut it without hitting anything else!? I carefully manuever around the other wires and slash across the green wire. I hear a click and the collar falls off.

Thank you Night Light!!!

No prob, he replies,   Now get out of there. I'm sure that your girlfriend wants to see you.

She's not my girlfriend!! I exclaim, at least  not yet.

I stand up and leave the broken collar on the floor. Curse you, Angella. I will not forget this!! I think as I jump out the now open window. I land swiftly on my feet and run full speed on all four. If only I could turn into an actual animal. Then I could get back to Catra faster. I mean the Horde!! I meant the Horde!!

Mmhmm. Night Hope mocks in my head, but you can actually. Turn into an animal i mean

Really!? How?

I don't know. He says, figure it out

I scowl and stop. I concentrate on my body shifting like my appearance does. I think of my magic and how it can change shape but add it to my body. I concentrate on the atoms moving around to create another form of an animal. I stop when I feel a sharp pain in my back. What the hell!? It spreads to my legs them up to my arms. My body jerks and my arms and legs extend. I groan in pain as my bones crack and recreate themselves into stronger ones. I lay panting in pain on the ground. I did it!! And I'm never doing it again!!

It's only painful the first time, Night Hope says

That's what she said, I chuckle in my head

If you have so much energy to joke around, go find your girl before Bright Moon soldiers find you. They've probably discovered your gone. I stand up on my hind legs but fall over. I'll have to get used to waking on guess I guess. I start padding along the forest floor and give myself a look over. I was around nine feet tall—damn I'm taller than She-ra—and had a black pelt with blue stripes? Basically my "Protector" form, as I like to call it, as a giant ass cat. Tiger? (Picture melog but bigger and more cat like and described as above. I'll do a drawing later)

Anyway, I continue walking which turns into a sprint which shifts into a full on run. I ran quietly with my tongue lolling out the side of my mouth. This was so carefree! I could stay this way forever! But I won't. Cause of Catra. Man, that woman is so fine!!

I run for a few more hours before lying down. I still have around a days trip through the Whispering Woods until I get closer to the Fright Zone. And that's running at full speed. I'll just take a small nap.


"Run!! Athena!!" A voice calls out, "You have to go!!" I look around and see a man strapped to a wooden pole, "They're going to kill you!! You have to go!!"

"I'm not leaving you!!" I scream. Why am I screaming!? Who is this man!? "I'll come back, I always do!! But you won't, Lenzo, you won't come back!! I won't leave you to fucking die!!" Lenzo. Ah yes..my first friend in my second life. I'm reliving a memory. I guess I was more tired than I let myself believe. I can only wait it out.

I wrench myself out of the arms holding me back. More hands claw at me but I ignore them and rush to my best friend. I shove my way through the crowd surrounding the stand. Their leader, Clonis, is about to set fire to the immobilized Lenzo.

"Stop! Stop it!" I yell out, "It wasn't him!! It was me!! I killed him!!" I push the last person in front of me down and look at Clonis from the ground, kneeling.

"Yes. The witch herself. We've all been waiting for you," Clonis exclaims, "Your friend was the perfect bait for you as I predicted. Now, will you take your rightful place and burn in hell for killing my son!!?" Clonis shrieks.

"Yes!! I will!!" I scream, "He's innocent so let him go!!"

"Innocent? No, your friend is not so innocent," he says, "I was in fact informed of what this man has done. Killing your mother must have taken such a toll on him."

"What are you talking about!? What is he taking about, Lenzo!? My mother died in battle!! Right!? That's what you told me!?" I scream out. Lenzo looks down in shame. No! It's not true! He would never betray me!!

"Poor poor Athena. Having your family stolen from you doesn't feel too good now does it?" Clonis remarks. A shadow covers my eyes. Blue streaks run through my hair. My eyes turn black as I look at him, "What is this!? This can't be!? You lost it! Your power was taken from you!! How can this be!?"

"You can't take something that was rightfully mine," I snarl and appear in front of him. I plunge my hand straight into his heart, killing him instantly. Screams are heard and me as they run away. I grin madly, finally lost my mind, as I slaughter Clonis' guards and underlings. The ground stained with blood that isn't mine. The last body falls to the ground and the only one left was Lenzo. I walk towards him and he looks at me fearfully.

"I figured it out," I say quietly, "You've been working with him all along. The entire time, everything was fake. All just an act so you could get me to trust you. And damnit it worked. But I won't make that mistake again."

"I know," Lenzo says and pulls something from behind him, "because you won't be alone to make it." He stabs the dagger straight into my shattered, black heart. It was a trap. All of it, and I fell straight into it.


Catra POV

I am once again in the woods looking for Athena. I've searched everyday since she's been gone. It's been almost five days. I worried sick and I'm gonna go crazy if I she doesn't show up soon. I'm jumping through the trees when I hear whimpering? I jump down and follow the sound. A walk a few meters before the sound turns to cries of distress. I shouldn't care but the sound pains me, like I've heard it before. I see a large figure in front of me. It was a giant ass cat curled up into a ball. Lying down it was at least four feet tall. The animal cries out and I watch as it's body slowly shrinks. Wait? What!? I watch as the giant creature morphs into Athena!? What the hell!? Thankfully, she still has her clothes on, if not I wouldn't be able to move from embarrassment. I pick her up and her shrieks slowly calm as I walk her back to the Fright Zone.

A/N: sorry for the shortish chapters. Im literally writing this in the dead of night and I'm tired so I'm gonna sleep. Should I start giving you previews of the next chapters? Or is it fine as is? Also, I added the picture of Athena as an animal at the top.

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