4: Thaymor

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"Seriously though, not even one girlfriend?"

"Nope," Night Hope says, "You told me before that you didn't deserve to love someone."

"Hmm. Well, I'm gonna change that this time," I say and he grins.

"That's what you said last time. Actually, you say that every time you remember your past lives."

"Really? Oh, well I mean it," I say, "One thing though, how does this live forever thing work?"

"Each time you die, you are reborn as a baby with the exact looks, voice, and personality as the one before," he says.

"So I'll always look the same?" I ask, "What about my memories? Do I always forget?"

"Yes you'll always stay the same. As for your memories, it depends on what your past life wants. If the old you wanted you to forget then you'll forget until your magic unlocks."

"Oh. Okay." I remember everything. Well, almost. I remember every battle, every enemy and ally that I've ever had. Am I worried about it? No, not really. Am I gonna change because of what I've learned and remembered? Definitely not. I mean, why should I? I have no reason to, so I won't, "How do I leave this place?" I ask

"It's just like waking up. Just end the dream. You'll feel like you just slept an entire night. Though, time goes a little faster here so you've been out about 10 hours even though almost an entire day has passed here."

"How will I communicate with you when I'm awake?"

"You gave me permission to enter your mind earlier before you actually went to sleep so I'll just sound like a voice in your head. You restricted my access to the private things in your mind so you don't have to worry about that"

"K. Got it. Well bye I guess," I say and force myself to wake up. I jerk up and look around. Catra is resting in a chair next to my bunk. She has a Force Captain badge. I guess Hordak promoted her. I think, I wonder if he knows about Shadow Weaver?

"Hey, Catra?" I say shaking her a bit. She jerks up and looks around, panicking, "Catra, Catra! It's just me! It's just me, Catra!" I exclaim and she looks at me and sighs, relieved. She quickly latches onto me and hugs me tight.

"Oh my goodness! I was so worried, Athena!" Catra yells out.

No girlfriend, heh? Night Hope snarks in my head.

She's not my girlfriend!! I yell back at him.

"Is everything okay? How long was I out?"

"You just collapsed after the thing with Shadow Weaver and you've been out for almost 10 hours. And guess what!" I tilt my head head, silently questioning her, "Hordak promoted me!! I'm a Force Captain now!!"

"I see that. I'm happy for you," I say and she smiles, "Y'know what? We should celebrate! I'll ask Hordak if we can do something special!"

"Would he say yes though?"

"He will to me," I say and she looks at me weirdly.

"Hordak has always favored you and you talk so highly about him," Catra says, "why is that?"

"Hordak was the one who took me in after Shadow Weaver found me, even though she probably knew I was there the entire time. Anyway, he's the one who saved me from Shadow Weaver's experiments when I first joined the Horde. He stopped her and gave her a warning and says that if she ever harmed me, he would kill her himself. I don't know why he always liked me a lot but he's like a father to me. I wouldn't be able to take it if something happened to him," I say and Catra nods.

"I love you, Kitty" (Catra x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now