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Snowball fights

Leonora PoV:

It was pretty dark, when I left my office. I swear, someone cursed the papers to re-appear. Tired, I walked up to my room, praying that Clarissa would be here. And for my luck she was.

She sat on my armchair, a book in hand and a wine glass besides her. I watched her, taking in the sight. She didn't seem to notice me, which made this even more relaxing.

"You look just like me." She winced, looking at me. "Don't scare me like that!" I chuckled and walked over to her. Some candles were lit and there a was a fire in the camin.

"I'm sorry Princess." I leaned down to kiss her, tasting the wine on her lips. "Hmm~ You chose a good one." "Learning from the best." We both chuckled and I poured myself a glass of wine.

"But to be serious now, your turning me into an alcoholic. How does it come that you always frink, but your never hungover?" "Well, Rafal and I…" She lifted her hands.

"I don't need to know more. I can imagine the rest." I started laughing, as I sat down on the armrest. "Why didn't you get me?" "Well, I figured you had still work to do and I had some hours to relax and read."

She looked up at me with a sweet smile. "But I'm glad your here now. It started to get boring." She pulled me closer to her face by my tie and kissed me.

"Now, what do we do with the schoolmaster problem?" I took a sip of my wine, taking in the flavour. "Like I said, if you don't want to do this, we won't. I understand your reasons, and after you mentioned them, I started to think about this too."

She looked away, placing the book aside. "There are risks. We work together perfectly and look at our relationship. The schoolmaster has so much more work to do and doesn't get to teach as much classes as we have."

I stood up, taking off my coat. "And I think none of us is ready to give up our kids." "Kids! You said it! You think their your kids!" She jumped up, pointing at me.

I rolled my eyes, hanging my coat away. "Maybe I see them like this. Who knows…" "I doooo…" She teased, hugging me softly, as I turned around.

"Back to my point." I kissed her. "You don't want to do this and I have my worries about it too. Let one of them do this job. But someone we can control, so we don't get into any troubles."

She chuckled and nodded, holding me close. "Sounds like a plan. Now, the question is who do we choose?" I shrugged and walked over to my wine glass, downing it.

"Slow down you alcoholic and start thinking." "As you wish." I sat down on my armchair and sighed.

Some minutes of silence passed, before Clarissa spoke again. "You know, there is only one name in my mind." "I know, but can we give her that burden?" I turned to her, to see her shrug.

"We could ask her, if she would want to do it." She mumbled, letting herself fall back onto the bed. "And because she's alone, there won't be a chance she goes crazy." "How nice you say that."

I chuckled and stood up, walking over to her. "I know. So, we're gonna ask her tomorrow?" She nodded and held her arms up to me.

"Don't want me to eat you out?" There was a slight blush on her face, as she shook her head. "I'm to tired for this now. Just some cuddles. And you talking about your day or so. I love listening to your voice."

I smiled, as I took of my suit top and changed into some sweat pants. As I did, Clarissa laid down on the bed completely, waiting for me to join her.

Carefully, I crawled into bed with her, pulling her into my arms, She hid her face in my chest and I felt the soft smirk against my skin.

"Like it down there?" "Mhm… Now, tell me about something. Anything." I nodded and admired her, as I thought about something I could tell her. There was only one thing that came to my mind.

"You know, I love the winter. And christmas and everything around it." She snuggled closer, as I pulled the blanket higher. "I never really enjoyed it, since I came here, because of… him."

Her arms wrapped around me, when I started to scratch her back. "I want to celebrate it again this year. Together with you. Enjoy this winter like I did when I was a little girl."

She was slowly drifitng off to sleep, I knew it. "I love the little walks through the snow, when your nose turns red and when you get back inside you heat up infront of a chimney."

I kissed her head softly, lowering my voice to a soft whisper. "And maybe I will start a snowball fight with some of the students that stay over winter." "You mean your kids…" She mumbled and I nodded.

"Yeah, with my kids… On christmas eve, we can exchange little gifts and just enjoy ourselves. I don't when I last felt such excitement, when I talked about something."

She looked up at me, a sleepy smile on her lips. "It means your going soft." I rolled my eyes and kissed her softly. With my hands in her hair, I started to make out with her sleepingly.

"God I love it when you kiss me like this." "I do too… But do you know what I love more?" She shook her head, closing her eyes. "You. I love you more." "Cheesy." We both chuckled.

I kissed her forehead and held her close. "Just be quiet." With that, I turned my hand to blow out the candles and the fire in the chimney.

The next morning came way to soon. I would have loved to stay in bed with Clarissa some more.

"Look at that." "Did it snow?" I sat up and looked at her. She chuckled softly, shaking her head. "No, but it should start the next few days. The windows are already frozen."

I got out of bed and walked over to her, looking at the frozen cristlas on our window. "Isn't this beautiful?" "It is… But it means thta it's cold outside. And that'S what I hate."

I chuckled and kisssed the side of her head softly. "Don't worry, you can have one of my coats to keep you warm." She smiled and turned to me.

"I can't look at you, I'm freezing when I do. How can you sleep without a shirt?" "What? I thought you loved my body…" She rolled her eyes and walked over to the closet.

"My body is keeping you warm and yours is keeping mine warm, so I don't need a shirt. And besides that, I can handle the cold better than you." I wrapped my arms around her from behind and kissed her neck softly.

"I know you can. You sick pyscho." "Pfff." I stepped next to her, grabbing my clothes. "You know I'm just joking." "I know, don't worry Princess." She smiled at me, before she walked off into the bathroom.

After some minutes, she came back out, already done. I was putting on my heels, as she leaned down and kissed my head.

"I see you later Nora. I'm gonna go, see if I can find Anemone and talk with her about out little idea." I nodded and smiled at her, before I watched as she walked ouf ot the room.

She looked so cute with the little scarf, matching her outfit. And I bet she would look even cuter when she had winter clothes on. Her little frame in puffy clothes, she would look like a little puppy.

I smiled at that thought, grabbing my coat, before I left the room myself.

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