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I never do emotions!

Clarissa PoV:

When she had calmed down, we still sat on the ground. "You're feeling better Nora?" She nodded a bit, looking up at me. "I'm, I'm sorry…" "You don't have to be sorry. Come one, let's get you into your chair."

I carefully stood up and held my hand out to her. She hesitated a bit, before she grabbed it and I helped her into the chair.

"You wait here, yes? I'll get Enzo to bring you some water." "Please don't leave me." She grabbed my arm, her eyes starring up into mine. "I just need to go to the door, then I'll be back. I promise." Slowly, she pulled her hand away.

I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead, before I walked to the door and opened it, calling for Enzo. It didn't take long for him to come walking down the hallway.

"Yes?" "Get us some water please. Oh, and maybe something to eat?" He nodded and slightly looked past me. "I'll make sure you two don't get disturbed anymore." I looked shortly over my shoulder and sighed. "That would be great, thanks." He bowed his head, before he walked off.

I closed the door, before I walked back to Leonora. "What happened to me? I never break down! I never do emotions!" "Times have changed, Nora. And after all, you do emoitions now. You love me."

She looked up at me, a cute little smile on her lips. "See? Emotions. And did you die? No." I placed my hands on her cheeks. "I hate you…" "Ofcourse you do."

I leaned down and kissed her softly. "Still hate me?" "Be quiet. I'm still having a existential crisis." I chuckled a bit, to which she slapped my arm.

"That's fair." She looked at me, and now we both laughed. "But still…" "We will talk about that later, alright? And then we make sure that you show that girl that no one gets to talk with my bitch like that."

She blushed, as she tried to look away. "I had to, I'm sorry." "Like I said, I hate you." I chuckled and gave her another kiss.

"We'll see how much you hate me if I fuck you tonight." "Alright, I'll come back later." We both turned our heads to the door, where Anemone was standing.

She seemed not suprised to hear that. On the other hand, Leonora had a redder face then her hair. "No please, stay. We're just waiting on Enzo." "For…?" "Food. Get your mind together Anemone."

She smirked shortly, before she walked inside. "What had happened… here?" "Nothing of your buisness, beauty teacher." Leonora glared at her, to which I softly squeezed her arm.

"Direct as always Red. That's how you know it's her." I chuckled and leaned against the desk. "How can we help?" "I just wanted to see how your first day with the new students went. Maybe get a little picture of how they are."

Leonora and I shared a short look, before I nodded slowly. "Mine are… great." "Sounds like their a problem." I shook my head. "No, they just… They definitly had not all manners teached. Especially the boys."

She chuckled shortly and shook her head. "And we are supposed to make Heros out of them." I nodded.

A knock on the door, made us all look. "Come in." Enzo opened the door and walked in with a plate of food and some water. "And for what I saw, I brought some wine aswell." He pulled out a bottle from the little bag he had with him and we started laughing.

"If I wouldn't be so turned on by girls, I could say I love you Enzo." I turned to Lesso, which grabbed the wine bottle. She stopped, as she saw my stare.

"What? I said if I. If! Comon!" Anemone started laughing, as I rolled my eyes. "I have an idiot as my girlfriend." "Like I said, you love that idiot." I sighed and nodded. "Yes, I do."

Enzo looked back and forth between the three of us. "Do you still need me Mistress?" "No, you can go. And thanks… for this." He bowed his head, before he left the office.

"I think he ist traumatized now." I mumbled, as I watched the door close. "Everyone is a bit traumatized, right?" Lesso chuckled as she said it, openening the wine bottle.

We both looked at her. "W-what?" I pinched the bridge of my nose, as Anemone laughed. "Not everyone is traumatized Nora." "No…? Hows that fair?" Now I laughed a bit aswell.

"Stop thinking and drink your wine." She had a little smirk on her lips, before she started drinking straight from the bottle. "This woman is driving me crazy."

Anemone smiled at us, as she leaned against the desk. "You can manage her, I mean… she's yours, isn't she." I chuckled as I saw Leonoras eyes widen.

"You got a point." Without asking, I grabbed the bottle from her and took a sip. "If you two wanna talk about the things I let her do to me, please wait until I'm gone." "Why? Can't stand listening to your submission to me?" She blushed as she looked down.

"I think that's a yes." We both started laughing, as Leonora grabbed her plate. "Your mean." "But you love it."  I leaned a bit closer to her ear. "Don't you, my sweet little girl?" She looked slightly at me.

"I'm still here, don't forget that. So stop the eye fucking." I smirked shortly, before I leaned back up. "Sorry." Leonora stayed quiet, as I started to chat around a bit with Anemone.

"Well, I gotta go. Do you need some fairys to clean this up?" "I would rather kill myself, then let them in here." She nodded slowly. "So that's a no. Alright."

She walked back to the door, wishing us a good day, before she left her office. "Fairys. She really said fairys." I rolled my eyes, as I turned back to her.

"You're feeling better Nora?" She nodded a bit, leaning back. "I don't even know what happened with me. I never react that way. And then over something so stupid."

I held my hand out, which she grabbed. Carefully, I pulled her up and into my arms, hugging her close. "Don't say that. It's normal for people to not beeing able to control their emotions."

She looked into my eyes, before she kissed me. Her fingers started playing with my hair, as she melted more into me.

"Why don't we tell Enzo to clean this mess up and we go take a bath?" "Just a bath?" I rolled my eyes. "Behave and you will find out." I grabbed her tie, before I pulled her with me out of the office.

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