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I want to make this real…

Clarissa PoV:

A few days passed by and Lesso slowly started to feel better. The doctor said that she was almost as good as new, but that she still had to take things slow.

"So that means still no… 'sport'?" I slapped her arm and apologised for her behavior, before I pulled her out of the room.

"That poor woman." Lesso only chuckled, smiling at me. "Now comon, that was a valid question! And you can't tell me that you don't miss it." I blush slightly and turn to her.

"You better be quiet now. Don't forget who is in control." She smirked and wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me softly. "How could I ever forget that, my Queen?"

I smile into the kiss, rolling my eyes playfully. "You are unbelievable." "I always take that as praise, you know?" With a soft glare, I start to chuckle, pulling her back close to me.

"I love you Nora." She carefully wrapped her arms around me and I made sure not to hurt her, as she kissed my head softly. "I love you too. Now can we go back to our room?" "Scared some of your students might see you so soft?" Now she rolled her eyes and started walking.

"That was a valid question!" I say, following her. "Using my own words against me, hm?" "Just learning from the best." We both chuckle, as we walk down the hallway.

It was a littlel later that day and I stood at the window, looking outside. "What's up? You have been staring out of the window for almost half an hour now. Tell me what's bothering you."

I turn around to her, a small smile lips on my lips. "Just some school stuff… Don't worry Nora." She tilted her head slightly and I knew that she wasn't believing a single word I just said.

"And that is the truth?" I nod, walking back to the bed. "Yes. Just some school stuff, nothing you need to worry about." Carefully, I sat down and looked into her eyes.

"But it bothers you. I don't like to see you so stressed Princess." She held her arms open and I cuddled into her. "You are to good for me." "Don't say that. You deserve everything I can give you and so much more."

I chuckle and hold her close. "Softie…" "Watch out or I take back what I just said." Now we both laughed and a feeling of happiness came over me.

After some time, I looked up at her. "Wanna take a walk in the garden?" "Do we have to?" I nod and sit up. "Comon. It will be relaxing and romantic." She sighs and sits up aswell. "Alright."

I change into some more comfy clothes, before I join Lesso and interwine her arm with mine. "If it get's to much you have to say it, then we wil take a break, yeah?" "I'm just hurt, not 96."

She looks at me as I try not to laugh. "Yeah, yeah, funny, funny." Even though she sounded annoyed, I saw the little amused smile on her lips.

Slowly, we made our way over to the garden behind the school for good. It had been some time since I was last here with Lesso and I decided to make this walk a little more special then the others.

Now walking along those beautiful flowers, I slowly started to feel nervous. What if she wasn't ready? What if she never intendet to bring our relationship so far?

I looked at her slightly, trying to calm me down. We were here now and there was no going back. Unless, I could just continue our walk and never mention a thing. I shook my head, which caught Lesso's attention.

"Are you alright?" "Yeah… Just some bug or so that tickled my neck." She chuckled silently, following me to a more open place under a beautiful glowing tree.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" She stepped a bit closer to the railing, looking up at the moon which was shining down at us. "It is… A really beautiful sight."

I took a deep breath and looked at her, my heart pouding so heavy that I almost couldn't hear anything anymore. Slowly, I go down on one knee, trying not to fall over from how nervous I was.

"You know Lesso, I have been thinking a lot about us and our relationship… And how it had been the best thing in my life so far…" I watch as she slowly turns around, looking down at me, a suprised look on her face.

"I really cannot imagine another day where we are not together, and I am certain that… and know… that my love for you will always stay the same, when not even get more…" She looks down at me, her eyes had a soft sparkle in them, as the light from the moon framed her perfectly.

With a deep breath, I pull the ring out of my jacket and hold it up to her. My hands shaking, as I try to find my voice again.

"So, I want to make this real… I want to marry you Leonora…" Our eyes melt into one another, as I try to figure out what she was thinking about this.

"Marry… me?" I nod slowly, fear rising in me that she would say no. A wide smile came to her lips, as she pulled me back to my feet and pulled me in for a kiss.

Completely overwhelmed, I kiss back, looking into her eyes. "I would love to marry you Princess." She stared back at me and I clearly saw the tears that where running down her cheeks.

"Naww, did I make you cry?" "Just be quiet…" She pulled me in for another kiss, her hands cupping my face. I smile into the kiss, melting under her touch.

As we part, I take her hand and carefully put the ring on. It was a beautiful red ring with some red accents. She slowly lifted her hand and looked at it, as the moon light reflected in it.

"It is beautiful…" Her face turned back to me and carefully wiped the tears away. "You are so cute Lesso." "Just be quiet…" I chuckle and kiss her cheek, before hugging her softly, just holding this moment between us two.

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