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stop interrupting me

Leonora PoV:

For my luck, I had my lovely class directly the next morning. Everything inside of me turned upside down and I thought I was sick.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." I looked at Clarissa. "I don't know. Everything tells me not to teach this class." "So you're scared of them? That they talk up to you?"

My eyes narrowed, as a feeling of anger rose in me. "I am not scared of them! Who do you think you are to say such things!" She stepped a bit backwards, a scared look on her face.

"Nora…" "No! I am not scared of them!" I looked at her. Tears slowly filled my eyes, as I sank down to my knees. "What is happening to me? W-why am I like this?" Two arms wrapped around me, as the tears ran down my face.

"Maybe you should stay in bed." "To give them more points?!" I stared up, wanting to hit myself for screaming at her.

"That's not what I mean. Please Nora, calm down." Her fingers started to scratch over my back. "You stay in bed today. That's nothing I'm asking you to do, it's an order."

She helped me up, before she brought me back to bed. "Now tell me, is this all just because of what they said yetserday?" I looked to the side, before I shook my head.

"Enzo told me that the other students, uhm, started to talk. About us. And our relationship." She took my hand in hers, squeezing it slightly.

"You know that whatever they talk about is irrelvant, right?" "It's not. I'm your slut in everyones eyes! None of them respect me anymore!" I laid down.

Clarissa placed her hand on my arm, before she cuddled up to me. "Then you have to earn back that respect. Where is the controlling Leonora, that wouldn't let anyone tell her what to do?" I turned my head to her.

"You made her your bitch." We both chuckled a bit, before I looked up to the ceiling. "I know she is still in there." She tapped my chest. "You just gotta find her and then you have to show them not to fuck around with you."

"You say that so easy… What if she's not there anymore?" Clarissa gave me short stare, before she closed her eyes. "I swear Nora, I'll hit you if you don't start to be that ice cold bitch again."

We both stared at each other, before we started to laugh. "Lord you make so happy, I can't." She smiled at me, pulling me close. "You better be happy, because I don't like to see you sad."

With that, she gave me a soft kiss. "Now stop beeing a pussy and show them who's boss." "I will. Are you free right now?" She rolled her eyes and hit me.

"Not me, you! For my sake Nora. Get out of here before I'll kick you out!" I chuckled and jumped up from the bed, grabbing my coat.

"See you later my Queen." "I'll be waiting for you." She had a small smirk on her lips, as she sat up. "I hope with a suprise…" "You and your dirty mind better go to your class now!" There was that firm stare under which I could melt away every single time.

"As you command." With that, I walked out of our room, closing the door behind me.

Clarissa PoV:

I chuckled and rolled my eyes, looking out of the window. "Damn it." Withouit thinking further about Lesso, I stood up and grabbed the last few things I needed, before heading off to my own class.

This woman really managed to make me forget the time. In a hurry, I ran to my own class, apologizing that I was to late.

I can't imagine what a class of Nevers would look like, when the teacher is late. There had to be a big mess and students would be hurt.

I pushed that thought aside, as I stepped infront of the class greeting them. "Please get out your penicels and papers, we are going to learn the art of writing today."

To my suprise, none of them did what I asked them too. "I repeat, please get your pencils and papers out. We are going to-" "We heard you the first time Professor."

I looked at the young Prince, which seemed annoyed by me. But why? I did nothing more then to ask them to ake their supplies out.

"Alright… And why aren't you doing it?" "Why should we?" I leaned against my desk and scanned his face. There was no magic in this game, so no Nevers. But why was he behaving like that? Why were they all behaving like that?

"Is there a problem with this class? Or with me? Because if yes, feel free to talk to me about it." The prince shortly looked back to the other students, before he turned back to me.

"The Never students are talking Professor. Is it the truth that you are in a relationship with Lady Lesso?" I looked at him, a little smile on my lips.

"Yes, that is the truth." Some of the students started talking with each other, while the prince just kept starrimg at me. "Is that a problem?" "She is a Never. You can't really believe that she loves you."

His words did sting, but not for to long. "If you believe that. Something else, or can we start the class now?" He seemed pissed about my reaction and I felt that he was ready to argue with me.

To be honest, I would have enjoied it. There was something special about watching them get more and more desperate, trying to defend their point.

"But-" "Yes?" He stared at me. "You can't-" "What is your question?" I smiled at him. "She is-" "I'm listening." He would love to punch me, I could tell by the look in his eyes.

"Stop-" "Yes?" "STOP INTERRUPTING ME!" He jumped up and slammed his hands onto the table. "I am trying to-" "I'm sorry, I will stop." I kept my little smile up, watching as he clenched his fists.

The other students watched us in silence, observing our little conversation. "This will have consequences, note my words!" "If you wouldn't have started all this, then I would have my pen and paper already in hand."

I leaned my head a bit to the side. "Now please sit down, so that we can start the class please." Even when he didn't want to, he sat down.

"No one last time, please take out your pencils and papers, so that we can start the class." Finally, the students got out their stuff and I smiled widely.

"Perfect. Now, why do we have to learn the art of writing?" To my suprise, the only student that knew the answer, was my 'beloved' prince. So, what was the only logical thing to do?

"No one? Alright, then please note down my words." I got another death glare from him, before I started talking, explaining why this class was so important for their future.

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