2: Murderer

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Catra and I walk through the forest in silence until she breaks it.

"So, where's Adora?" She asks.

"I don't know. She blamed me for us crashing and I left her at the skiff to search for you," I reply without looking at her.

"Oh. We're the ones who bumped into you so it's our fault," Catra says.

"It's nobody's fault really. We probably would've crashed anyway. I'm just hoping that the skiff still works," I say. A couple minutes later, Catra asks, "How much farther do we have?"

"Around 5 more minutes then we'll be there," I say.

"How do you remember how to get there?"

"I sneak out sometimes to check on it. I want to make sure they haven't started the experiments again," I answer and Catra whirls her head to look at me.

"Experiments!?" She exclaims.

"Yup. That's why I told you that'd it'd be easier to just show you," I say.

"Did they do anything to you?"

"They did a lot of things to me. That's why Hordak needs me. Cause I know how to do certain things because of these experiments." I jump on a tall tree and Catra lands next to me. A large building was surrounded by overgrown plants, "Get on my back."

"What?" Catra looks at me weird.

"Just do it," I say and she climbs on while grumbling. I launch myself off of the tree and gracefully land on the roof of the building, "Haha. Still got it."

"How the hell did you do that!?" Catra exclaims still holding on.

"Takes practice," I say, "and you're still holding on." She jumps off and sends me to the ground.

"Takes practice my ass," she grumbles. I take her by the arm and lead her to a hatch on the roof. It blends in well but I can easily find it. I trace the outline of it and walk around. It's was sealed shut, which means someone, or something, has been here.

"Someone's been here," I say.

"How can you tell?" Catra asks.

"It's sealed shut," I say and grab her hand and trace it where I did before, "Hold on a minute." I take out one of my claws and slice the holding around it. It breaks easy. I grin to myself and slowly open it a small crack. I sniff the air but smell nobody except Catra and I, "C'mon," I say and jump down. I catch Catra when she falls and she clings to me, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I wanna know what everything is," she says and I look around. Nothing is out of place. They could've just sealed the doors but I don't even know who 'they' is yet.

"It doesn't seem like anything has been in here but be keep your guard up," I say and Catra nods. I lead her down a hall and into a doorway. They blocked it off so I cut a small door that we can go through. Catra stares at me in shock, "What?" I ask.

"Can I do that!?" She exclaims. I nod and her eyes go huge. She runs back to the blocked doorway and cut a small piece of. She looks at me in amazement with the piece in her hand, "Now I have a souvenir." I frown at her words.

"You don't want a souvenir from this place. Trust me, this place has been tainted with so much blood. Including mine," I say and she frowns then throws the metal piece at a wall. It clangs and the sound echos. My ear twitches and I sniff the air. Something just came through the hatch. I pull Catra close to me and signel for her to be quiet. I crouch and stalk around the room. Peering out the door I made, I see a figure in the corner. I sniff the air again but I can't figure out the smell.

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