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You noticed that too, right?

Leonora PoV:

I stood in the hall of the school for evil. The last two weeks had gone over faster then I thought they would.

New Years Eve wasn't something interesting. I had a drinking battle with Anemone and the next day Clarissa both called us stupid for drinking to much.

With my head high and a cold stare on my face, I waited for the first students to arrive. Enzo stood slightly behind me, making sure that none of the students would try some stupid tricks.

After the last student entered the hall and the door closed, I breathed in shortly. With a slam of my cane nto the ground, I made sure that everyone looked at me, before I started talking.

"Listen up future evil, I don't like to repeat myself!" Curios eyes fell on me and I supressed a little smirk. "On the hallways you find your class schedules and your dormitories! It's best for you to remember both."

I made a short break and looked over the crowed. Some of them seemed like they had good potential, but I wouldn't expect to much of them.

"You need to study hard, if you want to defeat the Evers! Now get out of my sight!" They all started running and stumbling out of here. All expect of three girls.

They stared at me and I stared back, curios of why they haven't left the hall yet. "Is there a problem?" "No. I just wanted to see the Lady Lesso for myself. It's a hornor to have you as my teacher."

Something felt off about them, but I shoved that feeling aside. "We'll see how you do in my classes." With that, I turned around and walked out of the hall, Enzo following up behind.

"You noticed that too, right?" Enzo started walking next to me. "That false tone in her voice? Yes. It was like she hated you Mistress." I turned my head to him.

"Why should she? Her mother had never any problems with me." "Her mother was who again?" He opened my office door for me. "Maleficent. Old friend of mine." I stepped into my office and turned back to him.

"Have an eye on those three, yeah? I have the feeling that they will cause more trouble then they should." Enzo bowed shortly, before he walked off, leaving me alone.

I sat down behind my desk and sighed. The last thing I could use right now where three students that wanted to bring me to my knees. They all failed, and just because their mothers were great villians, didn't mean that they would succeed.

Clarissa PoV:

After I had welcomed them all, I made my way over to the school for evil. There was still some time until we would all meet in the big hall, and I wanted to annoy Lesso a little bit.

"Oh hello Enzo." He greeted me and told me that Lesso was in her office. "Perfect, thank you." The students all looked at me with hate and disgust. They would get used to it, like the old students did.

With a smile on my lips, I knocked on her office door and waited. "Already? I have dismissed you like five minutes ago!" The door opened and Lesso stared at me.

"Oh, just you Princes. I thought they would have already caused problems." I chuckled and stepped inside, after she invited me in.

"You really think your students are this evil already?" "I kinda hope so. Now let me guess, you students are behaving perfectly and have the bestes of Ever material?" I rolled my eyes and sat down on her chair.

"Most of them yes, but I think there are some that could be a problem." She seemed suprised, as she leaned against her table. "I never thought I would hear something like that. A Ever that causes problems, wow."

I shook my head and leaned back, patting my lap. Without hesitation, she sat down and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Seems like you learned from last time." "Trust me, I did."

She leaned closer and kissed me softly, her tounge running over my bottom lip. "You know that… we have to go… in like ten minutes?" She stopped and looked at me.

"Enough time for a quicky." "Lesso I swear-" Before I could finish my sentence, she kissed me. "You swear?" Her voice was low and I rolled my eyes.

"We're not having a quicky now." She played sad and crossed her arms. "And now behave, or you will regret it later." "Your gonna punish me?" I nodded. "With sleeping alone in your room."

The little smirk that had formed on her lips vanished and I started laughing. "Your mean… Maybe you should teach my students, to show them what evil looks like." I rolled my eyes.

"Be quiet you little baby. Now come cuddle me." I placed my hands on her ass and pulled her closer. "Hmm~" "Unbelievable." She hid her face in my neck, her lips brushing over my skin.

Slowly, I leaned my head to the side. "That's it… Let me pleasure you…" Her hand sneaked between my legs and up my dress. "Lesso…" "Shhh, shhh, shhh…"

I closed my eyes, letting her do. But she didn't get far, because there was a knock on the door. We both looked at each other and I chuckled at her annoyed face.

"Don't worry Nora, I let you fuck me another time…" She blushed slightly, as she got down from my lap an opened the door.

"Yeah?" "I didn't want to disturb you Lady Lesso, but we can't find Professor Dovey and the greeting is about to start." She turned her head to me and sighed.

I nodded and stood up, grabbing her cane and coat. "We are coming my Dear." I smiled at the yound girl, which smiled back at me. She walked off, as I handed Lesso her things.

"Well, you were about to…" I grabbed her tie and pushed her against the wall. "Don't play with me now. You turned me on and didn't finish it and now we have to hold a speech infront of all the students."

She smirked lightly and I hardened my gaze. "Stop thinking aboout whatever you have in mind and don't play any dumb games on stage… Don't forget who's in control." "I would never, my Queen."

I let go of her tie and fixed my dress, before I walked off to the other school. "Did I upset you so much now, that you won't even wait for me?" I rolled my eyes and stopped to turn around.

"Come Nora, we have to go." She came closer and wrapped her arms around me, before she kissed me softly. "Already here, we can go." I smiled shortly and interwined my arm with hers.

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